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galatia Sun, Jun-26-05 05:45

Thanks for complimenting my delts .

I really like your leg work-out. As much help as my legs need, I really should start doing them twice a week. I love the feeling of doing them on Mondays and then being done with it until the next week. But happiness in being lazy really won't produce much in the way of leg muscles!

dane Sun, Jul-10-05 05:41

Monday, June 27, BGB-- Horizontal Push/Pull, Calves, Abs
Oh my, I haven't been in here in awhile! But, I HAVE been a good girl; I've been faithful to my workouts. Here's a whirlwind of an update:

Sunday (6/27): several hours of gardening :)
Today: pre-breakfast cardio on the st. bike 32' L4 305cals

311T, 60" rest
Start: 11:55am
-Rack Pull-5x5xb+32kg (88#) bump up
-Bent BB Row-5x5xb+22kg (66#) good
-Seated Cable Row-5x5x85#

-Flat BB Press-5x5xb+22kg (66#) good!
-Low Incl DB Flye-2x7xb+6.5kg (19.8#) goooood
supersetted with:
-Low Incl DB Press-2x7xb+6.5kg (19.8#)

Standing Calf Raise, 2-18.7#-DB's, 3 sets to "failure" ~20

-combo crunch-3x10

End: 12:40pm Good workout! Started too late, though......gotta fly to go get Boy from school!

dane Sun, Jul-10-05 05:44

Tuesday, June 28 BGB--Quad Dom, Biceps
So! Today.....well, this morning I was going to do an outside biking session, but didn't because a)too hot (don't want to cook the Baby, and b)since today is quad dom day, I figured biking first is not smart. So I decided to try out a new steo video I brought back.....Buns of Steel Step w/Tamilee Webb [perky][/perky] :) I got through about 2/3 of it.....30' worth.

311T, 60"
Start: 11:20am
Quad Dom
--ATF squats 4x4xb+12kg (44#), 2x4x10kg last rep or last 3 sets a struggle!
-- bench step-ups 2x6x2-b+9.5kg DB's (26.4#), 4x6xb+5kg all off high bench today
--duck deadlifts, 2x8xbb+10kg whoaaaa light weight, but they still hurt!
ss w/
--leg extensions, 1x8x70#,1x8x60# OMG.......

Ham Acc.
--lying leg curl 2x8x14kg (30.8lbs)
ss w/
--standing leg curls, 2x8x20#

--alt concentration curls 5x5xb+5kg(16.5#)
--incl DB curls 2x8xb+2kg (10#)
ss w/
--BB curls 2x8xbar only (8kg=17.6#)

"Lower" Abs
--SBC-reverse 3x10

finish: 11:56 and I ran outta time. Need to come back and do hams and biceps, :rolleyes:

ETA.....ok, finished the leftover exercises.

dane Sun, Jul-10-05 05:45

Thursday, June 30: BGB Vert. Push/Pull, Seated Calves, Abs
Yesterday: Off day from regular lifting, but did pre-breakfast cardio with my new FIRM Total Body Sculpt tape (45'). I just used 5lb DB's with it, since it's endless reps, and I wanted to "save" some for today's BGB Vertical Push/Pull.
Then, big-time cleaning, ironing, etc., for about 2 hours or so.

pre-breakfast cardio--did 30' of my Jane Fonda's Step Aerobic video......pretty good.....if one can get past the stooopid hair, and even worse, the dorky exclamations of "wooo hoo" and "work it girl!" from the extras, it's a great step workout.

BGB Vertical Push/Pull, Seated Calves, Abs

311T, 60"
--Cheater Chin-Ups 3x5 slow negatives ow, poor forearms
--BB Pullovers 4x6xbb only=8kg=17.6#
--Lat Pulls--2 bands twisted 3x10 pretty good
3x8 giant sets
--Incl Prone Rear Delt Flyes 8#
--Arnies b+5kg (16.5#)
--Side Lats 8#
--Seated 3x15x65#Boy + 25kg (120#)
2x10 giant sets
Workout went well, but I am feeling the beginnings of a this the dreaded EIH (Exercise Induced Headache)?? Must go get a tylenol. <sigh>

dane Sun, Jul-10-05 05:47

Friday, July 1--BGB Hip/Ham, Tri's
No morning cardio today :(....out running errands with the MIL.

