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amiee3377 Thu, Aug-07-03 10:21

Have you ladies heard of the Walk away the pounds tape. They are great. I walked 2 miles today in 30 min.

Frodo2001 Thu, Aug-07-03 10:53

Thanks for the greeting, Amiee!

You are a beautiful women. I wish I was that cute, but back to low-carb.
Most challenging thing about this WOL? I think for me, it's planning meals (Cooking :lol: ) and not letting people discourage me from doing Atkins.

How much water do you drink? I usually drink about 72ounces a day but I plan on drinking more once I start induction on Monday.

What types of veggies do you consume the most? My favorite veggies are broccoli and spinach.

What are your percentages (Fat/Prot/Carbs)? I didn't track my progress in the past but I will be more dilligent now that I'm starting over.

What's your favorite thing about this WOL? I have to agree with Amiee, that you lose your appetite- which makes it easier to say no to "Carbs"

How much did you lose on Induction? The first time that I did it, I lost about 7-10lbs but I probably won't lose as much this time around.

I wouldn't mind joining the Christmas Challenge because it might be the fuel that I need to stay focused.

Monday, August 11, 2003 - Day 1 Induction (Again!- Me too Harleydee!)

Frodo2001 Thu, Aug-07-03 10:55

I've heard of the Walk away the pounds tapes. I have a few of Lesley Sansones tapes but not those. I don't think I will buy any new ones until I start using the other walking tapes that I have of hers.

20b430 Thu, Aug-07-03 12:00

This thread is absolutely wonderful!!!!! Great idea amiee3377!!! I would love to join. I have been on this plan for 5 weeks now. I have not lost like I thought I would. My problem, of course, is the same that most women of color face, our hips, thighs, and buttocks!! :) I would like to tone and shape it up.. I was in pretty good a shape 4 months ago pre-wed(about 10lbs lighter), now, it's getting a little jiggy.

red1cutie Thu, Aug-07-03 12:02

Hi Frodo. I am glad you joined! Hey Amiee, Harley and KetoDiva! Hope everyone's day is going great.

The exercise challenge is a great idea! Count me in. I have been trying to exercise at least 5 days per week with a combination of cardio and weights.

I heard that Walk Away the Pounds is really good. I keep meaning to go look for it but I haven't yet. I would also like to try the Winsor Pilates. Have any of you tried it?

Harley, good job on getting back on the wagon and starting induction over. You can do it. We will support you!

What is the most challenging thing about this WOL?
The working out consistently part. Dr. A said that is a must.

How much water do you drink?
At least 4 litres per day

What types of veggies do you consume most?
broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, romaine lettuce, string beans, peas, pumpkin, tomatoes

What are your avg. percentages (Fat/Prot/Carbs)?
I try to keep my fat above 70%, I lose better when it is above 70. The protein is hard but for the week I try to make sure I get 539g for the whole week. I used the Zone to figure out my protein requirements. I am still at Induction level carbs 20g but on one day a week I try to go to 25g

What's your favourite thing about this WOL?
The fact that my cravings are gone. The fact that I am losing this excess weight

How much did you lose on Induction?
I lost 2-3 pounds.

What do you most look forward to when you reach your goal?
Shopping and buying clothes that I like and not clothes that conceeal or at least try to conceal. Going to the beach! Wearing my size 5/7 clothes again.

What will be our goals for the Christmas/Workout Challenge?


red1cutie Thu, Aug-07-03 12:05

Hi 20B430. I am glad you joined! Welcome. :wave:


ketodiva Thu, Aug-07-03 12:46

I enjoy this thread already.
Hello Frodo, Aimee, Harley, 20b and Red. It's good to be a part of a group of Black women doing positive things for our body and spirit.

Here goes:

1.The most challenging thing for me in this WOE is exercising consistently. I get into a groove and then just stop. But it's like deciding to change my woe, when I'm ready to really go for it exercise wise, I'll do it 100%. Maybe you guys will inspire me to keep it up.

2.I drink between 100 and 125 oz of water a day. If I don't, I retain water. And now it's becoming my favorite drink (except martinis).

3. I eat a lot of veggies. Most days I eat a huge salad for dinner with different lettuces, cucumber, avocado, tomato, green pepper and a good creamy lc dressing. I sometimes add a tbs of flaxseed oil. If I don't have salad, I sometimes make coleslaw with either shredded cabbage or broccoli, a tiny bit of carrot, 1 packet of splenda and mayo. I add salt and pepper and it's great. But sometimes I want something southern style. I make collards or kale with a ham hock and I cut up a turnip or two. I might add okra when it's almost done and that's a great meal. I also make green beans with onion, turnips and ham. I also make eggplant parmesan when I want an italian flavor or I sometimes make spaghetti squash.

