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xnikx Thu, Dec-07-06 05:33

i dont have all symptoms neither, iv always been pretty hairy so dont think thats linked with pcos, i get some spots but not extreme, im obese and depressed though, never used to have periods maybe once every 4-7months but then doc put me on the pill dianette for a few months and then after that iv had a period every month since and its been 2years, doc says it prob just needed something to stimulate my ovaries, although recently my periods have been 2 or 3 days earlier the past 4months, when usualy im either bang on time or a few days late, so not sure if bein early is anything to be worried about...

Hol Mon, Dec-18-06 20:57

Hi, I have been recently been told by my Doc that I too have PCOS. He recommened that I do a low carb diet. I have been on atkins in the past and lost 30+ #'s. I now find that I really need to stick with this for my health. I know that there is alot of uncertainty out there on this but most of the Docs agree on the low carb diet. I have not been tested to see if I am insulin resistant yet. I do not have many of the symptoms just abdominal pain and late periods. So I wait for the next 2 months and go back to see my next step. I just want the pain to end. Does anyone else have alot of pain?? How has the LC life change helped them? Thanks, Hol

lollie22 Tue, Dec-19-06 07:31

thanks for that info-are you still on this drug to keep periods regular? Or did you take it for a couple months and it regulated you?

xnikx Tue, Dec-19-06 21:08

was that last message for me?? i was on diannette (to help regulate periods) from oct 2004-dec 2004 and that was all i took, two months worth, and then i stopped takin it from then and ever since iv had periods every single month now 2years later. the doctor said its possible my ovaries just needed some stimulation to get them goin, cause before that i would only have them once every 4-7months

lollie22 Wed, Dec-20-06 08:52

Dianette response
thanks-yes replying to you...appreciate the info!

xnikx Wed, Dec-20-06 16:55

iv got my 6monthly appointment with the GYN tomorow, but every time i go they always say thats great keep takin the metformin and will see u in 6months, if they say it this time i want my bus fare paid for grrrr

Nuna Sun, Mar-04-07 12:38

Just wanted to add PCOS should not be self diagnosed, you really need to see a doctor for that so he can do the proper blood tests and exam. Hormonal levels are a major factor and only a doctor can find out what that is. MANY symptoms of pcos could be normal for some women or may be some ting else NOT related to pcos. :wave:

gottma Sat, Dec-15-07 08:35

I am pretty sure that I have PCOS. I have been trying for over a year to get preg-no luck. I have symptoms-hair loss etc but I am thin 4/6 so people brush it off. I work out and eat healthy; so it is frustrating. My sister has PCOS; but she is about 30lbs overweight. I also believe my grandma and aunt had it.

amethyst70 Mon, Mar-10-08 06:22

Gottma-curious how you are doing?

I too suffer from PCOS, as well as Graves disease. Suffered thru secondary infertility for approx 10 years before a diagnosis on both. 3 years prior to getting pregnant and endo suggested I try LCing but I just couldn't do it. Then one day at work my cube mate was eating a LC bar and told me all about Atkins. I started that day with her help and coaching. I was able to conceive in May of 2003 after being on Atkins for some time. Also with the help of Clomid. I went back to modified eating of carbs and balanced diet while pregnant. After having baby, I went to a modified lower carb diet, but nothing like Atkins. 8 months later I became pregnant on my own. After having that child, I was able to maintain my pre pregnancy weight, thanks to my thyroid being out of whack. LOL. I had to take prometrium thru both pregnancys though due to my such low progesterone levels.

I became pregnant in July 07 after following Atkins for approx 2 weeks. I was unable to get into a Dr soon enough to get the much needed prometrium script and lost my baby on 8/16. Which leads me to now, and why I am back on Atkins for life.

I am convinced LCing is the way to go for PCOSers. ESPECIALLY with the weight issues and infertility.

Also do not give up hope. I have a friend, who isn't the classical PCOS dx. She is relatively thin, but hairy. Also unable to conceive after spending over $50,000 on infertility treatments, they adopted 2 wonderful boys, AND she just delivered a beautiful boy she conceived on her own at the wonderful age of 42. What a surprise. They say PCOS improves with age. Go Figure.

loumg82 Sat, Mar-27-10 14:32

Wow! The BBC article on fertility really does make you mad!
That poor woman, trying every low fat fad under the sun and convinced by the medical profession that her failure 'boils down to (her) lack of willpower'. I pray she stumbles upon this site one day.
I personally think we should go back to the good old days, where doctors prescribed low carb diets for diabetes, and hopefully extend that to all insulin disorders, including PCOS.

laxchick Tue, Jun-22-10 12:18

PCOS Treatment Webinar
Hey Everyone!
I found this on Shady Grove Fertility and I thought that maybe others might want to tune in as well. Dr. Levens With Shady Grove Fertility will be hosting a webinar on June 24th at 7pm about PCOS treatment and options. There will also be an "ask the expert" time at the end of the webinar. To watch the webinar all you have to do is register at for free! Hope this can be helpful!

jt00010 Thu, Jan-02-14 18:01

I'm in the same boat as Nicola.... Completely lost with what i can and can't eat...

I have PCOS, insulin resistance, depression, anxiety and ADHD. Excess hair, mood swings, acne... But I'm a healthy weight and only 26.

I'm concerned that I have heard many negative comments about my gynaecologist and she has given me conflicting information, as does the web.

I'm on 150mg of Metformin as well as HRT, oestriadol, anti depressants and Ritalin. Quite a cocktail in the mornings.

At one point the gynae said absolutely no carbs or sugar... And that included fruit and milk. But then on another occasion she said carbs and sugar were okay in small amounts. WHAAAAT?! I'm completely confused, and with only one ovary left with lost of evil cysts attacking it, fertility is also creeping up rapidly as a problem.

Would appreciate any help or advice anyone could give me.

Jen x

pivoine Sun, Aug-03-14 13:05

The first time I tried the Atkins diet in 1998 or so, it was to see if it could help my PCOS. I was hairy, fat, depressed, had acne all over my back, and almost never got a period. After one week on the Atkins diet I got my period. So I would take that as absolute proof positive that Atkins works for PCOS, and that we should be on it, and stick to it.

Unfortunately, I didn't stick with it at the time, instead I persuaded a doctor to put me on Metformin, which has I guess about the same effect as being on the Atkins diet. Metformin made my acne go away, and regularised periods but did nothing for the body and facial hair, or didn't seem to do much. Now I'm back on Atkins, but I can't tell if it has any effect on my PCOS because I no longer have a uterus. I do, however, still have my ovaries.

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