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irisda Sat, Dec-13-03 11:16

hello hardcorer-erers???

sample breakfast menu (i have this every weekday morning before breakfast)
mock danish - 1 egg, splash cinnamon, 1 ounce cream cheese, and davinci white chocolate syrup whipped in bowl and then nuked for 3 minutes. 3 strips of thick sliced bacon or 2 sausage patties. One latte (3/4 cup filled with industrial strength coffee, and then top of cup with half/half and davinci chocolate syrup.

snack --- generally nuts.

lunch salad - romaine lettuce, tomatoes, green onions, some type of meet beef or chicken.

Generally steak I love ribeyes with a large salad with sour cream added to beef up fat and calories.

Do either of you have some fresh ideas for variation. I have to tell you that the latte and the mock danish in the morning really really curb my cravings for wanting something sweet.

starchile Sat, Dec-13-03 12:26

I don't have much time so I'm using the quick reply but I will be back later.

I just wanted to say YOU ROCK KRISTINA!!!!!!! YEEEAAAAAA

chubybuddy Sat, Dec-13-03 16:22

Hello, Where are you today!!

I am so thrilled my husband made me a pair of gorgeous velvet pants in dark brown they were to small I couldn't even get them around my behind and they were stretch velvet. I
got them up to day all the way..they are still snug but, I bet by Christmas they will be ready to wear. He is thrilled. They have a velvet ruffle around the bottom and I loved them
and was so bumbed when I couldn't even get them on. Well now they are on girl!!!

I am looking through the cook book and getting great ideas am on my way to the store to purchase all my fun finds will let you know when I start cooking how some of the recipes
turned out.

The clouds are thick here and the air smells of winter..that would call for food. Comfort food!! I am thinking about my Bakery today and missing everyone. I will not go in the door
until I get under 200.

I have two sisters that weigh 115 they think 130 is huge. If they knew how much I actually weighed they would freak. My older sister is going to Paris with me in the spring so I have
to get this weight off. I could live with 170 and be ok by then. I am aiming for 170 at least by spring. May is the deadline for that. six months. The way I am progressing I think that
may be a possibility.

Looking forward to hearing from you..


irisda Sat, Dec-13-03 20:06

Chuby you sound so pumped up. I want to congratulate on your can do attitude. I look forward to getting to know you better. I see that you just started your program this month. Isnt this WOE exciting. No more starvation!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once again, I am a big believer that a positive attitude is necessary in everything we want to acomplish and you my friend have got it going.

neen Sat, Dec-13-03 20:54

Hi there;

I would like to tell you how I am doing it. I started Atkins last Janruary right after x-mas. I was so scared to start before so I told myself it was o.k to start after. I made a few very tough descisions. I made a resolution that I would no longer let anyone but me control what I ate. I would not eat if they made me happy, sad, glad or mad.I let other people dictate to me and control me and it wasn't happening another day. I was in control of my eating for the first time in my life. I felt very powerful. Next, I told myself that I was not going to stay on this program for the rest of my life if I couldn't be happy doing it,so therefore I made a committment to learn new recipes and adaptatios. This has been great. Finally I am not going to give up resaraunt eating so I had to learn what was acceptable. Finally on of the biggest things I did and maybe the best was stopped weighing in my home. I joined a group of friends and we weigh every Tuesday night. I do not get on a scale at any other time. I feel this alone has set me free.
It has been 1 year and 70 pounds later and I still am as committed as I was a year ago. I have made a descion to take 3 weeks off the program for Christmas and then resume on Jan 6. No guilt. I made a self-controlled descision.
I will continue to check this post and see how things are.


starchile Sun, Dec-14-03 01:53

Hey Ladies!
Hope everyone is doing well!!!

Kristina: Congratulations again on your weight loss!! AND I am proud of you ALSO! Those velvet pants sound CUTE. WOO-HOO!

Also, thank you for your concern with re: the egg fast. I only planned on doing it for three days and like I said it helps me to get rid of my cravings (i've done it's basically the same as the Atkin's suggested "Fat Fast") ;)

Iris: Thanks for sharing your secrets to success with us. This woe is soooo amazingly easy. When I get off track I seem to forget that. BUT I orignally lost 62 pounds by doing this and felt WONDERFUL! I'm looking forward to continuing on my path and getting back to feeling IN CONTROL.

I wish you continued success! But it sounds like YOU have it "going on"!! :yay:

Sooooo, more on what's motivating me to continue on this path. First and foremost, I want to do this for me. I'm not trying to get down to a size 6 or anything like that. I am a big girl and I've always been and I LIKE having some size on me so for me it's just about getting to a size where I feel comfortable...which at this point is a size 18...a TONED size 18.

The second reason why I want to get to an 18 is b/c it is a very marketable size in Plus Modeling. I have the opportunity to meet with one of the biggest Modeling agencies in the world--Wilhelmina New York, and I want to make the best impression possible. Actually she said that she was interested in me at a size 20 even but there wasn't that much work for that size. So, seeing as how my goal was a size 18 already, it's just more motivation.