4. I try to keep my percentages near the following: 70% fat, 25% protein and 3-5 % carbs.

5. I like this way of eating because it is so easily incorporated in my lifestyle. I can entertain, go out, have an occasional drink and my energy is through the roof.

6. I think I lost about 20 lbs on induction. But I stayed on induction for about 5-6 weeks. I still try to stay between 20-40 carb grams now. Maybe about once a month I'll have a high carb dessert when we go out, but I make sure the rest of the meal is lc and I'm right back on the wagon when I put my fork down.

7. I love clothes and I'm looking forward to a new wardrobe. But I'm also looking forward to being able to go anywhere and do anything without worrying about my weight hampering me. I can take small planes and helicopters without being self conscious about my weight, all seat belts will fit, dancing all night and being an elegant, svelte woman.

8. I lose rather slowly. About a pound a week or so. I'm going on a cruise for Christmas and New years and I'd like to be at 250 or at least a size 18 (a 16 would be better). Right now I'm a 20, sometimes 22 down from a 26/28.

I think including an exercise challenge for Christmas is also a good idea.

amiee3377 Thu, Aug-07-03 12:51

As I told red1cutie, I am a member of another bb and I decided to bring our excitement over here. I got the idea for this thread from that board. Both threads are named the same exact thing. So I don't want to take any credit for creating this one. If you all would like to visit the other board then pm me and I will give you the link to it.

Frodo: Thanks for the compliment. I don't think God created any ugly people. Some are a little challenged but we are all beautiful. I'm sure you are too. I bought the WATP tape from Walmart for 9.00. I love it. It has 4 miles on it that you can do in 60min. I haven't built up the strength to do 4 miles yet. I did 2 miles today. When I first started, I did one mile a day. One mile is 15 min.

20b430: Welcome!! The more the merrier. Your wedding picture is beautiful. When is your b-day? I'm sure that you will lose those pounds. Just stay focused.

Red1cutie: Looks like you will be great in the exercise challenge.

On the other board, our challenge is to work together to get 200 mile and 2000 minutes worth of exercise in by labor day. I think that that may be too much for us since our group needs to grow some more. I am going to ask that we try 50 miles and 500 minutes by labor day. How does that sound? So you would either count your minutes or measure your distance. I know that we can do it.

20b430 Thu, Aug-07-03 12:55

Hello Everyone!!!!!

Let me take a little time to answer your questions Red......
Hmmm let me see......

Working out!!!!
That's an easy one for me.. I work out 3-4x a week.
I normally do 3 miles at the track on Tues and Thurs and 2 miles on the Treadmill on Mons. If I have time I will work out on Fridays.

I only drink 68- 85 oz of water a day.

When I do eat veggies, I consume broccoli, romaine lettuce, greens, cabbage,mushrooms, and maybe a tomatoe every now and then.

I don't really keep up w/ the fat% nor calorie intake, the only thing, I count are the carbs. My intake is normally 12-15g a day,,,,I know that's low, but w/ a meat eating hubby it's hard. Especially since he does all the cooking.

My favorite thing is the fullness I have, and the fact that I don't miss BREAD!!!!! :)

Only lost 4lb on induction.

I will be 30 on the 30th, I hate to say this,,,but this will be my first and only planned cheat day! I don't plan to go over board, just have a cheat dinner you know some steak, a few potatoes and some cheesecake for dessert then after I'm sick the next day jump back on the wagon,,,,so basically I'm hoping to lose enough weight, so when I turn 30 I can enjoy it and thank God I lived to see it!!!..... :)

By Christmas Excellent plan!!!!!!! I'm in for the long run

20b430 Thu, Aug-07-03 13:07

Thank you for the compliment Amiee, You're a doll yourself.
20lbs, well 18lbs now, might be pushing it.....My birthday is the 30th of this month!
I seem to only lose .5 - 1lb a week, so that's why I've picked up the intensity of the workout,,,,but we'll see. I'm up for any challenge. Just name, and I'm with it! :yay:

skeeweeaka Thu, Aug-07-03 13:51

Hey guys I stumbled upon this group somehow.... Glad to see and meet other women who are struggling with the hip, waist, thigh I started Atkiins June 13th, but switched to Protein Power about two weeks ago because I can't seem to lose any more weight... Anyway...been at 200 for the past two weeks after switching to PP... I enjoy eating this way sometimes...bacon, and some of my other fat foods that I didn't eat before... However it is getting a little boring for me and I need to switch it up.... I did notice that adding fruits gave me more energy...

