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jane anne Wed, Jul-17-02 19:11

hi girls:
had a lazy day today. we went thru a lot of jessie's stuff but it was too hot in the basement so we travelled up to the cool. the rest of the day was spent lounging in the air and reading. hope it rains tomorrow. i have a dentist appointment in the morning so i have to get things ready for gerry tonight. you'd think i'd do it this afternoon when i had the time but oh no, not procrastination jane. i wait to the last minute. oh well, old dogs and all.
have a good evening '

ms_poody Thu, Jul-18-02 07:44

Good Morning Girls,

Seems we are all dealing with unbarable heat. Remember to drink drink drink WATER!!! I don't think I got enough yesterday and my face is showing it, I look haggard...yuck.

This is a weird one, thought I'd share it and see if we can come up with an explanation.

When I got home yesterday I couldn't pass up the temptation to jump on the scale. It read 225 [one pound down from morning] but when I woke up this am and weighed in it was back up to 226. While I am in NO way distressed by this [I know I'm going down and expect a little variance] it has me perplexed. How am I gaining overnight? I thought you normally gain through the day and lose during the night. Has anyone else noticed this, or have a theory as to how it happens?

Like I said, I'm not concerned so don't think I'm freaking. It's just a huge puzzle to me. It seems to defy what I understand to be how things work.

I don't think it is related to the water issue I mentioned at the begining of this post either as I am in NO way puffy. I actually seem a little on the dry side.

I have switched my workouts to the mornings if anyone is wondering if this could be a factor and that would support or change your theory.

If any of you have the analitical mind that I do, you know how crazy something like this could drive a person so please offer any theories you can think of.



jane anne Thu, Jul-18-02 09:08

hi renee:
actually the water is probably the reason. you go along drinking lots of water and your body gets used to that, then all of a sudden for one day you don't drink enough, weight is down one pound. then the body says" hey, where's the water, am i going to get any more? i better conserve." hence water retention the next morning. it takes a bit of time for the body to actuate the reduction of water.
as you can see i'm about as analitical as you can get. in our house we call it obsessing, and i do it a lot....although i am getting better at letting things go.
however, this would also get me going as well.
the only other connection is the timing of your weight training. the change could have caused another delayed reaction to your body .... or it could be a bit of both.
see how things are tomorrow.
went to the dentist this morning and they can't find any thing wrong with my tooth. it's a mystery to them. they're going to look over my chart and talk to other dentists and get back to me in a few days. hope they find something out. he thinks i have beautiful teeth so it definitely is mysterious.
anyway got to go, gerry comes in less than a hour and i'm not near ready for him.

ms_poody Thu, Jul-18-02 09:41


I like your explaination. It does sound right. I don't feel puffy, but I'm not likley to if it's just a little water, and water is heavy...thanks.

As to our analitical minds, I prefer to think of myself as "detail oreinted", but I've heard it refered to as "anally retentive" I guess it's all in the "mind" of the beholder. No matter how you lable it though, it can be a royal pain to get stuck on a thought that doesn't quite fit. So I'm sure you can appreciate just how happy I am to get some explaination that doesn't fly in the face of my accepted

Thanks again, :rheart:


Kaki Thu, Jul-18-02 11:41

Hi Renee'
I've read it's best to weight yourself the same time of day and also in the same state of clothing (with clothes or without). I am so anal that I also make sure that I eliminate before I weight too :o .

It's hot and muggy here too. I thought it was going to rain this moring. It was kind of misting but never did get the rain. It's gray and very hot.

So girls, what kind of things do you eat for breakfast??? I am usually an omlette person but slowly I am tiring of it. Found a super recipe for egg/cheese fritatta. Will try that in a couple of days. Had two soft boiled eggs, a couple of slices of cheese and three tomato slices this morning. Wasn't very hungry.

Well, I had better get back to work but I get off a 2PM. Yippie!

See ya,

ms_poody Thu, Jul-18-02 12:07


I eliminate before weighing in :eek: Anal is as anal does I I say that.

As a rule I always weigh in the mornings, before I eat anything, but after my first cup of coffee. I am worthless before my java and wouldn't even be able to see the scales without it.

