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galatia Sat, Apr-09-05 05:54

Quote: I claim it could be a very decorative addition to our living room..........I could hang plants from it when not in use, right? :p
LOL....I LOVE it!! You are a true bodybuilder. Where there's a will there's a way, so they say. You know I can do like 50 standing calf raises, allowing my heels about a 2-3 inch drop, no weight (other than my heavy self :rolleyes: ) and my calves will get sore. I'm not much a calf worker, however, so it might just be that they are shocked into soreness ;). I need to do them more, I suppose. I am planning on another round of walking lunges this coming week. I do them outside too, on my patio. It's too big of an obstacle course inside.

dane Tue, Apr-12-05 09:33

Got my cardio in today, and was able to force DH's lazy butt to do it, too! Went to dog the obedience work in for the 2 knuckleheaded dogs, and then DH and I took them to the park and did sprint intervals. 5min warm-up, 10min of intervals......basically running as hard as I could, then walking to recovery, repeat. Maybe 6 intervals? Felt pukey, so it was good, :p......then 15min fast walking. My butt REALLY hurts now.

dane Tue, Apr-12-05 09:35

Took the Boy and the 2 dogs and did a fast 30min walk. In the rain, :rolleyes:

dane Tue, Apr-12-05 09:36

Monday---UB, HIIT
Lower body is still a bit sore, but shoulders feel good! Just in time for me to kill them again, Tongue
4 sets of 10, 311 tempo, 60" rest
Beg: 11:15am

A1: Incl DB Press bar+5kg bump
A2: Seated Cable Row 70lbs

B1: Cable Pullover 20lbs
B2: Arnies bar+4kg

C1: Btwn Bench Dips BW-got 'em all this time!!!!!
C2: Incl DB Curl bar+2kg hard

D1: SBC-reg, 5kg plate bump
D2: SBC-oblique, BW, 5kg plate

Good workout!

dane Tue, Apr-12-05 09:37

Tuesday--LB, LILD cardio
Got the HIIT done before lunch yesterday.....
on the stationary bike, 5' warm-up L2, 10 intervals (15sL6/45sL2), 15' cool down, L3.

3 sets 15, 311, 30"
Beg: 11:30am
A: BB Front Squats 8kg 2x15; Sissy Squats, BW 1x15

B: Good Mornings bar+4kg

C1: Leg Extensions 70lbs/60/10x60,6x50
C2: Lying Leg Curls 9kg

D: Standing Calf Raise 1-7.5kg DB

E: SBC-Reverse
End: 12noon

OMG, the 30" rest really makes a difference.......short w/o, but intense. Last few reps of ea. exercise were challenging.
Still not sure on what exercise is best for me, wrt to "A" segment. Will experiment.
Plan to get a walk in with the Mutt this afternoon, if it's not raining, :rolleyes:

dane Wed, Apr-13-05 03:55

Wed.--rest day
Off day for weights, so it's a low cal/carb day. I'll probably get in some easy cardio via walking, though, and it's house-cleaning day, woo hoo. :rolleyes:

Last night I convinced DH to go for a walk with me, so we took the kids and the dogs, and did 45' brisk pace. I also carried the babe in the front carrier, so my lower back is feeling it today (plus the good mornings from yesterday contributed), but it's not too bad. More like a pleasant DOMS feeling. :) Also mild DOMS in the calves and butt, still some in the shoulders. But again, just the right amount. :thup:

dane Thu, Apr-14-05 04:26

Ended up doing another walk last night w/the family......45', but this time I let DH carry the babe, as my lower back is still a bit sore.
5 sets 5, 311, 90"
Beg: 11:20am
A1: Incl DB Press bar+9kg (25lbs)
A2: Seated Row 90lbsx1;4x85

B1: Cable Pullover 30lbsx1;4x35
B2: Arnies bar+6kg (19lbs)

C1: Betw. Bench Dips 5kg plate
C2: Incl DB Curl bar+2.5kg

D1: SBC-reg 10kg plate
D2: SBC-oblique 10kg plate

End: 12:30pm--ran out of time for crunches.....will hit them when I get back. Plus, plan on ~45' mod cardio on the st. bike.

Looking at the weights I'm getting, I'm impressed with myself. Granted, it's just for 5 sets, but I remember being upset at low DB weights, especially for the press and curls. And looky there....weighted dips, :)

galatia Thu, Apr-14-05 04:41

Yep, you're getting stronger and stronger. Feels great, huh? :)

dane Fri, Apr-15-05 07:27

Yes, Deb, It's FANTASTIC!! :)
Got plenty of cardio in yesterday.......40' walk, then later 30' steady state on the exercise bike, and then an hour or so wandering around the grocery store.
Today.... walking around Bp, plus a HIIT session on the bike.....5'L2, 10 intervals (~1'ea, L2-L6), 15' L3.
Tomorrow.... Leg Day! And hopefully outside biking. :thup:

