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GrlyGrl Fri, Jun-18-04 15:28

I hate being fat because I cannot find any clothes to buy. I am too fat for Petites -- they usually stop at 14's. But women's sizes are not proportioned right for short women. Even if I get sleeves and hems shortened (which costs a pretty penny) the shoulders are ridiculous, lapels oversized and crotches way too low.

Sandy39 Fri, Jun-18-04 17:45

Why oh Why
Why I hate being FAT!

Can there be a longer list: can't walk, can't swim, won't be seen in a bathing suit, staring people, sore knees, can't find clothes, depression, world is closed to morbidly obese, Can't fit in any chairs usually, embarassed 24/7, pay for two airplane seats, housebound because of embarassment and can't walk too far, just sooooooo unhappy.

Well it took a lot to get this way and a lot of troubles and pain but I really feel like it is behind me now. I will not stop or turn back where could I go.
I know how bad it was before and I'm already feeling better.

So with the help of Jesus I know I can do all things


bob2112 Fri, Jun-18-04 18:00

Sandy you have a great attitude!! You will definitely make it :) Keep up the good work.

tina-mich Fri, Jun-18-04 20:15

Why I hate being fat?? I am so embarrased of my weight this is the heaviest that I have ever been. In four years I have put on so much weight that I can't believe that this is me. Not finding any clothes that fit. Don't have much energy to do housework like I used to. My back, knee, and heels hurt. I used to do so many things before like sitting on the grass now I'm afraid I won't be able to get up. Going to plays, football games, hockey games, etc. now I'm afraid if there isn't a railing to hold on to I might trip and fall. I don't lose weight very fast that after a couple of weeks I get discouraged. So far I have been doing Atkins for 9 days it's been hard but I have to do it so that I can enjoy my life like I did before.

LcMamaInFL Fri, Jun-18-04 22:11

to Sandy
I hear ya on the loooooooooong list of why I hate being fat. You've done
great though -- 20 lbs in 2 months is nothing to sneeze at.

Fat or're beautiful.

Keep smiling :)

Cynthia :there: :rheart:

jdreams76 Fri, Jun-18-04 22:42

Why i hate being fat.. I wear my jeans sometimes and i know they are to tight after i eat or drink anything and i have to unbutton thembecause i literally get owies on my stomach from them!! But they make my legs look long and thinner! BLah i should just toss em but i amhoping that i eventually get to wear them without the s/e's :)

Cheryl R Tue, Jun-22-04 10:03

Sandy... I love your attitude... YOU GO GIRL!!!

Zymi Tue, Jun-22-04 15:21

Originally Posted by gandktahoe
I was a fat kid, too. I was fat when I got married. I was fat when I got divorced. I was fat when I got married the second time. Who you are should have nothing to do with your weight.

I really like what you said Gandktahoe. :) At each stage we can be of a certain description, but that description isn't who we "are". Sure I am fat now, but weight doesn't define me, it describes me. It keeps me in the perspective that I can change things in my life.

I think part of the problem is the attitude people have against weight. You can get used to being lumped into a category, like being a "fat person", and start to believe that's who you are since a pretty large portion of the environment decides to put you in that category with all their ill-conceived, preconceived ideas of what a "fat person" is. Society's focus on the external doesn't help anyone remember that fat is not who you are, it is where you are at the moment. I'm not blaming society entirely...I just irks me when I see stereotypes and how they effect people.

LizzyMc Tue, Jun-22-04 15:48

Why I hate being fat.... sounds like an essay question, so in 1,000 words or less, haa haa....

At different times, it has meant different things.

In my youth, I hated being fat because my mom bought my clothes from the Sears catalog from the chubby girls section. The clothes were always polyester and extremely ugly. I wanted to wear go-go boots or cowboy boots, but my calfs were too fat. I wanted to run like Patty Duke-Astin in a movie where the beat of the music makes her run faster. I wanted to not be made fun of.

In my teens, I hated being fat because I was always hearing, "you would be so pretty if you just lost some weight" or "I will buy you a whole new wardrobe if you just lose some weight" like I was ugly and did not deserve good clothes? It did not stop me from doing what I wanted though, still was a cheerleader, still played baseball (made all-stars), still had boyfriends... but it would have been nice.

In my young adult years, I hated being fat because I always wanted to know what it was like to look pregnant when you were pregnant instead of just looking fatter when you were pregnant. I hated going to my kid's school and feeling overly large compared to the other mothers... but, still had kids, still was the PTO president.

In my middle-age years, I hate being fat because time is clicking away. I still have things I want to do. Being fat never really affected me. I still rode motorcycles, went on long hikes, played mud-football, did all the things I wanted to do. But, I let an extra 75 pounds creep on me. I could do anything at 215, but not at 300+. The doctor never gave me 10 years to live at 215, but they did at 300+. My knees did not hurt, my hips did not ache, and to be real bluntly honest, sex was a hell of a lot better.

