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bubu Thu, Mar-24-05 07:39


Love the avatar btw. I am ready for grand kids, but the oldest has a 5 yr plan....dang.

Didn't work out this morning, knee is sore so I give it a rest as far as cardio which would have been today. Gonna try this pm or maybe hang it on tomorrow.

Well best off to work, its rainin and to turn to snow....

Have a great day !

dane Thu, Mar-24-05 08:00

Day 41 LILD Cardio
60' on the stationary bike, level 2, 138 ave HR. Wooo. Exciting.

dane Fri, Mar-25-05 01:53

Cardio in Ketosis
From kwantam at ckd:

OK, time for a PubMed infusion.

The first article I ran across was

Petersen KF, Price TB, Bergeron R. "Regulation of net hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis during exercise: impact of type 1 diabetes." J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Sep;89(9):4656-64.

From the abstract:

In the control subjects, GP increased in proportion to the intensity of the exercise [at rest (REST), 14.3 +/- 0.5; MOD, 18.1 +/- 0.9; HI, 28.8 +/- 1.3 micromol/(kg-min); P = 0.001, three-way comparison], and this was accounted for by an increase in the percent contribution of net hepatic glycogenolysis to GP (REST, 32 +/- 1%; MOD, 49 +/- 5%; HI, 57 +/- 5%; P = 0.006).

"Control subjects," in this case, were normal healthy individuals (not the ones with type 1 diabetes). By GP they mean hepatic (liver) glucose production; glycogenolysis is the breakdown of glycogen (in the liver) into glucose (for distribution via the bloodstream to muscle). Basically, the higher intensity the exercise, the more liver glycogen you're burning, but note that even at moderate intensity, glucose production already relied heavily on liver glycogen. So moderate intensity cardio does do what we want, just not quite as well as high intensity.

Let's see what else we can find out. Some more digging turned up a reference (but no abstract or text, unfortunately---if you have it or find it, post it please!) to

Bjorkman O. "Fuel metabolism during exercise in normal and diabetic man." Diabetes Metab Rev. 1986;1(4):319-57.

In searching for this article, I ran across

Hawley, J.A. "Fat Burning During Exercise: Can Ergogenics Change the Balance?" The Physician and Sportsmedicine. vol. 26 no. 9 Sept 98.

Not a primary source, but it does back up our seemingly conventional wisdom: low and moderate intensity exercises burn fat to conserve carbohydrate stores. Its references are somewhat useful. In addition, it suggests that caffeine causes your body to rely more heavily on fats and less heavily on glycogen during exercise, which says to me no caffeine before your Sunday cardio! I suppose this really should be obvious: caffeine is a beta-adrenergic agonist, which stimulates lipolysis. On the whole, I'd guess that it's a very minor effect, but it's something to consider anyway. The article also talks about the use of L-Carnitine to upregulate lipolysis, and then discusses MCTs (not saying anything great, but probably making reference to a few interesting papers, if anyone cares to track them down) and keto diets. In his section on keto diets, he refers to a paper that suggests that keto diets increase insulin resistance in the liver and reduce liver glycogen production---very much in line with our conventional wisdom that once you've been on CKD for a while, it gets easier and easier to get back into keto. Interestingly, it doesn't say the same thing about muscle glycogen---something for which I'm sure we're all very glad!

From the bibliography of the above paper, I tracked down a few papers by Romijn et al that further our knowledge a bit:

Romijn JA, Coyle EF, Sidossis LS, Gastaldelli A, Horowitz JF, Endert E, Wolfe RR. "Regulation of endogenous fat and carbohydrate metabolism in relation to exercise intensity and duration." Am J Physiol. 1993 Sep;265(3 Pt 1):E380-91.
Romijn JA, Coyle EF, Sidossis LS, Rosenblatt J, Wolfe RR. "Substrate metabolism during different exercise intensities in endurance-trained women." J Appl Physiol. 2000 May;88(5):1707-14.
Romijn JA, Coyle EF, Sidossis LS, Rosenblatt J, Wolfe RR. "Relationship between fatty acid delivery and fatty acid oxidation during strenuous exercise." J Appl Physiol. 1995 Dec;79(6):1939-45.