[I do keep the scales upstairs, that way I am forced to walk back up each morning. I sneak all the excercising in that I can]

I'm not much of a breakfast eater but, as you probably know, skipping meals is a BAD thing, so I just eat a small portion of Macadamia Nuts once I get to the office. I could probably eat almonds or brazil or any nut for that matter if it weren't for the fact that macadamia are the only nuts that don't make me want to nibble.

Another good breakfast is a one egg egg salad w/ mayo only.
Celery sticks w/cream cheese or even a can of tuna w/ mayo have done the trick too.

Breakfast doesn't always have to be "breakfast food". Many people here at this site eat leftovers from the supper of the previous night. But if you are a die hard "breakfast food" eater I believe Jane's "Pork Rind Waffles or Pancakes" and Melanie's "Mock Danish" may be just the trick.



Kaki Thu, Jul-18-02 14:47

Hey Renee'
I really had to chuckle at your last post. I even will go as far as putting in my contact lenses before I weigh. Those darn fat lenses in those glasses :D .

I don't mind eating left overs for breakfast but that doesn't happen here very often. I love salmon and tuna fish but I don't think I could stomach them first thing in the morning. I too salmon with me for lunch. I just love it.

Off to start dinner. I am making spaghetti and I am using squash for me instead of noodles which the rest of the gang is getting. Don't want to make them cry.

See ya!

jane anne Thu, Jul-18-02 16:57

hi girls:
breakfast is a non issue for me. i either have an omlette or scrambled eggs sometimes with bacon or sausage. for years i ate the same thing. first it was peanut butter on toast with tea and after i got ulcerative colitis it was pineapple and walnuts and green tea.
i never got tired of it. i guess i'm not too interested in variety. although i do find that periodically i don't want anything in the house. i don't think that's bordom with my food so much as hormones. so that's when i just eat some nuts and whatever. then i'm back to usual. i find lunch the worst meal for me. i just don't want to fuss. i just want to eat something really a sandwich! maybe i could use lettuce leaves instead of bread or something.
tomight i had 2 hamburg patties topped with sauteed onions, green, red and yellow peppers, and mozz. cheese. with a side order of green giant italian-style's been so hot here today that i didn't feel like cooking and if gerry had not been here i would have been tempted to not eat at all.
we had a very short rain storm today, not even close to enough. everything is parched a nd dying. if we don't get some significant rain soon the crops are going to die in the fields.
well gerry wants his bath so off i go.

Kaki Fri, Jul-19-02 06:02

Good morning ladies!
Down one more pound, woo hoo!!! I have lost 10 pounds now in a week and a half. Not bad!! I feel so much better now too. I hate it when my stomach is so big that I feel like my organs are pushed up under my rib cage. My pants are fitting a bit better and I noticed that my bra is not so tight :D .

Did any of you watch Oprah yesterday :thup: ? I was so inspired by some of the ladies on the show and their weight loss. Two of the women did weight training to keep their figure in check. So, now I think I will add weight training to my walking routine. I walk daily for 25 to 30 minutes every morning and I thought I would add the weight training on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Can't seem to find my free weights. Guess they are lost in the move with all my cooking bowls. Goofy! Will look more for them later today. John said he as seen them here in this house to they must be somewhere. I looked in the shed and all of John's weight are there but not mine. I like mine better than his but if all else fail I will use his until I either find mine or break down and buy another set.

I will have made it though induction by this coming Tuesday. Looking forward to being able to add a few more items to my menus. I am not to fussy with my eating but the biggest fear is not having something in the house that I can eat. Like you Jane, I like sandwiches but now I have to come up with other ideas for lunch to take to work. Some days I end up stoping by the grocery store to make my self a salad. I love taking salmon (the kind in a can) and mixing it up with some mayo, green pepper, tomatos, and green onion and then laying it on a bed of greens. It's very tasty and filling.

Well, better get off here and get my day started. Will be another hot one and no rain here either!