BGB--Hip/Ham Dom, Tri's
311T, 60"
Hip/Ham Dom
--reg deadlifts 5x5xbb+14.5kg(49.5#) last 2 reps hard
--seated good mornings 3x10xbb+4kg (26.4#) ok, these were good...felt them in my outer thighs, whereas SLDL's hit the whole back of my leg.........good superset!
ss w/
--SLDL's 3x10xbb+4kg

Quad Acc
--walking lunges, 3x8eaxb+2.5kg(11#)DB's good!

--Betw. Bench Dips, BW only, 3x8 added a set! yay me :)
--Resist. Band Push-Downs 3x8, red band goooood
Good workout..........already feeling worked in the shoulders and butt. :)

dane Sun, Jul-10-05 05:49

Cardio Thoughts
Went to a wedding yesterday (July 2), and had an interesting conversation with SIL about exercise---cardio in particular. Since I wrote up my experiences with my BB brother here, I want to include SIL's training, here............about as far to the other end of the spectrum as you can get, LOL.

My SIL, Gabi, is my age---36 this year---and a triathlete. This year, however, her focus has been more on the running aspect of it, and marathons in particular. I am proud to announce she recently took third in the country at the Hungarian National Marathon, with a time of 2 hours, 50 minutes......that's a full 26mile whatever marathon.

She is about 5'5", and I couldn't begin to guess her weight, but she is very could run your hands down her washboard abs and come back with bruises, they are that tight. :) For a runner, she is not too skeletal looking in her upper body....she has some muscle left there, most likely due to the swimming and biking she does, too. Her lower body, of course, is fantastic. Her boobs, Anyway......I was asking her about her training.

She runs every day. EVERY day. No rest. None. She couldn't even remember when her last day of no running was! Even if she's sick, poor weather, whatever, she runs. She admitted she is maybe a bit obsessed with it, heh. She does vary it, though..........."short" runs (5k, or 3 miles) alternated with longer runs, for a weekly total of 120k (75miles!!) and then twice a week she does an hour of interval sprinting at the track, with her team. Oh, and let's not forget the twice weekly swimming laps, and the once a week 2 hour bike keep in condition for triathalons. :eek:

She is single, no kids, no desire for any, although she loves ours. Tiny apt., no serious boyfriend, a professional career. She doesn't cook.......lives on take-out chicken, fish soup, apples, some veg.

She also admitted that this is not the most healthy lifestyle, but she's not willing to stop. She does catch colds more often than I, her iron and hematocrit levels are low, as are her "platelet count?" She takes pre-natal vitamins, calcium, etc.

The contrast between our lives is so huge! Plus, our "fitness" goals. My take-home lesson.......... or at least, stuff to ponder..... excessive cardio has made her leeeeeaaaaaaannnnnn. Her quads, hams, glutes are well muscled and defined (probably thanks to the low bodyfat, duh), but her upper body is not as hyoooge as I would like for myself. So if I want to keep the muscle, lose the fat, I need to find a happy medium between cardio and lifting, where I cardio enough to burn the fat, yet not so much as to eat away at my delts, pecs, etc. Hmmmmmmm........................

Oh, one cool thing........ I told her I can bench 30kg now (not alot in the grand scheme of things, but good for me), and she was impressed...... she could maybe outrun me, but if I DID catch her, I could win in hand-to-hand combat, hee hee. Good thing I love her, :p Seriously, though...... I much prefer being strong enough to defend myself against the idiots of this world.

dane Sun, Jul-10-05 05:51

Monday, July 4--BGB--Horizontal Push/Pull, Calves, Abs
Sunday, 50' leisurely bike ride w/the family (a few stops and starts along the way, :rolleyes: )

This morning, empty 30' ride w/the baby strapped behind me.....mod intensity, cross country 50%, beautiful morning.

