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DarkLotus Mon, Sep-22-03 18:16

Been having issues getting my Friday workout done lately, getting home late, pooped, etc. So I am going to see how it works adding it to Back day, which is tomorrow.

Definitely got my cardio in today and then some! I have a 9 month old chihuahua puppy that we adopted! He LOVES to be outside and go for LONG walks. The stuff I read on the net said chis didn't need much exercise. He's a cardio bunny We named him Zero (like the dog in Nightmare Before Christmas). He just started barking for the first time, we've got him confined to the kitchen till he's house broken and he's not happy about it.

So today was lots of cardio, tomorrow is back and bis/tris/forearms. Big busy day!


Regular Deadlift
115 X 12
125 X 10
140 X 8

Good Mornings
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

Lat Pulldowns
70 X 12
80 X 10
90 X 8

Close Grip Pulldowns
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

Cable Straight Back Seated Rows
30 X 12
40 X 10
50 X 8

Standing BB Curls
60 X 12 (gonna go 10 lbs heavier and see if dad notices )
70 X 10
80 X 8

Concentration Curls
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Preacher Curls
55 X 12
65 X 10
75 X 8

DB Extension
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Cable Pushdown
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

DB Kickback
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

DB Wrist curls
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

DarkLotus Thu, Sep-25-03 15:16

Ok, slacking this week is over and done with...personal at home drama appears to be over Yesterday was a allergy migraine, fun stuff. My dad and I did back and legs today to catch up as best we can within reason. Was a killer workout! I'm sore already My dad lost six pounds on his first week of Atkins! His blood sugar also came down quite a bit. He's pleased and has been good with his eating. So tomorrow is bis/tris/forearms.

Standing BB Curls
60 X 12
70 X 10
80 X 8

Concentration Curls
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Preacher Curls
55 X 12
65 X 10
75 X 8

DB Extension
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Cable Pushdown
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

DB Kickback
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

DB Wrist curls
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

DarkLotus Sat, Sep-27-03 19:17

Tomorrow is chest/shoulders. I lost two pounds. Kinda surprised by it, I ate low carb bagels and other goodies earlier in the week, I've even tried out some full fat yogurt with davinci syrup, been wanting yogurt. No, I'm not doing that crazy yogurt cult crapola! :p

Flat BB Bench Press
120 X 12
130 X 10
140 X 8

Incline BB Bench Press
90 X 12
100 X 10
110 X 8

Incline DB Flyes
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8 (I just realized I never chnged this...I've been doing 25, 30, and 35 for over a month now) :p

DB Flyes (flat bench)
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

DB Upright Rows
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Lateral Raises
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

Front Raises
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

DarkLotus Tue, Sep-30-03 15:44

Today was back, my dad had to catch up and do chest/shoulders today in addition to back. I upped my deadlift today :yay: 15 lbs! Woot woot! I had DOMS in my biceps for two days, a rare occurence, must've been bumping the BB curls. :)


Regular Deadlift
130 X 12
140 X 10
150 X 8

Good Mornings
70 X 12
80 X 10
90 X 8

Lat Pulldowns
70 X 12
80 X 10
90 X 8

Cable Straight Back Seated Rows
40 X 12 (forgot to change this, been at this weight almost a month)
50 X 10
60 X 8

DarkLotus Mon, Oct-06-03 17:06

I did finish out that week, did legs Thurs, bis/tris/forearms Fri, some cardio/dog walking each day too. This week is my week off. See journal for more useless boring blabbing :lol: Yeah, I'm gonna write in my journal! :p So workouts resume most likely 10/12. Gonna try pullovers and maybe some other little tweaks. Updates when I decide! :D

DarkLotus Sat, Oct-11-03 17:23

Ok, rest week is over! I've added two new exercises to chest/shoulders day. I will decide after my workout if I need to cut one or two out instead of adding. I really like my routine now, but I don't want to get stagnant either.