I am going to get my calves into a pair of cowboy boots though, and wear beautiful clothes, and ride some roller-coasters.... I am going to travel and not have to wear an extension for the seat belt on the plane.... but the best part of this way of life, I am going to live for another 30 or 40 or maybe even 50 years.....

Jello256 Tue, Jun-22-04 17:19

I hate being fat because;
-I'm too busy wondering what people are thinking about me instead of living life fully.
-I want to run, play, swim and be carefree without being afraid of "looks" or being ridiculed.
-I want to be a part of the family pictures, without hiding in the back row.
-I want to be able to look in the mirror at my full body instead of just my head.
-I want to have energy.
-I want to feel good about myself.
-I want to be able to walk into a store and buy nice clothes.
-I want to be able to buy clothes because I like them, not because that's what they have in my size.
-I want to be comfortable in my own skin.
-I want to never hear again "She has such a pretty face", and then they sigh sadly.
-I want to be healthy.

alicat Wed, Jun-23-04 00:28

Although I'm younger than you, what you had to say really struck me. I too, even at my age, really feel time ticking away. Ever since my dad had a heart attack 2 yrs. ago, I have been inately aware of my mortality. Before then it was always a vanity issue. Although my experience is inverted it was just as painfull. 11 years ago (on my b-day, at age 22) I had my first and only child, Lorin. He was born w/ an extremely rare disorder called Miller-Dieker Syndrome (main manifestation was a condition called lissencephally).
Due to the high reaccurance rate of another child suffering from the same disorder (25-50%), I don't think I will ever have a child unless we adopt.

Due to extenuating circumstances, I had to have a c-section w/ him. But, no one ever said a word to me while I was pregnant and then after I had had my son and was just at my natural (yeah, right :o) heavy weight (about 180 ibs. ~ 5'2")I had the first and last comment from someone who thought I was preggers.

I hope to not have to have my doctor give me an altematim (sp?) by following the LC way of eating. I was heartened by your post and I too hope to live another 40+ yrs..

Love, Ali

Dagger Wed, Jun-23-04 17:07

I don't have 100 lbs to go but as far as I'm concerned, I may as well. Every person is different and I know I am lacking major self-esteem, in general

And even more reasons:

-I don't ever again want to have to sew up the inner thigh of my pants because they ripped from erosion from my thighs rubbing together

-I want to be able to spontaneously have sex, wherever,, night, lights, not.. whatever. I'd get more explicit but I'm sure we all have our own sentiments

-I want to be able to honestly purchase the first swimsuit of my life (now that I recently moved from up north to N.C., I live back in a climate where there are beaches...except this time, I'm not 7 years old.) I want to go to the beach or a pool and not wear shorts or a t-shirt. Cellulite, Stretch marks...who cares?

-I want to know that when I sit around watching TV, on the computer, or playing video games it's not because it's habitually become my lifestyle and that I wouldn't actually rather be 'going out' somewhere such as dancing, etc.

-I want to like shopping, and maybe actually be able to go with other people. I don't want to cry in the dressing room. I want to look thin even in their ridiculous fun house mirrors.

-I want to be able to quit smoking but not worry that I'll gain weight when I do, and that if I do gain weight from quitting, I'll be thin enough that I can cope with it and not veer back into eating wrong or taking back up smoking

-I want to be able to wear whatever I want/whenever I want...and even splurge on clothes that even if I don't wear, it's not because I'm too heavy to or they don't look right on me

-I want to actually want to begin living and view the real me for the first time ever. To be able to actually look at old pictures and not cringe that, 'that must be what I look like now' and hide them or rip them up

-I want to wear shorts in this 90 degree weather and not worry about being the chubby, pale (no tan because who wants to do outdoor activities heh) girl with tattoos :P

ToriBess Thu, Jun-24-04 19:21

Thought of this today
I hate being asked "Do you want a table or a booth?" and having the person seating us look me up and down to see if I would even FIT in the booths they have - and my having to reply "A table" to save myself the embarrassment.

Someday I will shout - "GIMME A BOOTH!!!"

Surrey Mom Thu, Jun-24-04 21:48

I hate worrying that I am being judged a "slob". To prevent this, I go to great lengths............perfect manicure, pedicure, hair cut and highlights. .I hate feeling "obligated" to do these things.

Oh, also,,,,,,my husband is great and never complains about my weight. But I know that he sees many other women, all of them much thinner, each day. He deserves to be trusted.........I resent that I have to be paranoid that such a good man will stray.

Cheryl R Fri, Jun-25-04 21:33

Ohh... I hate that big question too... would you like a table or a booth... ohhh... I hate that.

Also... people asking me when my baby is due.... I'm so tired of that... I'm 47 and have a 25 year old daughter... can you imagine.

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