The first article establishes for muscle glycogen the same thing that Petersen et al told us about hepatic glycogen: you use more of it as intensity increases. Interestingly, they also find something that suggests the HIIT and CKD go hand-in-hand: in recovering from high-intensity cardio, your body continues to break apart triglycerides into FFAs in the bloodstream. We know that once you're in ketosis you won't be able to put those FFAs back into adipose tissue. The result: "free" burned calories (you'll just convert them to ketones and excrete the extras). In other words, it looks like CKD makes HIIT even more effective. But I'm getting a little off-topic. The second paper just confirms that the intensity-substrate relationship is the same for men and women---but we kind of expected this (to me it looks like someone was just looking for tenure and decided to publish another paper using one of their old experimental setups icon_smile.gif).

The third paper does something interesting: it looks at why you use less fat at high intensity. It turns out, it's not because your body doesn't want to oxidize the fat, but rather because lipolysis stops. They verify this by supplementing the blood FFAs of cyclists at 85% VO2max externally and observing a resultant increase in the rate of fatty acid oxidation. In other words, your body would burn the fats if they were in the bloodstream; since it's not burning fat, we have to conclude that availability (i.e., lipolysis) is the rate limiting factor. A person on a keto diet, having shifted the balance of metabolism quite a bit, upregulates lipolysis, meaning that we can still burn fat at high intensity.

OK, let's take a step back. What have we established?

1. Greater intensity = more glycogen depletion, both muscular and hepatic.
2. Low intensity does burn liver glycogen, just not at as high a rate, because lipolysis is supplying the body with energy from fats. In other words, low to moderate intensity will work, just not quite as efficiently. This can be made up for by doing it longer, which is exactly what we do. In fact, I think that's the reason that HIIT isn't suggested: while you're able to burn liver glycogen faster, no one can do an hour of HIIT, whereas I can go run for a couple hours at 65% VO2max no problem. The efficiency is worse, but the total glycogen depletion is greater.
3. It's the drop in lipolysis that causes you to burn more glycogen at high intensity---your body will only spare carbohydrate to a certain extent, beyond which it stops liberating fat and turns more and more to carbohydrates.
4. Women and men are the same in these respects.
5. Liver and muscle glycogen rates behave in a similar fashion with respect to cardio intensity. Thus, studies we find on muscle glycogen suggest similar effects on liver glycogen. This also means that you really can't preferentially deplete your liver---in order to burn enough hepatic glycogen to get into ketosis, you've got to burn some muscle glycogen, too. Fortunately, after being on CKD for a while, your liver will store much less glycogen than your muscles, and you'll be able to drop yourself into keto without killing your muscle glycogen stores too much.
6. Since lipolysis is upregulated on a CKD, we're more likely to burn fat at high intensity than a person on a carb diet. This is kind of a no-brainer (if there's no carb, the energy has to come from somewhere!), but it's comforting to know that your body can burn fat, even at high intensity, if only you can convince it to continue lipolysis (e.g., via ketosis).

Note: I ran across this article, which doesn't seem to have a lot of bearing on this topic, but does seem pretty interesting nevertheless:

Adams JH, Koeslag JH. "Post-exercise ketosis and the glycogen content of liver and muscle in rats on a high carbohydrate diet." Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1989;59(3):189-94.

dane Sat, Mar-26-05 03:26

Day 42 LILD cardio
Walked to the veggie stand and back.......40 minutes.

Digging in the garden........ 30 minutes.

dane Sat, Mar-26-05 05:30

Day 43 Depletion and Carb up
Coffee w/milk and cream~7-8am
Breakfast ~8-9:30, chicken leg quarter, skinles; 150g banana (4g fructose);100g apple (7.5g fruc); and 430g black grapes (32.5g fruc)=44g total.

-circuit format.....
-4 to 5 circuits done, 10-20 quick reps (1 sec up/1 sec down)
- as many reps possible in 60s.; 30sec inbetween exercises;3 min between circuits.