Flat BB Bench Press
120 X 12
130 X 10
140 X 8

Incline BB Bench Press
90 X 12
100 X 10
110 X 8

Incline DB Flyes
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

DB Flyes (flat bench)
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

DB Pullovers
15 X 12 (15# is the smallest DB I have and this is a new exercise)
15 X 10 (if I can get to 20#, I will go for it)
15 X 8

DB Upright Rows
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Seated Rear Lateral Raises
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8 (may only get to 20#, new exercise, we'll see)

Lateral Raises
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

Front Raises
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

The scale had nothing new to say today, was interested since I did have one cheat meal last Sunday, no change though (good thing!). Monday's my birthday (going to foxwoods to play Blackjack with my dad!) and I may take my puppy for a long walk for some cardio, lots of hills round here. Tuesday is back and I haven't thought about how I'm switching that up yet. I hope my foot feels better by then. I was a goof and tripped in work and I keep feeling one little bone in the top of my foot crunch now and then. Sore enough to notice but not bad enough to sit in an ER for 4 hours :p

mudknife Wed, Oct-15-03 13:34

Hey DarkLotus, I just noticed your post at my gym log. I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner. You are sure into lifting. Man, you are pumped and motivated. It's nice to see that. And you have lost 80 pounds, which is amazing, you must feel great!

I've been trying to lose weight so that's why I keep my reps higher. Soon I'll be dropping down to about 15 for a while and then down to 12. I really prefer the reps to be around 6-8 with heavier weights. At this point I really don't care about muscle size. My goal is to keep in ketosis by burning any stored glycogen in the muscles. I'm tired of being big and fat.

I used to compete in powerlifting with moderate success, nothing world class or anything, just at the state level. Won a few meets here and there. Of course with my weight problem I usually lifted in the 275 lb class or as a super.

I have also trained with some good lifters. Guys who set state records in Michigan. One guy lifted at the Jr. Worlds. I also knew a guy named Wayne Bouvier who at one time held the world bench press record which was around 605 at the time. I also saw Dave Waddington squat 1000 pounds during a meet in Michigan. It was a big deal back then.

Anyway enough about me. You keep going, you're doing great. Good luck and may you be injury free!

Oh, and regarding the battle between the bodybuilders and powerlifters: at my age and considering how I feel, I think they were right. They Win!

DarkLotus Sun, Oct-19-03 07:06

Hi mudknife, that's cool about getting to witness those impressive lifts, I envy you there ;) I think about giving powerlifting a go someday, it interests me.

So things haven't been going as I would have liked this week. I have not been able to work out this week, been so busy starting up my new business. I get up at 5 am and head out to my regular job, get out a 3 and work till 7, 7:30 setting up my vending machines, buying products, etc. I hate long work days! :p Today my break (though week 2 was NOT a break! :p ) is over.

Today dad & I will do the workout I posted for last Sunday. I've got a repairman coming to fix one of my machines tomorrow or Tues, I sure hope it's Monday so it doesn't mess up Tuesday's back session! I have been fiending to lift, like an itch you can't scratch. I feel all achy and sore cause I haven't been exercising and moving around as much. Lots of stress during the past week, cortisol party in my body I am sure :( I swear I got fatter. I feel dumpy. Fat week I guess. So today I get back in my groove! Can't wait! :D

DarkLotus Mon, Oct-20-03 16:02

Pullovers went ok. Was awkward getting into the right position and getting up again, my dad wouldn't even try it. So I did it and went to 20# doing them. Seated Rear Lateral Raises were a different story, those were tough. My rear delts must be lacking. My dad didn't appear to have trouble, he went up in weight, I stayed at 15. Gotta work on my rear delts I guess. Got some DOMs but not too bad, feels good! :lol:

So tomorrow is back. I got lots going on tomorrow in addition to regularly scheduled work then work out: guy coming to fix machine, my dog is getting the snip snip so he won't weeee everywhere anymore :D


Regular Deadlift
130 X 12
140 X 10
150 X 8

Good Mornings
70 X 12
80 X 10
90 X 8

Lat Pulldowns
70 X 12
80 X 10
90 X 8

Close Grip Pulldowns
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

Cable Straight Back Seated Rows
40 X 12
50 X 10
60 X 8

May do abs too if it's not too late and I'm not starving by then.

mudknife Tue, Oct-21-03 12:07

Hey DarkLotus. Hang in there, some weeks are just not going to be the best. A vending machine business sounds cool.

I've dropped my reps down to 15. Now I need to go and get some heavier dumbbells so I have enough resistance. It feels good to lift again.

