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DarkLotus Thu, Jun-05-03 16:52

Yesterday I did cardio of a new sort (for me anyways). I played some basketball with my SO and the dog. She likes to bark at the ball and nose it around the little court. So we did that for 20 mins and I worked up a decent sweat and it was nice to do something different and be outside.

Today was going to be UBWO until I got called back to work...I wasn't a happy camper. So, I have moved UBWO to tomorrow and may do some cardio Saturday. And I was on target for a PERFECT damn week Food's been good, no foods from the off limits list, proud of myself

Tomorrow I may push myself and try to up lat pulldowns 5-10 lbs. See how it goes. I also want to add in wrist curls tomorrow too, gonna go to and see if there's a video clip and look here too. Gotta make sure I do it right, cause my wrists pop out sometimes. Oh yeah I upped DB shrugs last workout to 45 no problem, forgot to put that in there.

Tomorrow's UBWO:

Incline BB bench press
70 X 12
80 X 10
90 X 8
100 X 6
90 X 12
Incline DB flyes
30 X 12

DB Upright Row
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8
35 X 6
30 X 12
Side Raises
25 X 12

Wide grip pulldown
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8
80 X 6
70 X 12
DB Shrug
45 X 12

DB extension
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8
35 X 6
30 X 12
DB Kickback
20 X 12

Standing BB curls
40 X 12
50 X 10
60 X 8
70 X 6
60 X 12
Preacher curls
70 X 12

DarkLotus Fri, Jun-06-03 13:54

Uggghh. :p I kicked my own ass doing UBWO. I tortured myself good :D I felt that my incline bench presses sucked today, I couldn't get the bar off the rack at the angle I was at for my set of 6 and I got pissed at myself and cause I didn't have a spotter today :( So I did a whole mess of reverse pyramid dumbbell flyes to make up for it, what a burn! I did some extra front and lateral raises today as well, these felt great! I also added in some wrist curls today as well, went very well. And I almost forgot!!! I DID THE LAT PULLDOWNS AT THE HIGHER WEIGHT! :yay:

DarkLotus Sun, Jun-08-03 04:11

Today is LBWO.

BB squats:
150 X 12
160 X 10
170 X 8
180 X 6
170 X 12
Leg extensions: 70 to failure

Straight leg deadlift:
120 X 12
130 X 10
140 X 8
150 X 6
140 X 12
Good morning: 50 lbs to failure

One leg calf raise:
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8
45 X 6
35 X 12
Angled calf raise: 45 to failure

Cable Seated Crunch:
20 X 12
30 X 10
40 X 8
50 X 6
40 X 12
Floor crunches 12 to failure

DarkLotus Wed, Jun-11-03 15:49

Flat BB bench press (didn't do max cause Dad was working out with me and don't want him to hurt himself)
100 X 12
110 X 10
120 X 8
130 X 6
120 X 12
Incline DB flyes
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8
30 X 6

DB Upright Row
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8
35 X 6
30 X 12
Lateral raises (I forgot to do front raises, I was sooo hot)
25 X 12

Wide grip pulldown
60 X 12
70 X 10
80 X 8
90 X 6
80 X 12
Close grip pulldown
90 X 12
DB Shrug
35 X 12 (held each rep for 5 seconds)

DB extension
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8
35 X 6
30 X 12
DB Kickback
20 X 12

Standing BB curls
40 X 12
50 X 10
60 X 8
70 X 6
60 X 12
Preacher curls
70 X 12

Wrist curls
20 X 12
20 X 12
20 X 12

Ok, off to shower, I stink! :D

DarkLotus Fri, Jun-13-03 09:03

Yesterday I did cardio, treadmill, 20 min uphill program, no windsprints cause my knee was hurting again and didn't wanna aggravate it as today is LBWO.

Today I got LBWO done early, as I'm off work today cause my car's in the shop getting belts and brakes done. So it was a nice quiet, uninterrupted, FOCUSED workout. Sweat my butt off too.

I felt adventurous and tried to do a ridiculous deadlift finale today. 190 pounds. I got it down to near the floor and couldn't raise it again I didn't wanna hurt myself so I put it down and lowered the weight. I thought I could do it. Maybe I'll shoot for 170 next time, 190 was a 40 lb jump, too much at once I guess.

