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DarkLotus Mon, Jul-07-03 19:43

I thought I already posted since Sunday, guess I didn't. Sunday's workout was changed a bit, due to confirmation I got that it is too many sets. All exercises were changed from 3 sets per weight to 3 sets total. I knew it was wrong, but glad to have it fixed now before I burn myself out. I thought my dad would be happy, but he says he'd rather do higher reps, less weight, I prefer high intensity, more weight, going to failure though. Doing less sets now even increases the feeling well rested, but some days I feel like I should do more. Like tomorrow, so I added in some good mornings. Today was cardio. Tomorrow is back.

Lat Pulldowns
70 X 12
80 X 10
90 X 8

Bent Over Rows
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

Regular Deadlift (dad ended up doing DB so I went heavier :D )
60 X 12
80 X 10
90 X 8

Good Mornings
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

Close Grip Pulldowns
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

Abs: Seated Crunches
20 X 12
30 X 10
40 X 8

I didn't plan on doing abs today, but my dad was complaining how he hates our workout now and it's "wussy". I'm working up a sweat, giving 110%, it's not 27 sets anymore, but it's max effort. So, to make him happy, I did close grip pulldowns with him, he did some behind the neck lat pulldowns (I am not a fan of them), and then I showed him how to do seated crunches, he liked those. He had a mishap with good mornings, the bar cushion slipped and the bar went onto his neck as he was leaving the rack, so that got him pissy and grumpy to start with. :roll: Tomorrow is cardio and I already did abs, so that's one less thing!

DarkLotus Thu, Jul-10-03 19:44

Today was supposed to be leg day. Postponed until tomorrow and combined with bis/tris/forearms due to me feeling like I'm coming down with a damn cold and I don't have a week to be sick. Colds in the summer never go away! So, today was spent resting, eating, drinking, and pumping echinacea and herbal tea. I have plans tomorrow night that I refuse to allow to be spoiled. I hope to be ready to kick ass tomorrow, don't have a choice! :D

160 X 12
170 X 10
180 X 8

Straight Legged Deadlift
100 X 12
110 X 10
120 X 8

1 Legged Calf Raises
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Standing BB Curls
45 X 12
55 X 10
65 X 8

Concentration Curls
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

Preacher Curls
55 X 12
65 X 10
75 X 8

DB Extension
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Cable Pushdown
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

DB Kickback
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

DB Wrist curls
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

DarkLotus Sun, Jul-13-03 07:06

Resting proved to pay off, I felt better the next day and got through my workout just fine. It was intense as hell, my back is sore from it for some reason. I did some extra sumo squats and I tried some 150 lb shrugs too on Friday. Today is chest/shoulders and I threw abs in there too cause it only takes 5 minutes and so my dad can do em too. Nutrition has not been so good since Friday. I haven't been eating so much, I know not enough. I've been so busy plus I haven't been so hungry. But I've been making an effort to make sure I eat. So I didn't go near the scale this week :rolleyes: I measured the other day though, I thought I put that in here, but didn't I guess, I lost a whole inch on each thigh! The jiggly fat I saw there before was right!


Flat BB Bench Press
110 X 12
120 X 10
130 X 8

Incline BB Bench Press
80 X 12
90 X 10
100 X 8

Incline DB Flyes
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

DB Flyes (flat bench)
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

DB Upright Rows
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Lateral Raises
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

Front Raises
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

Abs: Seated crunches
20 X 12
30 X 10
40 X 8

DarkLotus Tue, Jul-15-03 14:37

I didn't do cardio yesterday, doing it tomorrow and saturday. Twice a week sometimes is ok instead of 3 times. So today is back, I'm waiting for the living room to cool off, just put the ac on.

Lat Pulldowns
70 X 12
80 X 10
90 X 8

Bent Over Rows
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

Regular Deadlift
70 X 12
80 X 10
90 X 8

Good Mornings
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

Close Grip Pulldowns
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

DarkLotus Thu, Jul-17-03 14:38

Yesterday was cardio. Starving today, no time to eat! :p Busy busy day. Today is leg day! Dad feels better (back was out) so he's working out too. I'm betting he's gonna wanna do more than what's planned today.

160 X 12
170 X 10
180 X 8

Straight Legged Deadlift
100 X 12
110 X 10
120 X 8

1 Legged Calf Raises
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

DarkLotus Sat, Jul-19-03 12:31

I haven't updated in a few days, but I have been doing my workouts. Cardio was Wed & Fri.
160 X 12
170 X 10
180 X 8

Straight Legged Deadlift
100 X 12
110 X 10
120 X 8

1 Legged Calf Raises
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Today is arm day cause I had such a terrible day nutrition wise Friday, I had zero energy and moved it from Friday to today.

Standing BB Curls
45 X 12
55 X 10
65 X 8

Concentration Curls
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

Preacher Curls
55 X 12
65 X 10
75 X 8

DB Extension
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Cable Pushdown
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

DB Kickback
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

DB Wrist curls
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

And tomorrow is chest/shoulders


Flat BB Bench Press
120 X 12
130 X 10
140 X 8

Incline BB Bench Press
90 X 12
100 X 10
110 X 8

Incline DB Flyes
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

DB Flyes (flat bench)
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

DB Upright Rows
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

Lateral Raises
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

Front Raises
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

DarkLotus Mon, Jul-21-03 15:54

Yesterday was chest and shoulders. I did some reverse pyramiding, and oi vey am I sore! It had the desired shocking effect :D I did remember to do some warmup sets this time though! So today was cardio and I even ran some! Yeah, with this freaking muggy soup-like air...actually felt good to run a little though. Tomorrow is back day.