Began: 11:15am

Leg Ext: 3plates (30lbs)....set up row
Hammer Curl: 5lb DB
Flat Bench: bar +4.5kg (23 lbs)
Seated Row: 3plates (40lbs)
Lying Leg Curl: 5kg........set up bench
French Curl: 8lb DB
Incl Flye: 8lb DB
Calf Raise: 8lb DB
Incl Bench: 8lb DB
Ball Crunches, Ass'td: BW.......reset ext and bench

Finished: 12:20pm

Feeling it today...I'm sure the digging yesterday helped deplete. :)

ellipticer Mon, Mar-28-05 08:03

Hi Dane :D

Great log you have here-- it obviously attracts those serious enough to want to punish themselves with weights (hi ladies!). I love that you all do squats and lunges and deadlifts... my wife is starting to get addicted to them as well. It caught me off guard after her last workout when she said that she really liked deadlifts and wanted to up her set intensity. We also do 20 rep squat sets and they still make me want to hurl.. cheers!

ps. I never felt like I was getting good ab isolation work until I started doing bent over cable crunches. Squats and deads built most of my core but I enjoy the burn from the weighted crunches. The range of motion that is pictured here is a good example, as the abs are just meant to draw the ribcage into the body and that is what I concentrate on--

dane Tue, Mar-29-05 04:25

Day 46 Legs/Bi's/Abs
Eggs: ~10am

ATF squats,2' rest, w/u BBonly 1x8; BB+11.5(19.5kg, 43lbs) 3x8 last few hard, keep heels down

SLDL's BB bar+15(50.6lbs) 3x8 good

Good Morning, bar only(8kg,17.6lbs),2x8;bar+2kg(10kg, 22lbs)1x8 good
ss w/BB curls, bar only 2x8, bar+2 1x8 good (can feel left side struggling)

Alt single leg Calf Raise, bar+10kgDB,1x8, right foot scar tissue's heavy singles. :(

Standing Calf Raise, BBbar+2kg, 2x20 fine

Conc. Curls DB bar+2 (10lbs) L: 1x10 (just barely got last rep);1x13(cheated last one);1x10 (cheated last 3)
R: 1x32 (?!?);2x10(could do more)

preacher DB curls 8lb DB 6,7,7
ss w/hammer curls 8lb DB 6,7,8
Again,left side only to failure

Leg Ext 8plates (80lbs) 3x8
ss w/Standing Leg Curls, alt 2plates, 3x10 good, but a bit harder than usual

Lying Cable Pullovers 2plates 2x10
ss w/ball back ext. 2x10

ball crunches--crunch, side, lower, 2x10

Finished:12:30 whey/soyPP w/16gDex
Notes: add seated rows 8plates 5x5 to UBWO.

galatia Tue, Mar-29-05 07:38

Ellipticer said: (hi ladies!).
Hi ellipticer.
You had a great work-out Lisa. I am trying to cut back on weight and still acheive good results. I don't intend to go light, just not quite so heavy. My hinny is sore from those walking lunges-- that's good, I'd have been really upset if I didn't get sore from those torturous things. Dh has remarked several times lately that my rear-end looks a lot smaller. It isn't measuring a lot smaller, so it must just be tighter and looks smaller. Still, that's good. Sort of a "fake it, till you make it"-- who'd have thought a bodypart could do that! LOL I'm over 40-- we find humor in odd things. ;)

dane Tue, Mar-29-05 08:42

Originally Posted by Deb
"fake it, till you make it"

:lol: Hey, it works!

Hi Ellipticer! I sent you a PM awhile ago, BTW.
I love that you all do squats and lunges and deadlifts.
Ha! You won't catch me doing lunges! They are excellent, of course, but my knees make the most god-awful sounds.........but I am lucky that my legs muscle up well with what I like to do. My problem area is my belly <sigh> But there are some great abs hiding under there! I checked out the video clip you posted...... I only have a low pulley attachment, so can't do those pull-downs, but I think I get a similar benefit with the lying pull-downs I do, w/ the low pulley. But there were some other exercises on that link that looked do-able, too.......especially liked the "three-in-ones". Thanks!!

GypsyAngel Wed, Mar-30-05 01:24

Originally Posted by dane
Those pop squats sound like half squats.......but no matter, as long as you know what they are. :) I think it's great that Brad's introducing you to machines and free weights, not just one or the other. I started out on machines only, and wasn't until years later I figured out how great free weights are. Now I do both......I find the different styles affect your muscles a bit differently. All good.

I love concentration curls. I don't have a good pulley set-up, but if I did, I'd do cable curls, too.....all curl exercises will hit the brachialis, as well as biceps, but each in a slightly different way. So it's good to have variety. Plus, once you get a good grasp of all the variations, you can pick a few as your favorites. :thup:

You'll probably find that you can lift much more weight on a machine than w/free weights.