BB squats:
150 X 12
160 X 10
170 X 8
180 X 6
170 X 12
Leg extensions: 70 to failure

Straight leg deadlift: Still really focusing more on form than poundage except for my dumb ass attempt described above.
100 X 12
110 X 10
120 X 8
130 X 6
120 X 12
Good morning: 50 lbs to failure

One leg calf raise:
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8
45 X 6
35 X 12
Angled calf raise: 45 to failure

Cable Seated Crunch:
20 X 12
30 X 10
40 X 8
50 X 6
40 X 12
Floor crunches 12 to failure

My ass hurts already. Gonna be lazy for the rest of the day. :D Hoping that the scale is nice to me again tomorrow. And tomorrow's my off day.

red1cutie Fri, Jun-13-03 22:07

Hi DarkLotus! Congrats on your loss!
:clap: :clap: :cheer: :yay: :cheer: :clap: :clap:

Thanks for the advice on the protein! Your workouts look great. You can lift alot. I'm still at the same weights but at least I am being consistent with my BFL.

I started taking the coconut oil because I read a thread that it raises the body temperature & helps weight loss. The thing is I just learned it is high in bad fats if it is not manufactured in the right way. I wasn't paying attention to where I bought it. I just got some brand from the health store. Now I think I have to stop it.

It's hard for me to get that much protein in. I will try.

Have a great weekend! :wave:


DarkLotus Sat, Jun-14-03 19:44

Thanks Red :D It's all about your own level of intensity, so long as you're hitting your 10's you're lifting heavy! ;)

Tomorrow is UBWO. I'm really looking forward to it.

Incline BB bench press
70 X 12
80 X 10
90 X 8
100 X 6
90 X 12

Incline DB flyes
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8
30 X 6

DB Upright Row
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8
35 X 6
30 X 12
Lateral raises
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8
30 X 6 (this is a new level for me, I may be too pooped, but I plan to try!)
Front raises (easing into this one, it's new for me)
15 X 12
20 X 10

Wide grip pulldown
60 X 12
70 X 10
80 X 8
90 X 6
80 X 12
Close grip pulldown
90 X 12
DB Shrug
35 X 12 (hold each rep for 5 seconds)

DB extension
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8
35 X 6
30 X 12
DB Kickback
20 X 12

Standing BB curls
40 X 12
50 X 10
60 X 8
70 X 6
60 X 12
Preacher curls
70 X 12

Wrist curls
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8 (I will see how far I can get!)
30 X 6

DarkLotus Tue, Jun-17-03 18:26

Well, I've been a bit of a bum the last 2 days. Yesterday I had ZERO energy and today I woke up with my allergies driving me nuts and a migraine too! So I haven't done squat...literally :p I will make up for it, omit some cardio if I must :rolleyes:

I am thinking of what's next this time. C2 is nearly at an end, and it's been a tough road. I have set out to do what I wanted, lost some fat, actually lost some poundage, increased strength, etc. So the challenge is a success. I am finding that 1 day a week of rest is not suffcient for me. I need at least 2.

I think I may not do a C3, but rather move on and really delve into my own split. I have been scouring other peoples journal's on abc, peeking and looking for one that suits me best. I found this one:

Flat BB Bench Press 3 X 12/10/8
Incline BB Bench Press 3 X 12/10/8
Incline DB Flyes 3 X 12/10/8
DB Flyes (flat bench) 3 X 12/10/8


Lat Pulldowns 3 X 12/10/8
DB Upright Rows 3 X 12/10/8
SLDL 3 X 12/10/8


Squat 3 X 12/10/8
Good Mornings 3 X 12/10/8
Seated Calf Raises 3 X 12/10/8

Standing BB Curls 3 X 12/10/8
Concentration Curls 3 X 12/10/8
Preacher Curls 3 X 12/10/8
DB Extension 3 X 12/10/8
Cable Pushdown 3 X 12/10/8
DB Kickback 3 X 12/10/8
Wrist curls 12/10/8


Where do I put trap work in? :confused: This is just the first draft. All suggestions are welcome. And what to do about the dratted cardio??? 2 times a week??? Three??? On which days??? Is 20 minutes enough???