Regular Deadlift
100 X 12
110 X 10
120 X 8

Good Mornings
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

Lat Pulldowns
70 X 12
80 X 10
90 X 8

Close Grip Pulldowns
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

Bent Over Rows
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

DarkLotus Thu, Jul-24-03 15:12

Doing deadlifts first Tuesday made them a lot easier, I wasn't pooped yet. Today is leg day. Trying to figure out if I should still squat first or do SLDL first...I'm thinking leave squats first, input from anyone would be appreciated. I edited my post to reflect that I made my squat goal of 200 today!!! Felt good to finally get there, was a mini goal of to just get my bench and deadlifts up there...

Tomorrow I want to try that forearm workout that was posted in the training forum.

160 X 12
170 X 10
190 X 8
200 X 6

Straight Legged Deadlift
110 X 12
120 X 10
130 X 8

1 Legged Calf Raises
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

DarkLotus Fri, Jul-25-03 17:43

Took today as off day due to getting stuck in horrible traffic. Got home pretty late. So tomorrow is bis/tris/forearms. Measured today, I think I lost a little on my thighs but can't tell for sure it's such a small amount. Not enough to report yet.

Standing BB Curls
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

Concentration Curls
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Preacher Curls
55 X 12
65 X 10
75 X 8

DB Extension
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Cable Pushdown
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

DB Kickback
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

DB Wrist curls
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Skamito Fri, Jul-25-03 19:27

Hi Dark. I'm quite fond of the new Bowflex. Especially since BF is killing himself on it, so I bet he'll have a killer body in no time. :)

It's not as ideal for lower body since those exercises involved ankle cuffs and strange positions, but I can really feel the workout I did a couple days ago, so at least I'm sure it works. ;)

Upper body is a cinch. This is a great machine for a variety of upper body exercises. :thup:

Yup, I hope getting back into the groove is successful. I'm going on vacation soon, so that'll throw me out of whack a bit, but my drive is still there.

I see you're doing well... your stats reflect that the scale is finally agreeing with those great inches you've been losing. Getting so strong too. Congrats!

DarkLotus Sun, Jul-27-03 09:11

Hey Angela, thanks for popping in, you look a lot like my sister with that hair color. Thanks for the compliments, now if my back would just catch up with the rest of me! :D


Flat BB Bench Press
120 X 12
130 X 10
140 X 8

Incline BB Bench Press
90 X 12
100 X 10
110 X 8

Incline DB Flyes
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

DB Flyes (flat bench)
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

DB Upright Rows
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

Lateral Raises
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

Front Raises
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

DarkLotus Tue, Jul-29-03 14:37


Regular Deadlift
100 X 12
120 X 10
140 X 8

Good Mornings
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

Lat Pulldowns
90 X 8
80 X 10
70 X 12

Close Grip Pulldowns
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

Bent Over Rows
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

45 X 12

DarkLotus Wed, Jul-30-03 19:01

Tomorrow is leg day, and I'm looking forward to it, especially squats. My back isn't :p but I am! Still stiff/sore from back day. Should have done cardio today, but it was a hectic day all around, my ma's birthday, maybe get a good day in on some hardcore HIIT if I have the energy after all my errands.

180 X 12
190 X 10
200 X 8

Straight Legged Deadlift
110 X 12
120 X 10
130 X 8

1 Legged Calf Raises
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

DarkLotus Fri, Aug-01-03 15:33

Yesterday was leg day, squats felt extra heavy, but I did them all just fine and in good form. Deadlifts though, my back is still a little sore from Tuesday's punishing, so I didn't do my last 8, too sore, didn't wanna push too hard and wind up hurting myself. I kept nearly puking from deadlifts on, was an intense workout!

Today was bis/tris/forearms. Went well. Did some extra wrist curls at the end with a 20 lb DB. Gonna try to get some HIIT done tomorrow.

Standing BB Curls
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

Concentration Curls
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Preacher Curls
55 X 12
65 X 10
75 X 8

DB Extension
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

Cable Pushdown
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8

DB Kickback
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

DB Wrist curls
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8

DarkLotus Sat, Aug-02-03 15:39

Ok, I'm bored out of my skull and it's only 6 pm. I think I've got too much energy! I'm gonna go run like a hamster on my treadmill and do that much talke3d about HIIT session! Gonna go sweat my butt off in that stifling room......ugh. Better go do it before I am convinced to stay in the air conditioned room. And *whine* my back is stiiill sore...

Tomorrow is chest/shoulders. Hopefully my dad will be around to spot for me, I have trouble getting the BB off the rack on incline bp.


Flat BB Bench Press
120 X 12
130 X 10
140 X 8

Incline BB Bench Press
90 X 12
100 X 10
110 X 8

Incline DB Flyes
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

DB Flyes (flat bench)
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

DB Upright Rows
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8

Lateral Raises
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

Front Raises
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8

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