And now...... BGB horizontal push/pull
311T, 60" rest
Start: 11:45am
-Rack Pull-5x5xb+36kg (96#) good, but not sure about form...need to find a good video of these
-Bent BB Row-5x5xb+24kg (70#)ok, watch form
-Seated Cable Row-5x5x90#

-Flat BB Press-2x5xb+24kg (70.4#);3x5xb+22kg(66#)last rep almost didn't happen
-Low Incl DB Flye-2x8xb+6.5kg (19.8#)
supersetted with:
-Low Incl DB Press-2x8xb+6.5kg (19.8#) last 2 reps ea haaaaard

Standing Calf Raise, 2-19.8#-DB's, 2x25


End: 12:33pm
Oooooh another good workout. Maybe it's the power of suggestion, but I really feel the 2 rolls of smarties I eat just prior and during the workout are helping.

dane Sun, Jul-10-05 05:53

Thursday, July 7--BGB Quad Dom, Bi's
Today is Quad Dom/Biceps day......

311T, 60"
Start: 10:50am

--ATF squats 6x4xb+12kg (44#) Cool....didn't need to drop weight today, and the last rep or 2 were a bit hard, but NOT a struggle. :) Next time, keep weight, bump to 5x5.
-- hi bench step-ups 5x6x2-b+6.5kg DB's (19.8#) goood
--duck deadlifts, 2x8xbb+10kg turned the bench longways...better balance
ss w/
--leg extensions, 1x8x70#,1x8x60# damn. still can't do 2 sets 70# :(

Ham Acc.
--lying leg curl 2x8x15kg (33lbs)
ss w/
--standing leg curls, 2x8x20# excellent ss!

--alt concentration curls 5x5xb+5kg(16.5#) bump
--incl DB curls 2x8xb+2kg (10#) not reps
ss w/
--BB curls 2x8xbar only (8kg=17.6#) not reps

"Lower" Abs
--SBC-reverse 3x10

End: 11:45am Great workout! I have time to do 15' on the bike, and then I'll try to get in some easy endurance outdoor biking this afternoon, with the Boys. :)

dane Sun, Jul-10-05 05:54

Friday, July 8--BGB- Vertical Push/Pull, Seated Calves, Abs
yesterday afternoon.....35' bike ride, and actually got in about 20' moderately intense off-road work too. :)

This morning, I felt like taking the bike out, but the Baby fell asleep, so instead I did the Buns of Steel Step video, 30'. Ate my eggs, and am now getting ready for:

BGB Vertical Push/Pull, Seated Calves, Abs

311T, 60"
--Cheater Chin-Ups 3x5 slow negatives feeling stronger with these
--BB Pullovers 4x6xbb only=8kg=17.6# good
--Lat Pulls--2 bands twisted 3x10 good
3x8 giant sets
--Incl Prone Rear Delt Flyes 8#
--Arnies b+5kg (16.5#)
--Side Lats 8# great combo!
--Seated 3x15x65#Boy + 25kg (120#)
2x10 giant sets

Good workout! Smarties during w/o are definitely helping....

dane Sun, Jul-10-05 05:56

Saturday, July 9
No workout today, as today is the day, 36 years ago, that the world was blessed with my presence, :)

dane Sun, Jul-10-05 05:59

Sunday, July 10--BGB-Hip/Ham Dom, Tri's
Finally caught up for the week!

Had a great day yesterday, but no formal exercise, other than shopping cardio and isometric cooking, ;)

Going to take advantage of DH being home, and get in my almost-neglected BGB workout, then some weeding, and MAYBE (if it doesn't rain) either some whole family biking, or a mountain hike w/family and mutts.

But first: BGB Hip/Ham Dom, Tri's
311T, 60"
Hip/Ham Dom
--reg deadlifts 5x5xbb+15kg(50.6#) oooof got my first Deadlift Shin BruiseTM today.........swell. bump next time
--seated good mornings 3x10xbb+6kg (30.8#) tried these ala, ie straddling the bench, head up, chest touching the bench. interesting. :)
ss w/
--SLDL's 3x10xbb+6kg good. need to ask the peanut gallery....lock the knees, or keep them soft? Anyone?

Quad Acc
--stationary lunges, low bench, 3x8eaxb+3.25kg(12.7#)DB's- good. no walking today, as family is in the living room, and my appearance would create an instant need for my attention, ;)

--Betw. Bench Dips, BW only, 3x8 add weight next time
--Resist. Band Push-Downs 3x10, red band -good
End: 12:25pm

Good workout! Lower back feeling a bit fatigued already.....I think it's the seated GM's; not sure I'm doing them correctly. Or maybe I just need to strengthen the lower back. ???