DarkLotus Wed, Jun-18-03 14:36

Ok, I've been getting feedback from people at abc on my split, and a coworker noticed something I gotta fix so here's the latest revision:

Flat BB Bench Press 3 X 12/10/8
Incline BB Bench Press 3 X 12/10/8
Incline DB Flyes 3 X 12/10/8
DB Flyes (flat bench) 3 X 12/10/8

DB Upright Rows 3 X 12/10/8
Lateral Raises 3 X 12/10/8
Front Raises 3 X 12/10/8


Lat Pulldowns 3 X 12/10/8
Bent Over Rows 3 X 12/10/8
SLDL 3 X 12/10/8
Shrugs 3 X 12/10/8


Squat 3 X 12/10/8
Good Mornings 3 X 12/10/8
Seated Calf Raises 3 X 12/10/8

Standing BB Curls 3 X 12/10/8
Concentration Curls 3 X 12/10/8
Preacher Curls 3 X 12/10/8

DB Extension 3 X 12/10/8
Cable Pushdown 3 X 12/10/8
DB Kickback 3 X 12/10/8

Wrist curls 12/10/8


DarkLotus Thu, Jun-26-03 17:54

Ok, based on some more advice I got, I changed SLDL's to leg day and substituted regular deadlifts for good mornings. Tomorrow I'm just gonna jump in to it midweek, gonna do bis/tris/forearms, and there's a heatwave going on, but I bought a new AC for my workout room, so I think we will be ok ;) I;m all excited!!!! :D

Yes, my dad is excited about my split too, he gets to work out more, he really didn't like my BFL schedule, cause he could only do UBWO, nothing else, but he always still squatted, even if it wasn't deep. His new brace shoes should be in next week and I'm hoping he can do something like calf raises, crunches, possibly some very light deadlifts (he's got a bad back and I think gaining strength in the lower back would be good for him).

Flat BB Bench Press 3 X 12/10/8
Incline BB Bench Press 3 X 12/10/8
Incline DB Flyes 3 X 12/10/8
DB Flyes (flat bench) 3 X 12/10/8

DB Upright Rows 3 X 12/10/8
Lateral Raises 3 X 12/10/8
Front Raises 3 X 12/10/8


Lat Pulldowns 3 X 12/10/8
Bent Over Rows 3 X 12/10/8
Regular Deadlift 3 X 12/10/8
Shrugs 3 X 12/10/8


Squat 3 X 12/10/8
Straight Legged Deadlift 3 X 12/10/8
Seated Calf Raises 3 X 12/10/8

Standing BB Curls 3 X 12/10/8
Concentration Curls 3 X 12/10/8
Preacher Curls 3 X 12/10/8

DB Extension 3 X 12/10/8
Cable Pushdown 3 X 12/10/8
DB Kickback 3 X 12/10/8

Wrist curls 12/10/8


DarkLotus Sun, Jun-29-03 15:58

SAT: bis/tris/forearms
Standing BB Curls 3 X 12/10/8
Concentration Curls 3 X 12/10/8
Preacher Curls 3 X 12/10/8

DB Extension 3 X 12/10/8
Cable Pushdown 3 X 12/10/8
DB Kickback 3 X 12/10/8

Wrist curls 12/10/8

Did my first bis/tris/forearms day. It was brutal! Good thing dad & I started a little lighter due to the increased number of sets, we sure were exhausted when we were done. We were supposed to get this workout done yesterday, but it was 90+ and muggy and I forgot to pick up the extension cord for the new AC, too hot to suffer with no AC. So we did it Sat and we're doing chest and shoulders today.
Flat BB Bench Press 3 X 12/10/8
Incline BB Bench Press 3 X 12/10/8
Incline DB Flyes 3 X 12/10/8
DB Flyes (flat bench) 3 X 12/10/8

That was THE most grueling workout of my life. Truly. What a punishing. 1.5 hours (which is bad I know) and we didn't even get to shoulders we were so damn sore, tired, and sweat covered. I couldn't stop shaking it was so intense. Plus we were still sore from yesterday, so that didn't help one bit. Gonna do shoulders on back day this week. Next week will be perfect, with all off days as scheduled.

Tomorrow is going to be 20 minutes of cardio.

DarkLotus Mon, Jun-30-03 15:25

Cardio's done. Bleh boring, hate it. I have a bad case of DOMS... the actual second worst ever. The absolute worst is when you first start squatting, that pain lasted a week. I just hope the pain goes away cause I have to do back and shoulders tomorrow.

