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suziek Tue, May-27-03 22:14

Day 6; still having symptoms of bloating, heartburn, nausea in the morning (had to throw up twice), no energy ( I usually exercise 3X a week but had to skip for the first time in months because I couldn't put one foot in front of the other); I have had pelvic and lower bowel pain. I never really thought of myself as a carb "adict" but I don't eat much meat or cheese, and I never eat eggs (unless in something). I eat beans, rice, noodles, all veggies, some fruits, wheat bread, peanut butter; I very rarely eat white sugar. Anyway, apparently it's a major adjustment for my system. So far I've gained 2 lbs. and basically just feel like death warmed over. I hope the payoff comes soon. :(

Boondox Wed, May-28-03 06:26

This is day 5 for me, and I woke up with a horrible headache! I figured I was pushing too hard, as my carb intake for the last two days has been 8-10g. Started the day with half a small tomato and the headache quickly went away. :)

So maybe I should aim for 20g per day..? :confused:

Also, starting on day 3, I have had a LOT more energy and an utter lack of burnout lows. At work I used to crash and burn several times each day and relied on coffee with cream and sugar to pick me up again. (Since I work at a gourmet coffee roaster I have my choice of all sorts of exotic beans.) But since starting Atkins on the Friday before Memorial Day the time I returned to work on Tuesday I was cheerfully alert and active all day long! :D Not sure if I'd call that a side effect, but I sure hope it lasts! I'm getting a LOT done!


scanance65 Wed, May-28-03 07:24

I have noticed my sleep patterns have changed. I am ready for bed at a normal time fall right to sleep which I have never done and then wake up at 6:45. Oh my goodness I have never been able to do that. i usually want to sleep till 9:00. I love the feeling I am having!!!! Yeah....... Sometimes I still have a headache day 9 for me but I think I need to eat more. Will try harder today!

Lilly2525 Wed, May-28-03 07:46

I had a bad headache on day 3 around 5pm. Almost to the point of a migraine. Sun light bothered me the worst. The headache faded as the sun went down. I have had no cravings so far. ( Prayers answered!) I know this will work and I am happy to be on my journey.

Lilly2525 Wed, May-28-03 07:56

Reading these other post, I am happy to say that I have been going to bed and falling asleep right away too! I NEVER did that before! & I have had so much energy I have been going through the house room by room and deep cleaning. It's kinda freaking my family out. I may be wearing my kids out on the weekends instead of them wearing me out!

anais57 Wed, May-28-03 09:39

i still crave chocolate
i have more energy...yes! i had such a wonderful walk on the beach at 7:30am. but i have been on induction since may 3, 2003 and the craving for chocolate has not gone away. sure wish it would.

Lilly2525 Wed, May-28-03 11:29

Swiss Miss has a diet hot cocoa that is only 4 carbs per serving. (Made with Splenda) Or you can have whipped cream 1/2 cup with 1/2 teaspoon atkins chocolate flavoring for about 4 carbs also. There are soooo many ways to have fun with this diet!

jmargarita Wed, May-28-03 11:46

:wave: hi... for me, it took about 5 to 6 days...but it is worth every TEMPORARY discomfort, i have the so called ketosis breath which assures me that my body is burning my own FAT!! Best wishes for everyone!! :wave:

RD64 Thu, May-29-03 04:44

I have been on the diet for three days now and I have had a couple of bad headaches and increased urination at night but other than that everything is going fine.

stormyzkid Thu, Jun-05-03 13:07

Hi there!
For me it was at around the 3rd day that the carb craving went away and I started to feel better. I was drinking a lot of water to keep my tummy feeling full, and too, I did it on my days off of work, so there was no other temptation.
By the time I went in to work, I had no overwhelming cravings and did not feel out of control.
Even when they brought in birthday cake and ice cream!
I have regular headaches now, the result of an MVA, so
I can't say I had more or stronger headaches during this time.
Atkins Advantage bars were a god send too!
One of those with a cup of hot tea or coffee....Yum!

karen_1977 Fri, Jun-06-03 07:56

I was very hot and shaky by the the 1st night, then the 2nd day, I had a headache that wouldn't quit and still shaky and hot. The 3rd day the same as the 2nd, by the end of the day I started to feel better. Then day 4 came and I felt much better.

Karen :cheer:

MisterE Fri, Jun-06-03 08:28

Mine was about day 10. I did a strict induction. Maybe too strict as I doubt I ever got over 16 carbs but it made me feel full so that was fine with me.
By day 10, the system had cleaned itself and energy was back. Actually, way more than back. I am now staying up an hour+ longer than I had been thru no fault of my own. I just do not get tired as early.
I have been blessed in life that I do not get headaches. I mean I do not get them at all unless I am about to be sick with some disease like mumps or measles or an URI. I have had maybe 7 in my life. I got one during the first week of induction.
I have learned that if I begin to feel any of the "bad" effects of any kind: tired, headache coming on, blahs...I just eat a snack with lots of fat and protein. Bam! back to normal.

Ashtaroth Fri, Jun-06-03 10:23

I had a constant low grade headache between days 2 and 5. Fortunately on day 3 I got the energy surge and had lost that feeling of non-stop hunger that had been around for years. At the time the benefits seemed to outweigh the dull headache which did finally go away, but the lowered appetite stayed!


vaporgirl Sun, Jun-08-03 20:39

I'm at the end of day 2 induction and feeling fairly ill. Went from being a fish-a-tarian w/heavy carb intake to Atkins. I'm weak, nauseous, and have an intense headache. Although I'm drinking tons of water, my mouth is a bit dry and I'm thirsty. Don't think I'll get to the dinner meal tonight and do a low carb bar instead.

Good to read the other posts and find it's not unusual and that hopefully this will be over soon!

Isphet Sun, Jun-08-03 21:10

sorry to say ...
No withdrawal symptoms, ever.

No cravings, ever.

No obsessions, either. (I haven't calorie counted, I've carb counted but haven't worried too much about it, and I certainly haven't camped out on the scale fretting about wight lost or gained.)

Atkins has just been so easy for me, I haven't had any of the problems so many others seem to have had - but then I never had a very sweet tooth to begin with.

Within 2 days of beginning Atkins was bursting with energy (hasn't stopped) and the headaches that have plagued me for years have largely gone away (in fact, I'm giving myself a headache trying to remember when I last had a headache).

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