Hi Dane!
I'm really enjoying doing a variety of different work outs. I can definitely feel a difference between the machine weights and the free weights. They leave your muscles feeling different. And you're right, I can lift much more weight on the machines.
I have 4 more sessions with Brad and with him being around the gym to ask questions and having the support from you and other people that are knowledgable I think I'll do OK on my own. I'm really glad I went the personal trainer route just to get a base of knowledge. I've learned a lot.This is a tough week on the work front but I'm hoping to get to the gym tomorrow and Friday and Saturday.

GypsyAngel Wed, Mar-30-05 02:21

Originally Posted by dane
I read the other day about varying the cardio machines during a session, just as you're doing. It's supposed to be ideal for keeping the body from adapting too quickly. A good excuse for me to buy more equipment, anyway, ;)

And here I was only doing it because I get bored on one machine for more than 15 or 20 minutes. LOL! And I think it's a great excuse to buy more equipment.

dane Wed, Mar-30-05 04:39

Day 47 Upper Body (Chest/UpBack/Delts/Tri's)
Breakfast: ~10:15am
Begin: 11:40am

BB flat bench,2'r, bar+19kg(59.4lbs)8,7,6,6,8(?)

DB incl flye bar+6.5(18.7lbs)9,8,8; bar+4.5 9,9
ss w/DB incl press bar+6.5, 8,6,4; bar+4.5 8,8

arnies bar+2.5kg (11lbs) 3x10 good
ss w/upright rows bar+2.5, 3x10 good

Univ Gym Chest Press 8plates(80lbs) 3x10
ss w/T-bar row 15kg (33lbs) 3x10

pec-dec 3plates(30lbs) 3x10 last few reps hard
ss w/DB incline, face down rear delt raises 8lbs 3x10 good

side lats 8lb DB 3x10 good
ss w/french curl bar+5kg(16.5lbs) 3x10 good

Finished: 12:35pm
PWO shake.....24g soyPP, 20g dex powder

Something I've been thinking about wrt dextrose...... last week I had carb cravings, and I'm thinking they might have been partly stimulated by the dex candy. I think it's psychological........ eating the candy made me want to eat more candy......that dex candy was on my mind, alot!! So anyway, yesterday I added dex powder to my PWO shake, and will do the same today. No cravings so far..........

ANewMe2B Wed, Mar-30-05 09:08

Hey Lisa : )
Just dropping by.....boy your gym log looks remarkable! hope to be at your level someday. keep it up!

ellipticer Wed, Mar-30-05 09:11

Originally Posted by dane
Something I've been thinking about wrt dextrose...... last week I had carb cravings, and I'm thinking they might have been partly stimulated by the dex candy. I think it's psychological........ eating the candy made me want to eat more candy......that dex candy was on my mind, alot!! So anyway, yesterday I added dex powder to my PWO shake, and will do the same today. No cravings so far..........

Same experience here, Dane! My lovely wife bought me a bag of fancy cinnamon hearts for Valentine's Day. She knew I would be mad so she said they were really a present from the dog and I should just eat them after my workouts for the sugar :p

WOW they sure bring out the cravings.. I've had to scrap them for now. I'd have a few bites and I'd be going back every 15 minutes to graze on them again.


btw, I have new respect for the ladies in the gym after squatting with my wife last night... in the past, she's always done dumbbell squats and lunges; but I'm moving her over to having the bar on her back since it makes a world of difference for core strength.

Well I'll be damned if she didn't squat SO FAR DOWN... it made me embarassed that my squats looked like half-squats compared to her. She goes way past parallel, total A2G (ass to the ground). My hips just don't have that sort of flexibility!

dane Wed, Mar-30-05 09:31

Originally Posted by Lisa
hope to be at your level someday.
Hahahaha! That's what I say to Galatia and others! Nice of you to say, Lisa. But all it takes is persistance and time.

Originally Posted by Ellipt
I'd have a few bites and I'd be going back every 15 minutes to graze on them again.

Yeah! That's exactly how it was! I counted out my 6 allowed pieces, and then caught myself justifying one more, and another, :p

Originally Posted by Ellipt
She goes way past parallel, total A2G (ass to the ground). My hips just don't have that sort of flexibility!
I've read that ATF/ATG squats can't be beat, for men or women. If you have trouble going all the way down, it could be tight hips, but you might try a really wide, toe-out stance. That's how I have to do them, thanks to the durn belly getting in the way, ;)

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