Oooooh.........thundering outside. :)

pammiejoe6 Sun, Jul-10-05 08:44

Originally Posted by dane

But first: BGB Hip/Ham Dom, Tri's
311T, 60"
Hip/Ham Dom
--reg deadlifts 5x5xbb+15kg(50.6#) oooof got my first Deadlift Shin BruiseTM today.........swell. bump next time
--seated good mornings 3x10xbb+6kg (30.8#) tried these ala, ie straddling the bench, head up, chest touching the bench. interesting. :)
ss w/
--SLDL's 3x10xbb+6kg good. need to ask the peanut gallery....lock the knees, or keep them soft? Anyone?

Quad Acc
--stationary lunges, low bench, 3x8eaxb+3.25kg(12.7#)DB's- good. no walking today, as family is in the living room, and my appearance would create an instant need for my attention, ;)

--Betw. Bench Dips, BW only, 3x8 add weight next time
--Resist. Band Push-Downs 3x10, red band -good
End: 12:25pm

Good workout! Lower back feeling a bit fatigued already.....I think it's the seated GM's; not sure I'm doing them correctly. Or maybe I just need to strengthen the lower back. ???

Oooooh.........thundering outside. :)

hehehe great job on the deads babes!! and whohooo on the shin bump! youre doing them right! heheh...i always come out of those deads with torn up i look for it the next few days to insure myself i did them right...hahaha

man i love those seated good mornings...ive been doing them quite awhile....try letting your ass come up off the bench a little as you go chest down to the'll seriously feel it in your hammies!

on the SLDL i do not lock my knees....i guess theres something in my head that says NEVER lock anything during lifting...dunno if its right or not, but its the way my brain is working right now....dont lock the knees and really concentrate on sticking your ass up and out when youre doing them....ouch!

gawd woman i still can only use body weight to do my lunges....they KILL! way to go using the dbs too! STRONGK BIATCH! hehe

i think im going to invest in some bands...i have been reading a lot of wonderful things about them....

great workout!

yeah the ABBH program kicks....its interesting...i posted i was doing it over at and so far ive gotten a few pms saying how brave i was to post that in there and how excited some of them are to watch me and see how i progress on it so they can decide if they want to try it! keeps me motivated knowing im being watched~!

ahh yes of course you can join the challenge! we are only a week in (almost) so cmon woman! the rules are basically just workout at least 4 times a week. theres no thread for it either....just keep coming in and letting me know how youre doing!! also doing the challenge with me are Mischa, donna2128, lasha, miezimau, katzue, slynng....we started July 4th and will go 12 weeks with no alcohol and clean eating as well as the Sept 25th we will be allowed to party! hahahahaaa
i like doing challenges...keeps me motivated and on my toes....really kewl that youd like to join so rock! outta here to go doodle! love ya babes!

jende Mon, Jul-11-05 10:12

I second NOT locking knees on SLDL's.

dane Tue, Jul-12-05 06:04

Tues--BGB-Horiz Push/Pull, Stnd Calves
Thanks you guys! I'll keep soft knees. ;)

Baby was sleeping, so got in am cardio--st bike, 5'wu,5 intervals, 15' ss--30' total, 325 cals

311T, 60" rest
Start: 11:50am
-Rack Pull-5x5xb+37.5kg (100#) these were ok, but not feeling so safe as I get heavier (the set-up), so will look at alternates
-Bent BB Row-5x5xb+24kg (70#) same as ^^
-Seated Cable Row-5x5x90# good

-Flat BB Press-5x5xb+24kg (70.4#) got all 5 sets this time! :)
-Low Incl DB Flye-3x6xb+6.5kg (19.8#)
supersetted with:
-Low Incl DB Press-3x6xb+6.5kg (19.8#) added a set

Standing Calf Raise, 2-19.8#-DB's, 3x~25 ok as usual

-rev crunch 3x10

End: 12:35pm

Good workout!

Actually, I think rack pulls and BB rows were harder because lower back still fatigued. Usually there's 2 days of rest between that ham/hip w/o and this one, hmmmm......

treefrog Tue, Jul-12-05 08:36


I saw this over in Pammie's gym log:
bet it was the seated GM's. Just tells me to keep doing them, controlled and strict form, cuz my lower back is slightly weak.
How do you do sitting GM's? My lower back is weak too, and I've tried GM's at the gym, but standing. They always end up hurting my back, so I can't do them.


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