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Sela Wed, Aug-27-03 07:16

Hmmmmm, well good luck with all of that. I know if I was this girl and saw what you just posted in here, I wouldn't give you the time of the matter what you looked like :Puke:

All I can say is, I hope you find someone as shallow as you are :rolleyes:

Arrowhead Wed, Aug-27-03 08:57

Originally Posted by Sela
Hmmmmm, well good luck with all of that. I know if I was this girl and saw what you just posted in here, I wouldn't give you the time of the matter what you looked like :Puke:

All I can say is, I hope you find someone as shallow as you are :rolleyes:

He's a guy there's nothing we can do about it. Men are attracted to women physically at first- then in time we grow to love them for the complete person.

However, women pretty much control the "game". For instance a man will introduce himself to a woman and but the woman is the one that pretty much determines whether or not "its going to happen", and usually a woman will decide very early on if she's attracted to a man.

In life men typiclly break the ice, but women typically do the rejecting. I think it has to do with the nature of the species- biologically women must devote a full nine months to procreation, where hypothetically all man has to devote is just a few seconds and his job is done. Because of this difference in nature, women control the cards.

When meeting a woman, I know that she decides within the first few minutes of meeting me if she is interested or not. If she is interested, all I can do from then on is screw it up.

ichihuahua Wed, Aug-27-03 09:07

All I know is that beautiful girls don't go for ugly guys and vice versa.

I've been conditioned, like many young men of my generation, to only respond to thin attractive girls. I know how unfair and hypocritical this is, but it's hard to get over this conditionment when the media has bombarded you with it since you're a kid. It's not just me though, women do the same.

Please don't make blanket statements like these. This is not true of all women, especially 'quality' women, regardless of what they look like. Even extraordinarily beautiful women like Iman, Julia Roberts, and Jerry Hall have fallen for 'less than buff and beautiful' men, and they have the looks, power, and money to have whatever they want! In addition (and lord help us all over this whole 'victim's complex' thing) conditioning can be undone. We are all doing it with our food choices right now! I urge you to consider changing your mind as well. You and your future ladies will appreciate it.

Besides, it is never worth endangering your health for a piece of *ss. Obviously, since it is not her personality that's attracting you, you are not looking for a little bit of conversation here. Nor is it worth compromising your personal worth to date someone who is shallow enough to only consider the outside. What an empty relationship that would be. Spend your time pursuing something worthwhile. Life is too precious to waste on anything less.


Arrowhead Wed, Aug-27-03 09:07

Originally Posted by Noram
Hello. I got on Atkins in july for a reason probably different than most of you. I have an unbearable crush on a classmate of mine (not just some petty crush...I've had plenty of crushes in my 20 years, but none of them made me actually try losing weight) , and have no way of dating a girl like her with my current looks. What this means is that there is some sort of a mental deadline in my head that's strongly pressuring me to get results quickly, an inconvenience you guys don't seem to have.

I'm currently at 240 (25lbs loss), hoping to lose another 70lbs ASAP (170 is the ideal weight for a 5"6, isn't it?). I've been stalled for a long time, and when I stopped seeing results as impressive as those of the first three weeks, I started doing some minor cheating (like occasionally eating 5 raisins, or 5 nuts, or some such). [EDITED: after reading that "carb blowout day helped me get past my stall" thread, I went out this evening and bought a cheeseburger and onion rings]

I've read in the other posts that you stop seeing quick results after induction (btw I never left induction), and the results of other forum members showed weak weight loss that became significant over long periods of time. I simply don't have time. So I'd like to know what it is I can do to make Atkins (or weight loss in general) significantly more effective. I was hoping to lose the 70lbs in 3 months, no matter what extremes I must go to.

Any help?

I can give you some advice but I must forewarn you, if you want to keep this weight off... you have to lose it for yourself, not anyone else.

I think you can lose a lot weight in a few months if you do a couple things.

(1) Drink a TON of Water. I mean a TON.

(2) Workout twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Do weights and High intensity interval training so that you get your heart rate up really high in short spurts. Both of these will promote growth hormone expression which will help your body A TON.
Working out twice a day keeps your metabolism up. Mix up the training and do different activities so that the body never gets comfortable.

Get an exercise bike or a rowing machine that you can slowly use while watching tv at night. In addition to HIIT, casual exercise helps a lot.

(3) Keep your carbs WAY Down. You know the drill. However, about once a week, cheat and eat some rice- if you like a little sushi is perfect, that will tell your body that carbs are still availabe and not to go into starvation mode. However, NO BINGING.

(4). Nutritional Supplementation. Keep an eye on your potassium and calcium.

(5). Get enough sleep, including REM sleep. Its important to rest properly to recover from workouts.

(6). Avoid alcohol, while its ok in the long run, you dont want to fog the mind, and you want to keep your metabolism up.

Good Luck and keep focussed!

kellyuk Wed, Aug-27-03 09:10

One thing that I don't think has been mentioned is this - if you lose that amount of weight in such a short amount of time you won't be giving your skin time to catch up with your fat loss leaving you with folds of loose skin, what do you think this girl will say about that?

melissasvh Wed, Aug-27-03 09:25

Noram, I wish you best of luck in your endeavor.

I only hope that you gain maturity as you lose weight.

beachmum Wed, Aug-27-03 09:32

Well, I think your story is sweet. JMHO

And I'm hoping to lose about 5 pounds a week, so why not you too? On a practical note, I would exercise--a lot. Get up early and exercise, take a walk at lunch, get out and do something in the evening. However you can fit it in. Even if you don't lose every single 70 pound, at least you will look great (buff--is that still in style?) with the weight you do lose.

Go for it!! Love hopes all things.

