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RoseTattoo Wed, Jul-30-03 07:50

Good morning, Shadow. I just found the Jane Brody piece. Of all the mainstream medical journalists out there, I consider her one of the most reliable. She did go through a low-fat phase there, but has changed her thinking in the last five years or so and now recommends a moderate-fat diet. And for as long as she's been writing, she has warned against excess sugar and refined carb consumption. So I would tend to trust her on this matter.

I can't link to the article because I don't think nonsubscribers can access a two-day-old piece, but I will cut and paste.

"TIp the Scale in Favor of Fish"--Jane Brody, NY Times, July 28, 2003

The word fish has entered the American vocabulary in several not so savory ways. "That's a fish tale," for example, and "That smells fishy," suggest a highly exaggerated story or blatant lie or misdeed.

But in the last two decades, fish and shellfish have enjoyed a more positive press, lauded for conveying a number of important health benefits to those who regularly dine on them.

Indeed, the new image of fish has sparked all manner of creativity, with fish and shellfish starring on platters, napkin rings, glassware, jewelry, towels, clothing and even carpets.

Sadly, this popularity of fish as an artistic form has not translated into any drastic transformation in American dining habits. Seafood hardly holds its own next to red meat and poultry as a source of animal protein, and the industry says consumption peaked in 1987 at 16.2 pounds, falling just below 14.8 pounds in 2001.

I say sadly, because evidence suggests that eating just two fish meals a week — two three-ounce servings — can make a significant difference in the risk of developing ills like heart attacks and strokes.

Part of the benefit may come simply from eating fish in place of red meat, a supposed culprit in cardiovascular disease. But another more important part, the evidence suggests, involves the fats found in fish, namely omega-3 fatty acids, which may have a physiological role in preventing cardiovascular disease.

But as with most worthwhile things in life, with fish and shellfish, there's no free lunch. Risks as well as benefits attend eating seafood, although a wise and well-informed consumer can certainly tip the balance well in favor of the benefits.

Fish Oils and Health

For fish to maintain fluidity in cold water, their fats have to remain liquid, and liquid fats (really oils) are polyunsaturated. But fish oils, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, are chemically different from the polyunsaturated oils in plants like corn and soybeans, and it is that difference that has given fish star billing.

The two omega-3's in fish are eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA, and docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA. They are considered essential fatty acids, although they can be formed in the body from another omega-3, alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA. It is found in plants like flaxseed, spinach, mustard greens, soybeans, canola oil, wheat germ and walnuts, as well as in marine animals that eat plants containing ALA.

The conversion rate is poor, however, and you will have to consume a large amounts of ALA to obtain a meaningful amount of EPA and DHA. Eating fish is far more efficient.

DHA is a natural ingredient in breast milk, and it is critical to the normal development of the brain and retina. It has recently been approved as an additive to infant formula. In addition, the omega-3 acids perform many biochemical functions that can benefit the heart and blood vessels.

They can inhibit the synthesis of substances that promote inflammation, reduce the tendency of the blood to form clots, stabilize the electrical activity of the heart, lower triglyceride levels, reduce blood pressure moderately and improve the functioning of artery linings.

Most, but not all, studies have found that people who eat fish regularly experience significant reductions in the risk of heart attacks, strokes and deaths from all causes. The benefit has been most clear-cut among people who already have cardiovascular disease, but it has also been found among those who are initially healthy.

In one study, of 334 people who had suffered first heart attacks and 493 healthy people matched for age, sex and location, eating just 5.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids a month was associated with a 50 percent reduction in the risk of cardiac arrest.

That amount of omega-3's can come from just four three-ounce servings of Atlantic salmon a month. The omega-3's have proved especially beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes, who have a greatly increased risk of developing heart disease.

Other suggested benefits include an anti-inflammatory effect that can help people with autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and ulcerative colitis.

The various findings prompted the American Heart Association to recommend in October 2000 that everyone strive to consume at least two fish servings a week, especially fatty fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, lake trout, tuna and anchovies.

Also Consider the Risks

Some fish are contaminated with mercury and other toxic substances introduced as industrial pollutants into their waters. An international research team reporting in The New England Journal of Medicine in November noted that the mercury content of some fish might diminish their cardioprotective effects. Again, not every study has shown this.

Still, mercury is a well-known neurologic and kidney toxin that is best not ingested. The fish most likely to be contaminated are large deep-sea species like swordfish, king mackerel, shark and tilefish and are best avoided, especially by pregnant women.

Local health departments periodically issue advisories about contaminated species. Mercury at levels experienced by Americans may also cause problems with fine motor control and memory in adults, a new study by Dr. Edna M. Yokoo and colleagues at Johns Hopkins says.

Fish, especially shellfish, can become contaminated by harmful micro-organisms that occur naturally and those that result from sewage pollution. A natural toxin produced by marine organisms called dinoflagellates can cause ciguatera poisoning, a potential hazard from large fin fish, especially barracuda that frequent tropical reefs.

