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GypsyAngel Thu, Mar-17-05 20:02

Originally Posted by dane
Hmmm.......... the conventional answer is they should have alternating rest days, too. However, IMO, they're like the calf muscles......very strong, as they are constantly being used for support. So they need more takes alot of heavy work to get a response.

I do one of 2 things...... if I do a really hard ab workout, hard enough that the next day I'm sore, then I skip abs that day and let them rest. If they're not sore, then I do them again. Depends on the intensity....... and sometimes I'll do crunches, oblique work one day, then lower ab work the next. I'm not too concerned with them experiencing their full growth potential, ya know? :)

Thanks for the ab workout suggestions, Dane. That seems to make a lot of sense. I think I'll do the same because I know some days I just don't feel like I worked my abs hard enough the day before. I like to feel a little of the good muscle soreness and sometimes it's just not there.

I hope your shoulder continues to feel better. I never thought I'd think this but it does stink when you can't exercise because something hurts or you don't feel well. (Who said that? Geeeeez! I think someone or something is taking over the exercise attitude area of my brain. LOL!)

dane Sat, Mar-19-05 06:21

Days 34, 35, 36
Day 34.....broke out the Firm step video and did the step parts.....20 min, and then did the 10min ab portion. Can't find my Belly Dancing video, :(

Day 35.....keto day, worked 6 hours cutting up and hauling beef:
Deadlifting 200kgs meat and bone, ~30kg at a time; hauling said meat from truck to kitchen; hauling said meat-now-neatly-packaged down a flight of stairs to the garage; unpacking all meat (~1kg packs) onto garage floor, arranged neatly; packing up half of all said meat and bone and hauling it home, then humping it all to my own freezer. :)

Cardio...2 hours shopping at 2 different stores, carrying the :baby:

Day 36.....Depletion and Carb Up (Finally!!)

Coffee w/milk and cream~7-8am
Breakfast ~9-10am, soy PP shake w/32gPP(28gP), 150g banana (4g fructose);170g orange (4.3g fruc); and 430g green grapes (32.5g fruc)=40.8g total.....fell a bit short of 50g goal, but I think it'll be fine.

-circuit format.....
-4 to 5 circuits done, 10-20 quick reps (1 sec up/1 sec down)
- as many reps possible in 60s.; 30sec inbetween exercises;3 min between circuits.

Began: 11:30am

Leg Ext: 3plates (30lbs)....set up row
Hammer Curl: 5lb DB
Flat Bench: bar +4.5kg (23 lbs)
Seated Row: 3plates (40lbs)
Lying Leg Curl: 5kg........set up bench
French Curl: 8lb DB
Incl Flye: 8lb DB
Calf Raise: 8lb DB
Incl Bench: 8lb DB
Ball Crunches, Ass'td: BW.......reset ext and bench

Finished: 12:30pm

Feeling tired, and bored w/doing another circuit, so going to do some HIIT to finish myself off, :)

Ok, did 5 min warmup, 5min of intervals, 10min cool down. I'm dead.......can someone please bring me my protein shake and my dex? Pretty please??

galatia Sat, Mar-19-05 09:38

Hey there. Girl I got tired reading what you did yesterday-- I know you feel great-- having it ALL behind you!! And you've probably gone and looked into your freezer a few times just to admire your hard work. I would have, and anyone who came to visit would have to gaze upon the fruits of my labor :rolleyes:. That was a LOT of work.
I didn't do anything yesterday--well, other than eat a great deal, apparently :rolleyes:. I plan to work-out tomorrow since I didn't get around to it yesterday. Nothing today-- never on Saturday. I haven't started today off very well either-- I've made a box of lowcarb cookies that have been lurking around my pantry. They sure are good with coffee. Alright, that's it for now-- Talk to you later. :)

bubu Sat, Mar-19-05 09:58

yeah its a nice feeling to have meat in the freezer, except my DH (dingy husband) ordered half a pig from local farmer. When will he ever learn. Nobody but he will eat it in this house. Sure I don't mind a nice lean cut loin, but daughter hates it and son won't eat it right now.

GOOD FOR YOU DANE for the drops in stats. I got up and been on a coffee binge since..never took any...dang.
Oh well might still do it just for the heck of it.
Plan on a cardio session this pm and take the dog as well.
Good Luck on the CU this weekend.
Have a good one !!!

bubu Sat, Mar-19-05 10:48

Snow in SD ...oh yeah...we can get it like in the alps and then the blizzards to boot. Been so dry these last years its not funny.
Last good one we had was in 1996, couldn't see my car at all..not even where it might have been. We literally had to shovel ourselves out. Lots of people a glad to have cell phones on those lady was buried out in the country, her bats ran out so she couldn't call but left it on and the signal tower found her that way.