See ya!

jane anne Fri, Jul-19-02 06:56

hi ladies:
was just over in the forum listings under kitchen, in small (?) meals and snacks and found some ideas. they had kind of a sandwich kind of thing that the bread is replaced with meat slices and the middle is cheese and you heat it in the frypan until cheese is mealty. the either eat like sandwich or cut in squares and eat like snack.
i missed oprah yesterday. i don't get to watch it every day. i bet it was interesting though. i am a firm believer that weight training is very beneficial to our health. not just for toning the body but for staving off osteoparosis. it has been proven that weight training adds density to bones and can even reverse some of the effects of the disease.
i go to the gym at the y and would pay even if i had no money just to keep it up. its become one of the necessities of my like.
i'm still at 200 but i fit into my clothes so much better and can even where stuff i haven't worn in 3 years :D so i'm not too worried about the scale. of course the weight training has a lot to do with it i think....but i like this diet. it does take some getting used to but i intend on this being the last "diet" i ever go on. this is for life.
went to the gym this morning and have not had breakfast....speaking of breakfast, saw a recipe for breadfast meatballs that look very nice.might make some to have with my eggs instead of bacon (too tedious and messy to cook) they looked yummy.
now i'm hungry :lol:
got to go eat.

jane anne Fri, Jul-19-02 07:02

Sorry karin....forgot to mention how proud (and a little envious) i am of you :o you are doing so well. it gives us all hope. i knew my weight loss was going to take some work though because of my age and the thyroid problem i have.
not to mention that i'm perimenopausal.
you are doing fab :cheer: keep up the good work.
now i can eat!
bye :wave:

ms_poody Fri, Jul-19-02 08:46

Good Morning Girls

I'm sorry that I haven't been very attentive this week. It's been unusually busy here at work.

Congrats on your weight loss :cheer: You are doing great!! I think you'll love weight training, I sure do.

Sounds like you are finding some good recipies. Let me know your favorites once you've tried them, ok? :)



Melameter Fri, Jul-19-02 13:31

I made it home.... finally. I am sooooo tired.
I am going to the store for a few groceries, and then some serious down time.
I had a great time, brought home as much money as I took, so I did not win or lose, I guess. The same with my weight, did not gain or lose.
I did exceptionally well, considering. I may have eaten a little more salad than I should have, and i had 1 strawberry daquiri during a show, we went to see. And a peice of sugar free cheesecake. I really dont know how it was made but I ate it. It said no sugar. Other than that I drank water and ate meats and salad and cheese, bacon and eggs for breakfast, so I did not do as bad as I could have. I took macadamia nuts with me to snack on. I probably drank more diet sodas than normal too.But I am home now and will get back on track.
I am so tired right now, I wish I had a maid to bring me something to drink and eat and give me a massage. And then I would sleep for hours.
I should tell ya'll that one of the guys that went with us won about 10,000 dollars. I was so happy for him ,although a little envious. I could sure do alot with that kind of money just handed over to me. He was the only one in our group who really won any money to speak of. But he used some of his winnings to rent us a 37 foot long limo and take us downtown to eat, it was so much fun.
I had a ball, but am really glad to be home, like Karin said, there is no place like your own bed.
Well, girls it is good to be back and chatting with ya'll again, and glad to see that you are all doing okay... I will go now and REST REST REST!!!!
More later...... I have so much to tell ya'll about my trip, am just to tired to think right now. :wave:

ms_poody Fri, Jul-19-02 13:56


Welcome back!! We missed you!! :wave:

Sounds like you had a good time. I can't get over your friend winning so much I've never won anything, besides a movie ticket. I bet you drew attention with that Limo. Must have been a ball.

I am proud of you for sticking to your guns. You done good girl :)

I myself had a drink lastnight. I don't consider it a cheat. Gin has no carbs and I mixed it with freska, also no carbs. There is the alcohol issue, but I made a measured decision. I know the alka was burned before any fat, but I felt like a drink so I had one :) Everything in balance. When I woke up this morn I had still lost half a pound so I'm happy with my choice :D

As for the cheesecake, I think I've even seen a recipie here for it, so it may truely have been a low carb goodie :D

Get some GOOD sleep and I'll talk with you tomorrow.



jane anne Fri, Jul-19-02 14:12

hey melanie:
so glad you're home we missed you. i figured if you came home with the same money you left with you won :D
you did really well. have a good rest and we'll all talk to you later. there is no place like home.

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