But it is raw fish, especially raw shellfish, that is the most common source of food poisoning. Only ocean-dwelling fish should be used in sushi, sashimi and ceviche, and only from reliable sources that know how to spot contamination by parasites.

The filter-feeders — clams, oysters and other mollusks like mussels and scallops — can accumulate waterborne bacteria, viruses or toxins that can cause severe gastrointestinal problems when the shellfish is eaten uncooked.

Crustaceans like shrimp and lobster should never be eaten raw, and all mollusks that are eaten should have been harvested from certified beds. The safest bet, however, is to cook them. For example, oysters and clams should be boiled for at least three minutes or steamed for four to six minutes to destroy harmful micro-organisms.

Also important is to handle fish and shellfish safely in the home, just as you should all poultry and red meat. Raw seafood should be kept cold, at refrigerator temperatures, even while defrosting, and care must be taken to keep the juices of raw seafood from contaminating other foods, especially those eaten raw.

Furthermore, all utensils and surfaces used to prepare raw seafood should be thoroughly washed with hot soapy water before being used for any other purpose. The tray or platter that held the raw seafood also should be washed before it's used for the cooked seafood.

Finally, there is the problem of allergies. About 1 percent of adults have clinically proven food allergies, and shellfish are among the most common culprits. Those with known allergies to fish or shellfish must take particular care to avoid all sources and would be wise to carry a loaded syringe of Adrenalin like an EpiPen at all times to counter life-threatening reactions to inadvertent exposure. Even kissing someone who just ate shrimp, for example, can cause a reaction in someone allergic to it.

Shadow01 Wed, Jul-30-03 09:11

RoseTattoo: Thank you so much! Great, informative article :thup: !

Kay - Don't just eavesdrop :) ! Please join us regularly. I'm sure you have just as much to add as RoseTattoo and I do :cool: !

Ok, guys, now my curiosity is up - what are aflatoxins? It may be a "duh" moment and the minute you tell me I'll think "I knew that" :rolleyes: but for the life of me, I can't think of what they are. And it's entirely possible I've never heard of them. Heaven knows there's far more information out there than this tiny brain can absorb and keep at it's "fingertips" :lol: !

RoseTattoo Wed, Jul-30-03 09:44

Shadow, aflatoxins are a kind of fungus that can affect peanuts. It can be dangerous in large quantities. However, health food peanut butter, made from organically grown peanuts that are then stored properly, tends to have much less of this stuff than commercial pb. The key, apparently, is to avoid peanut butter made from old or rancid peanuts. So if you like to grind your own, I guess it would be possible to tell if the peanuts are fresh. :)

Shadow01 Wed, Jul-30-03 10:24

Thanks RoseTattoo - It was a "duh" thing. Guess I tend to think of it as just "mold" - not it's fancy name :D ! I don't make my own - sometimes I can't keep up as it is prepping everything fresh, making my own mayo and salad dressings, etc...One day I may get a food processor and do that, but for now - buying it helps me keep it to one day a week ;) . If I made my own and knew for certain all was well with it I might not limit myself as much :eek: .

RoseTattoo Wed, Jul-30-03 13:53

Not a "duh" thing at all, Shadow. I just know some of this info because I used to work in behavioral medicine. (It was actually a very interesting job--we were trying to prevent heart attacks among Air Force pilots.The Defense Department funded the project because every time a flier had a heart attack at the controls and crashed the plane, whoops, several million dollars down the drain. Needless to say, the cost was the operative factor in sparking their interest. :rolleyes: )

But I digress. What I was thinking of when I mentioned the "grind your own" peanut butter was that some health food stores have the raw peanuts and grinders available--like Whole Foods. Don't know what's up your way. Here, even some small independent stores offer the "grind your own" stuff, and it ends up being quite inexpensive, too. Also, and this is a true advantage for people like us :lol: , you can grind and buy just as much or little peanut butter as you can safely have in your house (or garage, as the case may be). :)

Shadow01 Wed, Jul-30-03 15:41

Nah, RoseTattoo - the grind your own stuff is far too advanced for here :) ! While we amazingly have 2 health food stores (mom & pop type) in this small town, both cater to the low-fat market. Their other big interest is soy :rolleyes: . The nearest city of any size is 2 1/2 hours away and I rarely make the journey (think I was there 3 or 4 years ago). Anyway...thank heavens I can at least get my flax seeds locally. The one HF store does carry some Atkins bars and syups, but as a rule, I don't normally use those. As to grinding my own peanuts at home, I'd probably end up w/ a huge tub - you should see what I can do when I decide to make a small batch of anything :lol: ! Too many years of restaurant and food service cooking under my belt :p !

Your job does sound like it was interesting :) ! But I was not the least bit surprised when you said cost was the operative factor :rolleyes: !

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