Lat Pulldowns
50 X 12/10/8
60 X 12/10/8
70 X 12/10/8

Bent Over Rows (this is a new exercise)
15 X 12/10/8
20 X 12/10/8
25 X 12/10/8

Regular Deadlift (this is a new exercise, start ~ 60 and see how it feels)
60 X 12/10/8
70 X 12/10/8
80 X 12/10/8


DB Upright Rows
15 X 12/10/8
20 X 12/10/8
25 X 12/10/8

Lateral Raises
15 X 12/10/8
20 X 12/10/8
25 X 12/10/8

Front Raises
15 X 12/10/8
20 X 12/10/8
25 X 12/10/8 (dunno if I can go this heavy yet, this is a new one still)

25 X 12/10/8
30 X 12/10/8
35 X 12/10/8

DarkLotus Wed, Jul-02-03 20:48

Ok, yesterday went very well right up to deadlifts. I did them no problem at all, but my dad managed to hurt his foot somehow. I made sure to keep on him about his form, teaching him correct form right away. He has a tendency to look down, I kept at him to look straight forward the whole time. So once again, shoulders got bumped up a day, cause I know he would have hurt himself more if we went on.

Today I worked out alone, I did shoulders, abs, and then cardio on the treadmill. I got jiggly fat going on big time on my quads, all lumpy looking and it wasn't the other day...I hope that means I'm gonna lose some soon That would be nice.

Tomorrow is leg day and I'm looking forward to it.

160 X 12/10/8
170 X 12/10/8
180 X 12/10/8

Straight Legged Deadlift
100 X 12/10/8
110 X 12/10/8
120 X 12/10/8

1 Legged Calf Raises
25 X 12/10/8
30 X 12/10/8
35 X 12/10/8

DarkLotus Fri, Jul-04-03 02:44

Yesterday was leg day and it went fine. Squats were tough, only cause I'm so used to only doing 5 sets. SLDL's of course were killer too. My dad tried to tell me he was gonna start off learning to SLDL where I'm at now, I said absolutely not, you start at the bottom and work your way up, took six months for me to get to this point. I told him he'll thank me tomorrow So he did his DL with 15, 20, and 25 and said he could feel the burn. It's so hard to get him to listen!

I have been eating apples and peanut butter this week. I really enjoy having it as a snack. I swore them off though. I'll see what the measuring tape and the scale say over the weekend. It would be nice if I could have it, since I had to give up oatmeal. My mom says I should eat it on lifting days and just have eggs like I have been on cardio days. I dunno if that's a good I'm getting so far is to eat it, it's good for ya.

Ok, today is torture day: bis/tris/forearms!


Standing BB Curls
45 X 12/10/8
55 X 12/10/8
65 X 12/10/8

Concentration Curls
20 X 12/10/8
25 X 12/10/8
30 X 12/10/8

Preacher Curls
55 X 12/10/8
65 X 12/10/8
75 X 12/10/8

DB Extension
25 X 12/10/8
30 X 12/10/8
35 X 12/10/8

Cable Pushdown
50 X 12/10/8
60 X 12/10/8
70 X 12/10/8

DB Kickback
15 X 12/10/8
20 X 12/10/8
25 X 12/10/8

DB Wrist curls
20 X 12/10/8
25 X 12/10/8
30 X 12/10/8

DarkLotus Sat, Jul-05-03 19:10

Yesterday's workout went just fine, triceps are a little sore, but not too bad. Our time improved a little too, just about an hour. Today was my off day. I'm looking forward to tomorrow :)

Well, Friday makes one complete week of doing this routine. I like it, it's definitely hard, but there is enough time between working body parts that I am not as tired as I was doing BFL. I feel much better now, I can give 150% to each workout instead of holding back a bit cause I'm worried about being able to to the next BFL workout. I can go to complete and utter failure and beyond :D My dad also likes this program too, he feels the same about it as I do.


Flat BB Bench Press
100 X 12/10/8
110 X 12/10/8
120 X 12/10/8

Incline BB Bench Press
70 X 12/10/8
80 X 12/10/8
90 X 12/10/8

Incline DB Flyes
15 X 12/10/8
20 X 12/10/8
25 X 12/10/8

DB Flyes (flat bench)
15 X 12/10/8
20 X 12/10/8
25 X 12/10/8

DB Upright Rows
20 X 12/10/8
25 X 12/10/8
30 X 12/10/8

Lateral Raises
15 X 12/10/8
20 X 12/10/8
25 X 12/10/8

Front Raises
15 X 12/10/8
20 X 12/10/8
25 X 12/10/8

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