I drink about 48 oz of water a day... My favorite vegetables are collard greens, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, and creamed cauliflower... I don't get enough vegetables unless I cook a huge pot of something once a week and eat on it all week.... I hate to cook, problem with this diet.

I've gained a lot of weight using antidepressants...and trying to get back in my 9's....long way to go...

Challenges are adding variety to my foods , exercising (step aerobics 3x week and walking when I feel it lol), and keeping my energy levels up which means about 30 gm carbs a day...

Right now I have been trying to break my stall by using a Protein Fast, limiting carbs as much as possible....hasn't worked as of today though... Will weigh myself Friday and if I'm not down I will try the REFEEDING technique that others have discussed... It sounds like it might's where you eat what you want one day of the week all day and go back to induction levels for the rest of the week... It's supposed to reset your metabolism... Usually, they suggest on the weekend....

Anyway...nice thread and look forward to getting to know you guys more....

red1cutie Thu, Aug-07-03 14:33

Hi Skeeweeaka! :D Welcome. Glad you joined! And we will get to our goals! Right ladies?
I started Atkiins June 13th, but switched to Protein Power about two weeks ago because I can't seem to lose any more weight... Anyway...been at 200 for the past two weeks after switching to PP... I enjoy eating this way sometimes...bacon, and some of my other fat foods that I didn't eat before... However it is getting a little boring for me and I need to switch it up.... I did notice that adding fruits gave me more energy...
When I first started Atkins my loss was slow. Just 2-3 on Induction and I was so disappointed.

After some encouragement and advice from Wanda (wcollier), I started losing. I dropped my protein and increased my fats and that helped alot. I also cut out deli meats. Sometimes in the beginning out bodies have to repair before we start losing. I used alot of olive oil to keep my fat % at 70% or above. I try to add at least 1 tablespoon of olive oil to each meal. I know what you mean about veggies. I used to have the same veggies all the time and now I make sure I eat a variety.

From what I have learned from others about the fasts is that it is not a good idea. You need the veggies because of the nutrients they provide and the fiber.

Also, for most people (especially women) the refeeding does not work. I would be wary of the cravings coming back. Plus on the refeed, the real one, not a binge, they recommend high glucose food, like candy and low fat and they recommend trying it in later stages when you have been dieting for a long time to get your leptin levels right again.

I just want us to succeed and I look forward to the journey with all of you. GBU all.


amiee3377 Thu, Aug-07-03 14:42

Welcome skeeweeaka!! I think you will enjoy it here. I can give you some information about fasting. Just pm me.

harleydee Thu, Aug-07-03 17:06

Hello there everyone!!!!! Welcome to those I'm now meeting.

I'm definitely up for the exercise challenge and the Christmas goal! I have not set any mini goals for myself as I would prefer to let it happen rather than be disappointed when it doesn't. However, I'm determined to get into a size 12 by Christmas (even if the pants have a bit of stretch it still counts once the tag says 12!!) Thank God they decided to start putting spandex into jeans!! Now they're actually comfortable!!

It's good to know I'm not the only one that can't get her butt and hips into a normal sized pair of pants!

Actually, I quite like J-Lo's brand of pants. I have about 4 pairs of jeans/pants of her pants and they fit a lot better than the popular Levis or Gap jeans! The waist is still a bit big, but it's smaller than the other pants I have.

Unfortunately, that's the only brand that seems to fit well. All the other brands of pants have a huge waist when the hips and butt fit! Oh well, the joys of "Child Bearing Hips" (CBH)!!

I did well yesterday (Day 1 of Induction - Again).

So far today, Thurs (Day 2 of Induction) I've had:
- 2 Mini Babybel cheeses
- salad (w/ dressing)
- avocado
- 1 litre of water
- 1.5 litres of Crystal Lite
- 1/4 cucumber

I'm determined to stick to a max of 20 g carbs per day on this Induction (I wasn't this strict when i started 2 wks ago!)

How is everyone doing today?

I think the cheat day on Tues made me even more "gung-ho" about sticking to this diet. I have to do this - not for my friends, not for my family, not even for my hubby.....rather I have to do this for MYSELF! And I will (with all your help of course)!!

skinnyme Thu, Aug-07-03 19:51

Hello ladies,

I would love to be an active member of this board. I can relate to many of the things already discussed in just this 1st day. The thigh issue for one, it seems like I should wear a 6 but my thighs are like "No way baby girl, get those 11's" and because I am only 5'2 I have all this extra bunched up at my legs (which are short and thick).

Now for my introduction....I am 28, live in Texas and today is the start of my second week of induction. 5.6 pounds lost in week 1 :yay: :yay: :yay: . I am aiming for abot 3-4 pounds in week 2. I am going to go back and find those questions and answer. Very happy to be here.

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