And don't forget to tell us how it ends (or begins...)

skibunnie Wed, Aug-27-03 10:30

Keep your calories around 1500, dont go below 1000. Starving yourself does not work, so please dont even try it. You are like most americans, looking for that fast, miracle way to lose weight. If it were that easy, then most americans wouldnt be over weight would they? Losing weight takes hard work, and it doesnt happen over night. You need to go workout, if you dont want to, then dont bother try to lose weight fast. Try walking and working up to jogging. For example, walk for 2 min, jog for one,and so forth. If you are dedicated, and work hard, you can look good in a few months. You wont lose 70 lbs, but you will feel much better about yourself. Oh yeah, and DONT CHEAT! Maybe someday you will realize that happiness doesnt come from how you look. I weighed over 200 lbs when i was younger, and I thought being thin would solve my problems. Well when I got down to 120 lbs, it didnt. Now Im happier with my body at 148 then I was then, and my boyfriend loves me no matter what size I wear.

upncomer Wed, Aug-27-03 10:56

I have one question....what are you going to do if you lose the 70# and ask her out and she "rejects" you? Is it back to the cheeseburgers and onion rings?

If you are not doing this for yourself, I'll betcha $100 that's what will happen.

Lisa N Wed, Aug-27-03 11:18

From a purely practical standpoint, is it possible to lose 70 pounds in 3 months? Maybe. Is it likely? Probably not. Is it advisable? No. In your example of the man who lost 106 pounds in 5 months, keep in mind that he was being medically supervised the entire time. Are you?
You also know nothing about his excercise or metabolism. Examples such as this are extreme and very much not the norm.

Another question you might want to ask yourself is what are you going to do if you achieve this goal and she winds up rejecting because you don't meet some other physical characteristic that she's looking for (not tall enough, not enough muscle, your butt isn't cute enough, wrong color eyes/hair, stretch marks, etc...)? You went out on a carb binge simply because you weren't losing weight fast enough now. How will you react then?
As for your dating endeavors, I wish you lots of luck but I'm with Sela. If I were that girl and read what you have written here, I wouldn't give you the time of day. Shallow guys are a dime a dozen; the "keepers" are far more rare and usually not wrapped in fancy packaging. :rolleyes:

potatofree Wed, Aug-27-03 13:00

My last word on the subject. Doesn't this remind you all of the guy in the movie "Shallow Hal"?

Aside from that, this whole scenario has "train wreck" written all over it... some people will only listen when it's what they WANT to hear. I applaud everyone's valiant efforts to help this boy, but he's DETERMINED that it WILL happen the way he wants. This kind of tunnel-visioned narcissism will only end in disaster, and he has everyone else all lined up to take the blame for him when it fails to work.

Aw, heck, since society has already pre-determined our behavior, let's ALL give up and go out for Krispy Kremes!!!

lauracat28 Wed, Aug-27-03 15:45

Okay i am one to talk becuse it took me since march to lose over 80lbs. But also rember i exsize 2 -3 hrs a day. YES THAT IS HOURS. every one hits what my trainer julie calls a plato where it comes off slower than at frist. Right now i am loseing only a few pouds at a time with all my excize. We changed up michens and change my program but it slowed down. What happens is you body is getting used to the idea of being a diffent wait. My advice is to work though it drink tons and tons of water.

I know you like it to go faster but wouldent we all. I know i want to go down 10lbs at least by september 20th. and one more size. After Julie fished laughing. She said you know gentics has alot to do with it too. And it becuse your getting to your idea weight. it slowing down you buddy has to chatch up to you. It dose not matter how fast you get there but just that you get there.. Set minnie goal. Like i want to lose 10lbs but dont put a date on it. I find if you look at the over all goal that alot of times it too big. So what keeps you going is the minnie goal. Once you hit that then set another minnie goal. You feel great once you get to the minnie goal.


harleydee Wed, Aug-27-03 16:16

Oh WOW Laura!!!

You've lost 80 lbs in 5/6 mths! That is GREAT! You are an inspiration to me. How did you do it? What did you eat (not eat)? Any tips? I would love to have that type of success!!


Agnes Wed, Aug-27-03 16:35


best of luck in losing weight, although I can't help you with the how.

lauracat28 Wed, Aug-27-03 16:47

To be honest i just caulated it is 90 lbs since March. frist thing i did was fine this deit. I eat alot of things you be supirzed i love to eat. I eat allday long. faviort cellry and full of fat cheem chese also cucuber sandwitches i call them sausge chree chesse and another cucmber. YUMMY YUMMY YUMM. read pepper filled with chream cheese with pepporin Yummy. those are all my snacks i try to eat 7 times a day. Julie ( my trainer)see me eating and she said i cant belive your eating that much. YUP i sure am. Nothinhg like a good stake. or some chicken and a sald to wash it down. DONT FORGET YOUR WATER. i DRink over a gallon a day. not mentioning what i drink when i am working out.

second thing i did was i hired a trainer to make up somthing just for me. I gone to gyms before and worked with trainers but they leave you and never keep on track of you. I write down and every exicese and class i take. Makes me do it if i have to wirte it down. The Julie looks at my progress and writes me notes and meets with me a few times a mouth to talk about it and how it going or emails me. she writes daily email hints to me. and words of engemnet.

I find to relly have someone on top of you knowing that if you need her she there if i stop coming she start being a nag. or if i miss a day she knows. She looks at every thing my deit joural my fitness joural. and my self estem and thank you book. Becuse i need to change my self estame as she got sick of hearing me say only negtive things about my self.

She there when i weigh my self and dose my body fat.

when i feel like giveing up she knows and always tells me why i should go on. ( most of the time it you give up i kill you.) When she not there she has back up. Can you belive she dose this over 50 pepole. and grows more each day.

I think knowing that someone there and wont let you cheet and cheet on the exisize thing too helps alot.

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