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diget77 Mon, Apr-07-03 12:28

added in multiple leg lifts, and several bicycle moves. Gosh, I really need to get some videos. I think I will do some research and try 2 completely different types and rotate, one type one day and then diff. one the next. Then, maybe increase and do one in the morning and one during the day, rotating diff. one eact time of day.

we'll see how evrything goes. I know I won't get anything accomplished while on our river trip. I can continue while at my mom's, but won't have a scale or place to exercise while at the river. I do figure that since I will be learning to ski again, I will be working out enough muscles that that should help. We will keep our fingers crossed.

Ok, back to work


diget77 Mon, Apr-07-03 14:03

20 more squats
20 lunges
more bicycle moves and leg lifts

feeling the burn a bit. Did some research on some videos and think I have decided on
The Firm: total body & hips, buns, thighs
Suzi Lonergan's Body Power Pilates

I figure the pilates is recommended 3 days a week. So I figure I could do that one during the week, everyother day. Then, using the other 2, start out on the odd days, and then working up to both on the odd days. I figure that these should complete my transfermation (I hope anyway).
I really want to get my bf % down a bit more, and my weight down atleast another 15 lbs (really would like 20 more lbs) I want to tone and firm my belly, arms, and thighs. Gosh, I have come a long way, but have so much further to go.

diget77 Wed, Apr-09-03 15:49

This is more of just a reality check and not a gym log right now. I did get some exercise in last night. I haven't done anything today. I want to concentrate on my eating habits first. I had slipped into upkeep. I have maintained the same weight for several weeks now, going up and down only 1 pound. I have been happy, but not completely. I want to lose maore and know I need to lose more.

Today, although I did have a small amount of a kit kat, I haven't done anything else. I shared 4 eggs scrambled with lots of cheese with my 1 yr old. And had some BBQ pork rib strip and a bowl of chicken egg drop soup. I made plenty of soup and figure if I get the urge to eat a "snack" I will have that. I want to have Jerky, but am saving my meat to make jerky for my trips...don'tt want to make too early, or I won't have any to take with me.

So, anyway...that is what I have been up too...still trying to lose, but now more than ever.


diget77 Sat, Apr-12-03 09:58 soooo much walking in yesterday. Walked almost straight from 11Am to 11:30 pm...with maybe a total of 2 1/2 hours of sitting. Had some ice cream and preztel sticks and 1/2 a hot dog. Got home and had 2 hamburger patties with cheese. I saw a drop in weight. Should after all that walking, even if I did cheat. It was a treat becuase I was sharing with family. Anyway, I hope that my keeping to the lower amount of carbs will help me get back on track. I had a plate full of green-beans for breakfast. Will most likely stick to my hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch.
Oh, also on a note. I have stopped taking the carb cutting pills. I can't honestly say they were working, and can't say they weren't, so we will see.

I am going to make a whipped cream/cream cheese/(tiny amount of strawberry) and some crysatl light dessert. I also plan on making some jerky soon. Well, I will catch ya later


diget77 Mon, Apr-21-03 10:24

Ok ok ok I know it has been awhile since I wrote.
Well, I was doing so good yesterday (Easter) until I made these great dinner rolls. I had 2 and green bean bake...the only "real amount" of carbs I took in. Before dinner I stepped on the scale and was the same as that morning...saw 0 1/2-1 1/2 That was great. My this morning I was up to about 23. I couldn't believe it.

So, today, Strictly ham and deviled eggs. Maybe a hot dog or hamburger and possibly left over pork strip. So, I figure that could help. I think I will try to get in some squats, lunges, and crunches. I did find the perfect machine that is under $150. It is both a pilates and "total gym". I think it might work out I just have to save up for it. Maybe for an anniversary gift...we'll see


diget77 Tue, Apr-22-03 08:29

Well, I am back on track somewhat. I did end up doing 20 squats and 20 lunges and the same today.
I did drop off the 2-3 pounds I picked up on Easter. So I am feeling better and motivated. I will be going to my moms on Sunday. I prob. won't write until I get back...then I will be off again within a week.

I think I have committed to an exercise equipment I want. I have convinced DH that I actually want something. I have done a lot of reading about the new gazelle elite. I think it will work out great....can have a great cardio workout without much effort. I hope that I can get it and that it will help me to reach my goal!


diget77 Wed, Apr-23-03 10:07

Ok, did get in 20 squats and 20 lunges this morning. I still need to work up to getting more in. I can't wait to order my gazelle. I know it will be a couple months before I get it, but I can't wait. I feel good with my decsion. I know I should order it now and get it by the time I get back from my vacation, but I don't know.
I am determined more than ever to get myself fitter than ever. I want to beable to go hiking with my DH (used to be one of his favorite pass times). DH is being so supportive. I couldn't believe it. I usually don't ask for much, but felt guilty asking for a product that costs over $ me that was a major jump. I will keep you guy posted on what happens.
Did have a nice salad this morning...lettuce, cheese, ranch, and some left over Easter ham. Bye


diget77 Thu, Apr-24-03 16:32

Got in some 20+ lunges and 20+ squats and several crunches.

