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I.W.Gurl Thu, May-01-03 07:00

I'm on depo provera (the shot) - haven't experienced any stall in my weight loss or adverse side effects, although I haven't had a TOM since (this is a good thing in my honest opinion)...

erbadger Thu, May-01-03 08:23

Ive been on a very low hormone pill (desogen) for the last 6 years. (because of migraines) I started low carbing 4 months ago. When I first started the pill I gained 5 lbs, which I could never seem to lose (but, that was college, so not really a surprise!!!) After starting atkins I was able to FINALLY lose those stupid 5 lbs. I haven't been able to lose anymore, but I am very close to my minimal healthy weight, so that shouldn't mean too much. I think in general it is ok, but I ccan't say for sure. I think if I wasn't on the pill, i would actually be 5 lbs less. On the plus side, being on the pill bumped my sex drive way up, DH would never like to see me if I wasn't on the pill!

Hope that helps!

Mjsturg1 Thu, May-01-03 08:39

I take Yasmin and no bad side effects to report here..

Crimson Thu, May-01-03 09:42

I was on Triphasil for years.. and I did find I packed on the pounds. Just before I started Atkins I switched up to the mini-pill, this one is called Alesse. It was actually recommended by my doctor when I asked for something that wouldn't cause me to gain weight. I don't really have an opinion of it since I've been on Atkins and losing weight anyway, but I haven't gained either, so thats a good thing.

secret Thu, May-01-03 11:33

I got on the Depo shot six weeks after I had my son back in 1998. I was 115 pounds, I ate candy, I had HUGE ice cream sundaes every day. I reaaly pigged out..numerous candy bars everyday, 6-8 cans of get the point.

I missed my shot. I had to wait till I got my period before I could get back on it. A few months later I got back on it and then I year later..boom...40 pounds.

Now I can't say if it was the shot or my eating habbits caught up with me.

I am dieting now, Atkins, CAD, I'm a bit mixed up but the weight is coming off.

Rikke Thu, May-01-03 11:43

I'm on Alesse and have been for nearly 6 years. (Was on others before, but can't remember names.) I haven't had any side effects what-so-ever on Alesse - no weight gain, etc.


Zora Thu, May-01-03 11:50

Good question, I was wondering the same thing. I just started the depo shot about a month before I started this WOL and was hoping it wouldn't hinder my weight loss. (I lost 8 lbs in my first week of induction). Amy, you have made me feel better. :) I am still spotting daily tho.. blahhh. The clinic I go to said give it 3 months... I'm seriously thinking about just getting my tubes tied.

cz913 Thu, May-01-03 12:52

I use the patch and I love it -- no problem losing or any other side effects.

Cook Thu, May-01-03 13:28

I was on triphasil for a couple of years and found that I gained wieght during that time. I really could not say for certain whether it was the pill or my WOL at the time - it was around the first couple of years of university. :p

I then tried the Depo-Provera (I am terrible at spelling! :rolleyes: )
shot just because my sister raved about it and I thought that it would be easy as I would not have to worry about taking a pill everyday. I never gained weight but I did go on an emotional rollercoaster and had non-stop spotting! Yuck! :thdown:

I then went back to the pill but started taking Tricyclin and found it great. No problems overall.

I think you should the first month to be a little emotional. I never really had bad skin but I do think that the pill did improve my complexion somewhat.

Good luck! :wave:

gomanngo Thu, May-01-03 15:02

Are These Synthetic?
Hi Ladies,

Just thought I would pop in. I am curious to know if all of these pills you are talking about, if they are synthetic. Been out of the loop of things since I had my tubes tied nine years ago after my third child, so I am not current on the latest drugs.

However, I have ibeen nformed that many bc pills cause cancer. I have a friend that is 39, was on bc pill from late teens to early 30s, got off the pill had twins had complications that resulted in a hysterectomy and then she was prescribed hormonal type drugs and five years later (now) she has an advanced type of breast cancer.

She is being told that it is highly suspected that it was because of her bc pill and/or hormonal type drugs she has taken. Kinda scary and want to share what I thought was risks.

Take Care

wordlady Fri, May-02-03 05:30

I have a really bad history with the pill. Weight gain and emotional turmoil to boot. My doctor recommended Yasmin when my periods became so incredibly irregular. I told him my concerns about weight gain/loss of sex drive/emotions. This is a new pill, he said, and most of my patients with similar concerns are quite happy with it, and it does NOT contribute to any weight gain, and more often, seems to help with LOSS.

I'm in my third month and couldn't be happier. For the first time in my life, I love the pill. I have to say that it doesn't MAKE you lose weight, because the first month I was on it I wasn't on Atkins and I did gain, but I certainly have no problem losing now that I'm on Atkins.


moonbeam_2 Fri, May-02-03 05:47

thank you for all your replies ladies! now if only i could do this with out going to the doctor....whine :) :rolleyes:

OzzyBabe88 Sun, May-04-03 15:29

Like I said I am on Yasmin, it may help slightly with breakouts, nothing major tho. It didnt give me any more problems tho.

tekunoroji Sun, May-04-03 16:44

I'm on nuvaring and had no issues losing... but I would really suggest you read this thread (if you haven't already) so you're prepared if anything "funny" occurs with your cycle:

<a href="">Effects on Menstruation</a>

(the above especially helpful to those of us LCing on BC) :spin:

= Meagan

jessicapan Fri, May-09-03 19:03

I few info points about birth control pills:

1. most bcps will help with blemishes. those yasmin commercials really annoy me- they're just the only ones that bothered to do the exactly right study so that they are allowed to say in it their commercial (like those stupid commercials for "indoor" vs. "outdoor" allergies- everyone is trying to scam the consumer!! :mad: )

2. regarding gomanngo's comment about cancer. don't let it scare you! bcps DECREASE your overall risk for cancer- they decrease the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer, and slightly increase the risk of breast cancer- an overal net positive, "getting less cancer" effect. And, the increasead risk of breast cancer has largely been found for the older, higher dose pills. modern low dose pills may, in fact, have no effect on breast cancer risk.

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