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Taja Sat, Sep-06-03 13:38

What a wonderful site! I started the Atkin's 6 weeks ago..lost 2 pds. and now I am 129lb again age is 52 and I am the Queen of Hot Flashes! Geez! I do believe I am doing something wrong, I hope by reading messages I will find out just how to correct it! I will not give up..I have read the new Atkins book, watched my co-workers melt away the it is my turn! Any suggestions please feel free to post them..:)))

LadyDi Sun, Sep-07-03 00:47

Are you taking your Vitamin E for hot flushes.....I also heard licorice tea was good for that, but might not work with this diet.....

gudjul Sun, Sep-07-03 15:36

TAJA, I have been lc since Feb and have finally lost 11lbs. The hot flashes have not changed since lcing.I've had them for about 5 yrs, with decreasing serverity. Estroven , vitamin suppliment helped. You can buy it over the counter. I had no side effects. Have you lost your MIND yet? Me, I can't remember! sue

cvillacci Mon, Sep-08-03 12:43


Thanks for your concern. My blood pressure is 118/70, so very good thanks to low carb dieting. HOwever, with excersize and low carb dieting since Jan 21 I have not lost a pound.

My doctor recommended Meridia so I thought I would try it. I started on August 20. I did see the scale drop below 250 for several days after I started the Meridia and Jorge Cruise 8 minute excersizes to build muscle. However, I am still at 250. Some days a few pounds more and some days a few pounds less. I eat anywheare from 1200 cal to 2000 calories. Change in calories do not seem to effect weight loss. Walking 4 time a week for 35 minutes(2 miles) did nothing. The weight building is still in process so I will have to get back to you on that.

Other than starve myself, I am at a loss as to why I can not loose weight. I lost 100 pounds on a low/no fat high carb diet. The reason I stopped doing that was because I hit a stall for months on end.

I thought about doing the fat flush of 1000 cal but I do not know if I would stick to it since it is soo restrictive. I am trying to find a healthy way to loose weight and something that I will stick to.

Anyone have any suggestions?

I swear the large fibroid tumor is causing my body to hold onto all the fat. However my doctor disagrees. Since I was able to loose weight before and can not now, I think that must be it since that is the only difference. However, all my test results say my thyroid is fine and I am taking progesterone cream(natural).

rhaazz Mon, Sep-08-03 12:59

cvillacci I have a couple of suggestions.

1. Read tholian8's journal. She will inspire you.

2. Try measurements instead of the scale.

3. Try easing into the fat fast. It's hard to go straight from normal Atkins to fat fast, but if you ease into it it's doable. I did the fat fast and it's not bad -- gross to eat all that mayonnaise, but, well, once you see the pounds fly off at the rate of several each day, you kinda get to like the taste of mayo off a spoon. (Also, I found that slices of high-quality smoked salmon wrapped around tablespoonsful of cream cheese worked pretty well on the fat fast.) Plus if you like macadamia nuts, you're golden.

Also remember that hte fat fast is not intended to last more than five days. The days fly by when the numbers on the scale are dropping so rapidly.

LadyDi Mon, Sep-08-03 19:56

I have been doing the fat fast in little splurges...that works too:)

MsAtt Tue, Sep-09-03 10:09

hi guys! well, i do believe i am finally back to normal from my hormone withdraw...and even my mind is somewhat functioning! :dazzle:

i am going to print out the fat fast and give it a go now...i have stayed the same since my last entry and i am ready for some fast results..i am going to visit my daughter in toledo and my son in cleveland next week before school starts on the 24th...i want to go back to school and have people go "Wow! you look like a goddess!!" hehe...sure... :daze:

anyway, with my hair cut off and my weight down it should be fun to see some reactions ...good to see this post is still hanging in there! i'd go nutzer if it was gone! love to all! :sunny:

Taja Wed, Sep-10-03 13:31

Thanks for you reply...Yes I take a high anti-oxidant with E vit. more potent than on the market. :) I lost 2 pds..put on 1 1/2pds..geez...this is the weirdest way to lost weight...but I feel great! LOL

Taja Wed, Sep-10-03 13:42

Hi Sue!
I finally figured out how to reply..sorry..also to LadyDi..I really enjoy this site..I am reading Dr. Atkin's book faithfully..yes..I too am getting tired of eggs...I have been eatting quite strangely lately..My son was startled when he watched me dip my Bacon Rinds info the Red Pepper Hummus! Mom did I see you dip your Bacon Rinds into Hummus???? That is like the Southern Hillbillies going to the Country Club! Lol You eatting Bacon Rinds is Appalling to Me! You taught me to eat low fat all my life..just look at You NOW! LOL I must admitt it was funny..we had a great laugh! could say My family definitely thinks I have totally Lost My Mind!! lol :))

MsAtt Mon, Nov-03-03 09:27

i found this thread again and decided to resurrect it...i know there are women out there who can benefit from it...including me. being menopausal is no picnic, and some of us have to take meds for it...lordy, after going off my premerin, i was psycho! not to mention what happened to me a couple of weeks after resuming my does, i'm sure, not help with the diet, but there is a lot of wisdom out there, and for those of us who must use HRT, the support is here it is...let's try and keep it going. thanks, guys... :help:

Galadriell Mon, Nov-03-03 10:23

Moving this thread?
Dear Moderators,
can any of you move this thread to the "Countdowns, Buddies, Challenge"? So it wont disappear again and again among the hundreds of newbies questions?

Wyreless1 Tue, Nov-04-03 08:36

Just found this!
I just found this thread! Exactly what I need! :yay:
I, too, am peri, 46, about to be 47 and crawling along loosing. Since going off the pill and getting my tubes tied in January of this year, I never know when my TOM is going to be. Seems to vary anywhere between 23 to 29 days! I figure I only have a good week and a half to 2 weeks that I can actually see that I *may* be loosing weight. This time around I went up my usual couple pounds but have yet to see them both go completely away :mad:

I figure at the rate I'm going, it's going to take me another year to loose this last 11 pounds!!!! I'm so glad to not feel so alone, that there are others out there dealing with the same things! :agree:

CeeTee Tue, Nov-04-03 09:18

To all of my peri-menapausal sisters:
Someone recommended a book to me due to all of my questions and complaints regarding this stage of my life. It was great! It answered alot of the questions that my GYN didn't do so well answering and it informs you of what you can expect from your body over the next few years. It's called "The Wisdom of Menapause" by Christiana Northrup. I borrowed it from the library but folks have told me that they've seen it at Costco, etc. Enjoy! And hang in'll be over soon (I hope).

MsAtt Tue, Nov-04-03 15:42

thanks for the recommendation, CeeTee...i need all the help i can get! :read:

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