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madpiano Sat, Sep-01-01 13:10

Where exactly is it going to be and when ???

fiona Sun, Sep-02-01 04:20

Kilburn area
Hi Madpiano (!)

It is next Saturday 8th September in London NW2 area (near Kilburn) starting approximately 4pm.

If you would definitely like to commit to coming please let me have your e-mail address and I will let you have full details.

Take care.

madpiano Sun, Sep-02-01 04:47

Hello Fiona

My e-mail address is


Is it ok, if I bring my daughter with me ?

Which is the nearest Tube station ?


fiona Sun, Sep-02-01 05:58

Kilburn or Willesden Green : Tube
Hi Sabine

I don't really see a MAJOR problem with your daughter being there. However it does depend ... she will be the only child there and may get bored. We are holding this first gathering at a friend's place ... her place is not exactly child-proof (if you know what I mean ;) ) I would not dream of bringing my nephew along for instance because, much as I love him, he is such an unstoppable LIVE-WIRE that it would be too distracting and unsafe to have him with me !

You know your daughter best. I will let you decide. Perhaps if you bring something that will keep her busy and occupied it would help.

Hope you will come though.
Take care.

fiona Sun, Sep-02-01 06:03

List of People coming
For everyone's benefit I thought I would just mention here that the best way of keeping to a current list of people coming/not coming etc. is to keep amending my original one on page 1 rather than creating a new one which is only minutely different from the last one.

You can see when it was last amended at the bottom of the post.
Take care.

madpiano Sun, Sep-02-01 06:10

Hi Fiona

Well, I will definitly come along (I see what I do about my daughter. She is ok, regarding wrecking places, but you are right, she might well get bored), could you let me know the exact details ?

See you,

fiona Sun, Sep-02-01 07:05

e-mail address
Hi Sabine

Great. Details on the way.

I have removed your e-mail address from the Board - to protect you from Spam.

Looking forward to seeing you.
Take care.

fiona Sun, Sep-02-01 10:58

Any more?
I am soooo looking forward to meeting you all next Saturday.

Some final thoughts ... if you have any please let me know.

I would like this to be a fun time.

However I am aware we will be expected to post a photo on the Board. Naturally they all want to see our beautiful faces. Give it some thought. I myself do not have a digital camera or a scanner so would be unable to post it. Assuming you would all be happy to have your photo online in the first instance, would you prefer it to be faceless (there are some on the board!), bodiless or top to toe? We'll take a vote on the day.

Secondly I manage to put spices into almost everything I cook. I just wanted to put out feelers about how you feel about them. Naturally I would make it mild but wondered how you all feel? I can lock the Spice cupboard away if anyone doesn't like Indian? But do let me know. Menu is quite simple. Curried chicken drumsticks, Devilled eggs and nuts. Assorted herbal teas, tea and coffee for drinks.

You are welcome to bring a recipe or a LC dish of your choice or anything else you wish to share but most important is that you yourselves come.

I have some homework for you all. Learn the words of my favourite dance - adapted to LC of course. We'll see how things go but I'd like to teach you the movements that go with the words - you will enjoy it ... I promise!

May the road rise beautifully for you
May the wind be always on your back
May the sun shine warmly upon your face
May the rain fall softly on your rice fields
And until we meet again
May you be supported on your LC journey.

Finally I think you all have the address.

fiona Sun, Sep-02-01 11:02

Following some points people have raised I have decided to post this on the Board (minus some finer details). It also gives those who will be with us “in spirit” an idea of how the very first UK LC Gathering is progressing.

There is parking available at or near the venue. It is reasonably safe – what exactly is “safe” these days?

I think the photo dilema is sorted so there will be a photo on the Board – not quite sure if the whole group will be in it but definitely 2-3 people are quite happy about it.

Although the menu at the moment is fairly simplistic I am renowned for going totally overboard when entertaining … nervous energy builds up as the day draws closer and my final menu never looks anywhere near the original. This time my only aim is to have NO carb items on the table. There will be non-spicy foods as well.

Alcohol: I haven’t included it because I myself am teetotal and my knowledge about alcoholic drinks is minimal, never mind Low Carb ones. However if anyone would like to bring a bottle of what they KNOW to be lowcarb .. feel free.

fiona Sun, Sep-02-01 11:36

Low-down on Alcohol
As if by magic ... the answer to my question as provided by Karen.

The low-down on alcohol is this...
Your body burns in this order: alcohol, carbs and then fat. Alcohol has no carbs, but because your body chooses alcohol first your fat is the last ot burn.

But to answer your question, any spirit with a sugar free mixer.


The thread is in Chit-Chat for those interested in investigating further.

Ken Sun, Sep-02-01 14:51

Originally posted by madpiano
I see what I do about my daughter. She is ok, regarding wrecking places, but you are right, she might well get bored.

Hi Sabine,

Don't worry too much if you have to bring your daughter along as Margaret (my wife) is a Nursery Nurse/Brown Owl (Brownies)/ Sunday School Teacher, so she will be able to keep her occupied/happy :) :)

Looking forward to meeting everyone.

Take care

Ken (& Margaret)


fiona Sun, Sep-02-01 14:59

More magic !
Ken: Margaret (my wife) is a Nursery Nurse/Brown Owl (Brownies)/ Sunday School Teacher, so she will be able to keep her occupied/happy
Wow! More magical solutions. The Whoosh Fairy is certainly shining her light on this gathering.

Sabine your daughter will be well taken care of. Thanks Margaret. I love kids too but thought I might be pulled in various directions on the day. They have their own magic!
Take care

madpiano Sun, Sep-02-01 15:00

Thanks for that. I am not sure if BF is working or not. He will find out Friday.

Does anyone know, if Cinzano is LC ?

fiona Tue, Sep-04-01 00:46

We may have 2 more wannabe LCers coming to the party folks!
Take care.

Andy Davies Wed, Sep-05-01 17:56

Hi all,

While you are assembling in London on Saturday, I will try and get a few minutes to post on this thread. If anyone is online there at the time, I will try and visit the Chatroom (if any of you are agreeable) for a few minutes of online chat. That is, if any of you are interested, and if my wonderful children are being co-operative!

Good luck in any case.

Best wishes.

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