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Ohiohoney Mon, Aug-09-10 14:40

Such a great thread. Ditto, yep and I second that!

For me, my super sux moment came just a short time ago. An ex boyfriend is in town and wanted to have lunch. I lied and said I'm out of town. He'll be back in October so I HAVE to be down a bit by then.

katoman Sun, Aug-15-10 19:11

My grrr moment is when the family went out to Outback Steakhouse and we had to have a table because I couldn't squeeze into the booth seat.

bhghatesyo Tue, Aug-17-10 17:21

this is the best thread i have read since i came on here. i have expirenced every single one of these things that have been listed. i have recently been going through a bunch of old pictures and i noticed that i dont have ONE of myself from the last 10 years. i am always the one holding the camera. this had a big impact on me because it is like i was never there. i am not part of those memories. well i know i am but its hard to look at all my friends and how they are so confident and happy and all i can think is i am hiding behind the camera. i have lost so many chances at having a good time. i would never go out to parties or go with friends to a new place because i was afraid of being singled out and made to feel like an outsider. most of my friends were thin and although they didnt say things to me about my weight the also wouldnt stick up for me really. i feel like society thinks that being fat is almost a punishment for being bad. like i deserve to be fat for. i have even has moments at work where i have felt harrassed because of my weight. no one can know how this feels untill they expirence it for themselves. and not in a "Fat Suit" that you can take off and return to you regular life. i just want to wake up in the morning and not immediatly think about my weight. i would like to live a little

Carianne Thu, Aug-19-10 21:32

I'm constantly paranoid that I'm dying. I didn't use to be this way. But my husband told me in February that he wants a divorce and now I'm the only one on this earth to take care of my boys. If something happens to me, they have nobody. So I have to get healthy, but the more I think about it, the more I want some chocolate ice cream or cake or something not good for me. It's like a vicious cycle of worrying and eating wrong.

The obvious health risks are huge. But I also don't want to embarrass my boys. I'm a fat mom. I hate the way I look and feel. I do get out and play with them. But I am to the point that I mostly want to stay home. I know that's not good. They are active in sports. I don't want them to be like me. I feed my kids healthier than almost everyone on the teams they are on. Would someone please kick me in the a** to get me going?

JustSmurfy Sun, Aug-22-10 12:01

Originally Posted by Carianne

The obvious health risks are huge. But I also don't want to embarrass my boys. I'm a fat mom. I hate the way I look and feel. I do get out and play with them. But I am to the point that I mostly want to stay home. I know that's not good. They are active in sports. I don't want them to be like me. I feed my kids healthier than almost everyone on the teams they are on. Would someone please kick me in the a** to get me going?



It sounds like you've already found the motivation to get going (your kids) so you are on your way, right?

I'd say give yourself a couple weeks to grieve all the changes in your life, and focus on one or two small changes to get yourself feeling better. (drinking some water, getting enough sleep, perhaps a checkup at the doctor to let him/her know you plan to start a weight loss program) You shouldn't have to be a superhero when you are coping with the stress of a divorce and more.

I'm just getting started with my weightloss too. It's intimidating at the beginning, so I'm trying to focus on one small step at a time. I gave myself a week to read the new Atkins book, two weeks to experiment with some recipes, and it was a month before I started the work.

JustSmurfy :cool:

hanfordian Thu, Sep-09-10 23:23

1 chaffing

2 weighing more than my boyfriends

3 not being able to enjoy certain positions because i'm worried if he'll notice my back rolls.

4 sleeping with the first guy that seemed interested because i was worried i'd die a virgin.

5 always having to ask sales associates where the plus size section is or asking for a bigger size.

6 having to spend more money on bras because of the size of my chest.

7 not being able to find cute bras or underwear in my size.

8 having to buy queen size if that about queen? huh? why not small medium and large what's with the queen.

9 wanting to look sexy in boyfriends clothes but they're too small.

10 having skinnier friends call themselves fat in front of me.

11 plus size clothes always look like they belong on a fashion challenged teenager or a 60 year old woman.

12 the people who design plus size clothes being idiots and screwing up the proportions on clothes. too big in the waist but tiny in the arms. too wide or too long

13 feeling like my ankles are gunna break if i wear sexy tall stilletos.

14 losing feeling in my toes after wearing even moderately high heels.

15 feeling like everyone is judging me when i eat ice cream or candy in public.

16 waiters giving me the are you sure look when i say no to dessert and then giving me the same look if i do order dessert. just can't win with them.

more than 10 but i've got millions more

17 being worried my boyfriends family or friends won't like me or approve of me because i'm fat.