The whole modeling thing is fun but VERY scary!!! :rolleyes:

Anyway, here's my checkin for the day:

Breakfast: eggsalad

Lunch: salad--romaine lettuce, red bell peppers, feta, mushrooms sauteed in butter and garlic, crumbled bacon, olive oil and white whine vinegar

Dinner: Breakfast burrito- 2 LC tortillas, 2 eggs, cheddar cheese, sausage, 2 tsp. salsa

approx. 30 oz...not very good

None today (which is ok)

chubybuddy Sun, Dec-14-03 18:30

Its Sunday, WHERE ARE YOU? I am feeling hungry all day today. I think its a PMS thing. I am missing BEN and JERRY
My how my mood swings seems like I can't get through one day of total bliss to be knocked on my butt the next with
these damn thoughts. Its worse then sex what Ben and Jerry have done to me. I know I could have resisted turned the
other way. I am drinking a crazy eggnog I made myself and it is so yummy..I used six eggs, heavy cream, and sugar
substitute..I did not use rum although I was tempted. I am just trying to come up with goods things for myself at
Christmas while the whole family stuffs themselves.

Well, I did not walk my two miles. I have been lounging all day..It Sunday a day off. Not from the diet but from worrying.

Hope the see you on Monday with good news and posting...

Missing you


irisda Sun, Dec-14-03 19:20

Hey chuby,

Are you getting enough calories? The school of thought is that on Atkins its good to consume 10-12X your body weight in calories :rolleyes: Make sure you are getting enough fat in your diet. Also that souns like a good substitue for eggnog you had. In an earlier post I told you about my morning breakfast with the "mock danish". There are several variations on this recipe in the recipe thread of this site. It seems to really help with my sweet cravings. It looks like you are just beginning Atkins? I just want to give you a word of advice and keep your induction completely clean. Its difficult but try to grit your teeth and bare through the cravings during induction. Its a great detox.

Talk to you later.

chubybuddy Mon, Dec-15-03 12:22

Are you there?? I feel like I am talking to the wall. I will wait until tomorrow and then find another Buddy..This is
not my idea of hardcore.

Hope your well,


irisda Mon, Dec-15-03 12:45

Is this a private club?

starchile Mon, Dec-15-03 16:53

I'm Here!!
Hello Kristina and Iris:

I hope you both are doing well! :wiggle:

Hmmm...are you guys getting/reading my posts???? I'm wondering b/c the last time I posted was Saturday and I including personal messages to EACH of you. So, I'm not sure why Iris is asking if this is a private club and I'm not quite sure why Kristina is feeling unsupported. :confused:

Also, I guess I should have mentioned it on Saturday but yesterday I didn't post because I had a photo shoot all day--from 7am until around 6pm and I didn't get in my house until 8:30pm. I was VERY tired and figured I would just post my information today.

Sooooooo...this is NOT a private forum and I love having BOTH of you ladies here, I think it's WONDERFUL--but if anyone doesn't feel supported and would like to find other buddies then that is what needs to happen. We are all here for ONE reason only and that is to get support for our weight loss and we need to do that whatever way feels best to us.

With that said!! :)

I'm doing really well!!! I am in Ketosis BIG TIME!

Here's my checkin for yesterday and so far today

Breakfast- Sausage and string cheese
Lunch- Huge Ceasar salad w/ chicken (no croutons)
Dinner- 2 breakfast burritos (ingrediants same as other post)

GREAT!!! Over 64oz!!! I'm drooooowwnninngg! :roll:

Well, no exercise in the standard sense but I tell you, that shoot was a workout in itself!!! I think the total time I was there, I sat for MAYBE 45 minutes!!!

Breakfast: 1 breakfast burrito

Another good day!! On my way to way over 64!

3/4 of a curves w/out! went around once and then b/c I had business to take care of, just worked out on the leg machines a second time and then took off. Still worked up quite a sweat though!

Ok Ladies!!!!! Have a wonderful day and I hope you guys decide to stick around! I'd love for us to reach the "finish line" together!

Peace and Balance,

starchile Mon, Dec-15-03 16:59

By the way...just so you know, I do not work a regular
8-5pm job where I have regular times that I can check my messages...I get online WHEN I CAN which unfortunately means that sometimes it may be in the afternoon and sometimes it may be late at night, it just depends on my schedule THAT day. So, Kristina if what you need is someone that is able to get on more of a set time then maybe it is best to find someone else. Just a thought!! Talk soon! :) tes

starchile Mon, Dec-15-03 20:21

OY!!! I forgot to add that I'm down 3 pounds! YEEAAA!

Aushia Mon, Jan-05-04 19:39

Hi All,

I hope it isn't too late to join the party. I have been reading your posts and really think I need to extra support and kick in the butt that you all can provide.

I have been doing LC for 2 months now...have had some great success...for me anyway...but I really need some discipline to keep it going....have been cheat free pretty much but every day would like to dive into the closest plate of pasta...

Dreamt of lemon cake last night....I actually ate it and woke up feeling like I just cheated but boy was the dream cake good...

Maybe with some extra encouragement I can keep going...o ya...I am not a bad butt kicker either....


Lessara Mon, Jan-05-04 20:00

Hi Tesia! I haven't seen you in sooo long! I know what you mean Girl, I was as low as 270 and now I'm 298! I keep asking why why why do I keep eating things I'm not suppose to when I feel so good low carbing and my body looks great?! How did your egg fast go?

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