Am busy making lots of Jeky to get me through my first trip.


diget77 Tue, May-06-03 09:04

Well I am back for a week anyway. Colorado was great. Although I cheated and had ice cream and cheesecake and an eggroll...I did walk every day and at a 10,000 ft altitude, it really felt good. I actually lost a pound I think. I am at 120, although it isn't too acurate since I really didn't eat much yesterday on the 13 hour drive home. I have a lot of work to do around the house today. Maybe some yard work, if it doesn't rain. So I will catchya later..oh, other than other exercise while gone. I'll see about this week.


diget77 Wed, May-07-03 22:10

I've done a lot of work around the house, but haven't done any actual exercising. I do know that I need to get into it again. I know that the river is going to be a workout. I still have to go get a suit. I have decided on board shorts and bikini top. My stretch marks are way too bad (dark purple & on my tummy into my legs. I am happy with my upper half, from belly button up. I hope to post some new picks when we get back.

Talk to ya soon....

diget77 Fri, May-09-03 20:52

no gym log today....just want to get my feelings out before I explode. I don't know, I feel sooooo lonely. I have totally thrown lcing out the window the last couple days. Emotionally I don't know if I could fall any further...
The boys have been trying my patience and the stupid part about it is I can't even tell you what they did. Not to mention the cavity I think I have killing my mouth and the pain that might be heartburn for the last week.I am expecting TOM and figure that is most likely the main cause of my emotional status. Mother's day is coming and I honestly feel like no one cares. All I want is a day where I don't have to deal with the world. It never fails, everyone gets sick including me, and I have to pamper everyone. I don't remember the last time I was sick and got to stay in fact, if I recall DH stayed home and slept, while I took care of the boys...he did watch them a bit, but then I had to come and clean up the mess. I know it's selfish, but why can't I have a meal. Even tonight I set my plate down and my son, who already ate, ate it all while I was on the phone. I know it's stupid and petty....I should stop. I can't believe how stupid I sound. I really need to go on this river trip and get my mind off things.

diget77 Sat, May-10-03 08:45

I've been feelin much better this morning. And for once in my life I am going to go do things without another adult (done shopping before), but will go to a breakfast with just me and the kids. I also plan on doing a lot of walking today. I am going to find a swim suit since I leave in 4 days and don't have one. I am then going to pick up some gifts for mother's day. So that's that....will get some exercise and try not to go too hairwire the next couple days. I have been eating all sorts of high carb things. Oh yeah...

My mom went back on LCing and has already lost a few pounds (water weight) but it encourages her. Gosh, if she would just lose atleast 40, but 60 would be great....she really needs to lose maybe 70-80...but any amount would be good for her. So I am off today and will report in on mind swim suit hunt.


diget77 Mon, May-12-03 08:34

Well, I'm a bit back on track. I did get in 20 lunges and 20 squats. I figure I will add in some crunches. I did have too much to eat yesterday, due to mother's day cake and all, but figure I will be making jerky today and tomorrow which automatically cuts me down a bit. I have picked up what I lost at my moms...but I am not too upset. I did find a swim suit and 2 extra bottoms. I still have to find 2 more tops to match the bottoms. I did go with the shorts, but found a sexy top.

Talk to ya later,

diget77 Mon, May-19-03 10:28

I'm back!! Had so much fun. Slightly burned my legs. I guess it really was a work out. I really threw the lc into the wind, eating chips and muffins and danishes. I did eat jerky, but like I said I was so bad. I ended up coming back the same as I left, 121.5 I would really like to get down some more and there is hope that I can get back strickly in a couple days. I was just so pleased, because I thought I would have gained 5 maybe even 10 pounds. I am so encouraged. I did do alot of work, it took 2-3 housrs to set up camp, and maybe 4 hours to take down and to pack, now we have to unload and clean everything. I figure that will also be a good workout. I am so sore that I figure I won't be back into actually exersize for a few days. :-) anyway, I am so happy...even though I don't think DH got a chance to take any pics of me in my swim suit. Oh well, maybe later....


diget77 Wed, May-21-03 09:33

Yeah! Got in 10 crunches
20 squats
20 lunges
I feel good, my legs really feel it, I wonder if it is because I really worked them out while knee boarding. I tried to really work out by not actually sitting on my legs, holding myself up. I am really going to try hard today to cut back on my carbs. I have been so bad lately haveing several high carb things in my munching. Today I started with several strips of bacon, instead of the muffin and danish I had for the last couple days. I am still hungry, so I may have some hot dogs or a hamburger....we'll see. Well, back to work. I have to wash the car today and still have some things to put away from the trip :-) Oh, looked at the gazelle and they now have it so you can make 8 payments...who hoo more affordable.


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