KayKay419 Sun, Oct-17-10 00:32

1) After trying on clothes, the sales person asks if you need a bigger size through the door!
2) Fluorescent Lights, need I say more?
3) Taking an exercise class, and noticing you are the biggest person there
4) Not being able to do all the exercise in the class^
5) When eating low calorie, my smaller friends would still stuff their face, and not gain weight
6) The rejection of people not laughing with you when trying to make a fat joke
7) Always being the fat best friend, with great personality
8) Having guys you used to like tell you, if only they knew how great you were before they started dating the skinny bimbo clone
9) Finding excuses not to be in photo's
10) Trying on clothes
11) Those friends that tell you you're not fat, and let you eat that whopper meal with king sized fries and drinks
12) Constantly adjusting your clothes
13) The fat waddle, instead of regular walking
14) When your walking by someone in a hallway, and they give you more room than you need to get by, WAY more
15) When you order a diet drink at a restaurant and the waiter gives you that "who are you trying to kid" look
16) Wearing skirt, tank tops, or anything that shows skin
17) Worrying about flab being visible to other people
18) Getting intimate with a man in the light
19) Sweating under rolls
20) Not being able to look at yourself without hating what you see

Just some of my reasons why it sucks to be fat.

goinggoing Sat, May-21-11 18:39

Avoiding the club scene because being the chick who no one is looking at, would hurt too much.

Wearing long jeans all summer!

Being nervous about meeting friends of your s/o because you're nervous that they'll think you're too fat.

Being the hot one until someone thinner and mildly attractive steps into the picture.

NubCake Sat, May-05-12 06:11

Originally Posted by goinggoing
Avoiding the club scene because being the chick who no one is looking at, would hurt too much.

Wearing long jeans all summer!

Being nervous about meeting friends of your s/o because you're nervous that they'll think you're too fat.

Being the hot one until someone thinner and mildly attractive steps into the picture.

I 've been there so I know exactly how you feel.
Stick with low carb, it really works. Not just for weight loss. You will be in great health and your skin and hair will look great as well.
I think you are beautiful anyway but when you hit your goal you will be stunning.
Best of luck with your journey =)

tamara84 Sat, May-05-12 09:45

The worst thing about being fat...

I'm 50 pounds heavier than my 6'4 husband. I'm only 5'3.

Sex, we average 2 times a month. Horrible considering we are 27 & 28.

The fact that my 3 yr old son is starting to realize mommy is bigger than most other mommy's. :(

I'm on BP meds at such a young age.

kayekaye12 Sun, May-06-12 16:14

Buying clothes for my thin daughter and the salesladies coming over to say that they don't have that in my size. Ya! I know that, I can read!

witchiejen Sun, May-20-12 16:13

Knowing that I'm fat, but then I see a picture of myself at a friends birthday party and thinking, "Holy &*$! I'm THAT big? THAT'S what I look like??" And then being totally depressed because you felt so cute when you got dressed for the party.

Wearing a sports bra instead of an underwire around the house for comfort and to minimize sagging...then catching sight of yourself in the mirror and without the boobs to stick out a little, it just looks like a slab o' flab on your torso.

Baal Tue, Dec-15-15 01:04

I just say; Pants, pants, pants!!!

- I just can't find fitting pants, thin legs and a doughnut around my waist.
Seriously, nothing fits!

- Hey, big guy.

- Not feeling healthy.

- Stretch marks on a guy...

glimmergai Mon, Apr-04-16 14:12

OK so seriously I hate my thighs touching when I walk. It was quiet in the house at night and I was wearing short pajama shorts. As I walked across the room I heard this strange loud whooshing sound. OMG is that me? Is that my blubber swooshing together? YUCK!

CallmeAnn Mon, Apr-04-16 21:27

Originally Posted by Lessara
This is why I hate being a fat woman as well...

Having people ask me if I'm pregnant! :rolleyes:

This one item is to me, all in how you look at it. I don't know how old you are, but at an age over 45, I looked at it as appearing young enough to be pregnant. Being the particular shape of fat that I am, I naturally do look pregnant. Everything in an old fashioned maternity store (the kind that sells smocks, remember?) would be shaped for me. On top of that, my biggest issue with obesity is that it makes me feel like I look OLD.
So, when the young dutch girl at the ski resort sat down next to me at a table and managed to communicate in broken English that she thought it was great that 'they let me ski', my confusion gave way to mirth, to realize she thought I was pregnant. My 47 year old smile was genuine and I just nodded and agreed.

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