Take it easy

DarkLotus Wed, Oct-29-03 17:21

Ugh. Nothing is going the way I want it to. Haven't had a workout since last Tuesday and I'm fiending to lift. Problem is I've been getting home past dinnertime every night getting my new business off the ground. But, tomorrow we are planning to do legs and possibly back (depending how we feel after legs). I still wanna get my squat to 250 by year end! :D

200 X 12
210 X 10
220 X 8

Straight Legged Deadlift
110 X 12
120 X 10
130 X 8

1 Legged Calf Raises
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

DarkLotus Sun, Nov-02-03 16:44

I'm offically back on track workout wise. The next scheduled interference has been scheduled for my off day (saturday) to move a soda machine. Just finished up chest/shoulders. Was a tough workout! But we gave 200% :) Pooped now though, yet still feel pumped too. I sure felt guilty not working out like I usually do and I admit I had to many LC beersas well when not working out. But it feels good to be back on schedule again!

So today was chest shoulders, I didn't do pullovers today, workout took longer than anticipated:

Flat BB Bench Press
120 X 12
130 X 10
140 X 8

Incline BB Bench Press
90 X 12
100 X 10
110 X 8

Incline DB Flyes
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

DB Flyes (flat bench)
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

DB Upright Rows
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Lateral Raises
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

Front Raises
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

Tomorrow I am GOING to do a treadmill program. Gonna make myself do it! Need to, feel like I'm in a rut of sorts. Though I'm prepared to wait it out, I know that change helps. Of course, I'm gonna start with nutrition. Fruit has been pretty much out of my menu completely, so has peanut butter. I've been cooking with olive oil and using a lot less butter. Will ponder on this issue more in my journal soon.

DarkLotus Mon, Nov-03-03 17:55

Tomorrow's back, got in too late to do cardio. Spent 2 freaking hours commuting home, hour and a half to get there, total 3.5 hours wasted in my car today. Then had to go run business errands. Dinner's late too. Gotta prioritize I guess. Tomorrow's workout will not be comprosmised! :) I don't feel so bad on a cardio day :p But I really did want to get it done, try for Wed.


Regular Deadlift
130 X 12
140 X 10
150 X 8

Good Mornings
70 X 12
80 X 10
90 X 8

Lat Pulldowns
70 X 12
80 X 10
90 X 8

Close Grip Pulldowns
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

Cable Straight Back Seated Rows
40 X 12
50 X 10
60 X 8

DarkLotus Sat, Nov-08-03 23:34

Tuesday I got back done earlier than my dad, so I did some ab work too (crunches). My lats are still sore today (Sunday!). Friday was legs AND arms. Dad didn't want to work out Thurs and I agreed as I borke my ass falling down my front stairs Wed night...I was lucky I didn't hurt myself worse than I did. Or land on my chihuahua! :lol: I broke my squat record though! I made it to 235!!!! :yay: It was tough and my hammies are killing me, doing the cowboy walk still :p My quads are ok though, go figure?!?!?

210 X 12
220 X 10
235 X 8

Straight Legged Deadlift
120 X 12
130 X 10
140 X 8

1 Legged Calf Raises
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Standing BB Curls
60 X 12
70 X 10
80 X 8

Concentration Curls
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Preacher Curls
55 X 12
65 X 10
75 X 8

DB Extension
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Cable Pushdown
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

DB Wrist curls
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

And tomorrow is chest/shoulder again. Feels like I just did it :rolleyes:

Flat BB Bench Press
120 X 12
130 X 10
140 X 8

Incline BB Bench Press
90 X 12
100 X 10
110 X 8

Incline DB Flyes
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

DB Flyes (flat bench)
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

DB Pullovers
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8 (may only be able to get to 20# still)

DB Upright Rows
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Seated Rear Lateral Raises
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

Lateral Raises
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

Front Raises
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

DarkLotus Fri, Nov-14-03 17:50

Back ended up getting paired with legs due to errands I had to do for my business. Was too sore to do good mornings after all the deadlifting.

210 X 12
220 X 10
235 X 8

Straight Legged Deadlift
120 X 12
130 X 10
140 X 8

1 Legged Calf Raises
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8


Regular Deadlift
130 X 12
140 X 10
150 X 8

Lat Pulldowns
70 X 12
80 X 10
90 X 8

Close Grip Pulldowns
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

Cable Straight Back Seated Rows
40 X 12
50 X 10
60 X 8

Today was supposed to be arms but I'm sick with flu symptoms (got my flu shot yesterday), so I'm hoping to do it tomorrow.

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