dane Sat, Apr-16-05 04:00

4 sets 10, 311, 60" rest
A: BB Squat bar+12kg/10kg/10kg/9kg (only 6 reps here)
too many interruptions, couldn't concentrate.....losing form
B: SLDL's w/shrug bar+20kg (8reps)/15kg (8reps)/8kg (5reps)/none
lower back protesting.......went very slow, paid strict attention to form...forget it, :(
C1: Split Squats bar only 2 sets
C2: Walking Lunges bar only 2 sets
lower back is interfering
D: Seated Calf Raise managed to get these w/DS#1(28kg)holding a 10kg plate.
E1: SBC-reverse good
E2: SB-ham raise good
Really crappy workout. Never EVER again am I working out on a weekend day, when the whole family is home. I asked DH to please watch the baby (who should have been napping, but of course not today :rolleyes: )so I could exercise, but of course he does it with one eye instead of two, and I had to race over and get the baby several times. (He was playing on the floor....either getting stuck, in the dog water, etc.) DH was going through some papers, and HAD to keep asking me questions....apparently they couldn't wait 45minutes.....grrr......SO I lost concentration during the squats, and I think I screwed up my lower back. The third set I was feeling lower back pain, and noticed my form was crap. Managed to struggle through them, but my SLDL's were a complete wash. Same w/the C series. Crap.

Another note......I felt weak, too. Not shaky weak, but just no strength. Usually leg day follows upper day directly, which is higher carb....this time leg day followed a low carb day, so Iwonder if that had an effect on muscle glycogen, even though I ate a good portion of carbs prior to workout today. Hmmmmm..............

dane Mon, Apr-18-05 04:10

Monday--UB, mod cardio
Sunday--slug day, I mean, REST day. :)

Today....UB, 3 sets 15, 311, 30" rest
Beg: 11:25am
A1 Incl DB Press bar+5kg
A2 Seated Cable Row 70lbs

B1 Cable Pullover 25lbs/25/20
B2 Arnies bar+4kg(6.5kg)/5/5

C1 Dips BW only--13/10/10
C2 Incl DB Curl 8lb

D1 Swiss Ball Crunch-reg
D2 SBC-reverse
End: 12:05pm
Ok workout.....started out strong, but finished fatigued. Baby is feverish and fussy, but at least napped thru the w/o.

dane Tue, Apr-19-05 04:11

Baby still a bit feverish, but not as clingy as yesterday. Didn't do any cardio yesterday, though. Might get some in today.

Not going to go crazy with the weights today; instead, strict attention to form.....back still a bit sore, and a general fatigue (most likely due to being awakened every 2 hours or so last night by a little charcoal briquet, :rolleyes: )

5 sets of 5, 311, 90"rest
A: BB Squat 8kg/8/8/10/10 good; still felt the work

B: SLDL w/shrug bar+9kg much much better! lower back is just fine <whew>

C1: Bulgarian Spilt Squat bwx1/2-5kg DB figured out how to do these using my bench....went well, balance still tricky
C2: Walking Lunges 2-5kg DB did em indoors this tme...carpet is better than grass....less lumps.
also....DB's worked better for these than the BB.
D: Standing Calf Raise 2-5kg DBx1/2-9kgDB
Oh my goodness, a much better workout than Sat. I think I got too cocky then, and used too much weight plus the distractions.... oh well.

No pre-workout carbs today, (other than milk), and not going to add to the PWO carbs, either.......stick with the PWO shake of 21gP/5gC already there.

Reason: I have alot of fat to lose, still. I really want to focus on losing it. I have a pretty good muscle base already, so maintaining it shouldn't be too difficult, even on lower carbs and calories. Plus, I have been noticing the characteristic lethargy and crankiness, plus hunger and cravings that I get on carbs.....for me, it's gotta be all or nothing. Will try this for a bit and see, anyway. Subject to change, ;)

You know, now that I've been thinking about this (I'm writing during the 90" rests), it's almost like my CKD program.......low carb during the week, a carb-up on the weekend. I fuctioned well on a CKD, but I was not losing....poor CU and calories restriction, I think.

This carb/cal cycling has made me pay closer attention to calories, so I'm considering going back to a CKD, adjusting and watching calories better, and doing a 12hour carb up instead of 36. Hmmm.......stuff to think about this week.

galatia Tue, Apr-19-05 06:15

Boy-- if we could just figure out the eating plan best suited for us!! I know we will-- I just wish we already did and was much closer to our goal weights. I've decided to start going to bed hungry. I did last night-- no peanut butter snacking-- and dropped 4 pounds from yesterday morning. So I'll see if it's just a fluke or if it will make a big difference. I'm hoping for the BIG difference :rolleyes:.
I'm sorry Z is still feeling so bad. I hope that fever is gone soon and he's feeling great again. :)

dane Wed, Apr-20-05 04:29

Thanks Deb! He's better today, altho maybe still a bit fussy. He slept for the first 25minutes of my 30min cardio today and fussed the last 5 :rolleyes: , but at least I got it done. Actually 32min Level 3, exercise bike, 350 cal burned. Will try to get another cardio session in later today, as it's an off day for weights.

galatia Wed, Apr-20-05 06:39

I would probably be losing better if I'd do more cardio....:rolleyes: I'll think about it-- too bad just thinking about doesn't make me lose! :) I'd be skin-ny!! :lol:

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