I'll post my stats in a min. am so excited.

laters bu

bubu Sat, Mar-19-05 13:11


yeah gotta like them numbers. Challenge is now can I repeat this or get close to it again.
Will see, I certainly have enough info logged to help me review it later.
Right now am gonna celebrate with some cardio at the gym...
so catch u later...nothin but motivation NOW...hehe

dane Sun, Mar-20-05 02:46

Day 37 Slug Day
Carb up, and hopefully anabolism is occurring! :)
No formal exercise scheduled, but will most likely take Z and go for a stroll w/friend and her :baby:

Later: did the walk......1hr 20min....just flew by, walking and yapping, :)

dane Sun, Mar-20-05 05:49

Deadlift notation:
For instance, take 85% of 1RM and pull a single, rest five seconds, pull another single, rest five seconds, pull a third single, rest five seconds, and pull a fourth single. That's one cluster. I typically write it out as 4x1/5s. If you were doing four clusters just like this, it would be 4x(4x1/5s).

dane Mon, Mar-21-05 05:00

Day 38 Lower Body Tension (Legs/Bi's/Abs)
Since I had to screw up my schedule from last week, today was first day after carb up, so am cardio this morning, empty stomach.......hoping to hasten the onset of ketosis, :)
30min on the stationary bike, low intensity, ~300 cals. Would have gone longer, but stuuuuuupid cat tried to jump up on the computer again, this time knocking my phone into my glass of water. What are the odds of that? Note to self: Play Lotto today. :rolleyes:

Legs today, and since biceps seem so damn weak, I'm going to do them today, as priority parts training, :)
Eggs: 9:30-10am

ATF squats,2' rest, w/u BBonly 1x8; BB bar +10(18kg, 39.6lbs) 5,9,8,6

SLDL's BB bar+12(44lbs) 3x8 goooood

Good Morning, bar only, 3x10 feeling it
ss w/standing Calf Raise, BB only, 3xfailure (~16), toes in/straight/out

Conc. Curls DB bar+2 (10lbs) now this is f'd up! Left arm: 2x8(cheated on 4), 1x10 (ch 3)---Right arm: 1x10 ez, 2x16 And, I'm left-handed. ???

preacher DB curls 8lb DB 4x5
ss w/hammer curls 8lb DB 4x5 Again, left side to failure, right is still good to go.

Leg Ext 8plates (80lbs) 5x5
ss w/seated rows 8plates 5x5 hard

Standing Leg Curls, alt 2plates, 3x10 good

Lying Cable Pullovers 2plates 3x10
ball crunches--crunch, side, lower, back ext 2x10

Finished:12:00noon whey/soyPP w/16gDex
Next time, do abs later to shorten time.

dane Tue, Mar-22-05 03:35

Day 39 Upper Body (Chest/UpBack/Delts/Tri's)
Mmmmmmmm.......don't you just love it when you're just sore enough to know you worked yesterday, but not too sore to function? That's how my inner thighs/quads feel today. Sweet!

Breakfast: ~10:15am
Begin: 11:20am

BB flat bench 17kg(55lbs) 1x9,8,6,7,5

DB incl flye bar+6.5(18.7lbs)3x5;bar+4.5(14.3lbs) 2x5 left side dragging, but did it
ss w/DB incl press bar+6.5, 3x5;bar+4.5 2x5

Univ Gym Chest Press 5plates(50lbs)1x10;7plates 2x10 bump
ss w/T-bar row 12.5kg (27.5lbs) 3x10 love these

pec-dec 3plates(30lbs) 3x10
ss w/DB incline, face down rear delt raises 8lbs 3x10 really like this ss

arnies bar+2.5kg (11lbs) 3x10 good
ss w/upright rows bar+2.5, 3x10 good, left side suck

side lats 8lb DB 3x10 hard on both sides today
ss w/french curl bar+4.5kg 3x10

Finished: 12:20pm, really good workout......a bit shaky at the pecs, and noodle arms. Perfect, :)

galatia Tue, Mar-22-05 06:39

Hi there. Good work-out!
Quote: don't you just love it when you're just sore enough to know you worked yesterday, but not too sore to function?
Yes-- that's perfect. What I find interesting is, while I'm doing legs, I think there is the possiblity of a stroke, I'm working so hard-- and then NO soreness comes!! I think it's taxing my heart and lungs more the muscles :rolleyes:. I guess I'm going to have to do lunges-- I hate leg work-outs!! Haven't decided what I'll work today-- but it's NOT legs :thup:. I went ahead and took a "water pill" yesterday and went from 156 to 152 this morning. Still not back to 150 yet, but hopefully soon. I feel so much better when I'm on "the plan." I hate screw-ups. Talk to you later. :)

bubu Tue, Mar-22-05 18:54

Great Work Dane...

Sore is GOOOOOOD yeah, days off in betw. AAAAAAHHHHH.

Legs and lungs....idn't that one organ ?? hehe...big muscle use big oxygen...I like doing legs when nobody is around...I huff and I puff and the sweat just drips down.....when I can load some weight on that is. Sometimes I could say...saved by the knee...but I don't. I feel if its gonna give me more muscle than the rest of the bod....yeah...all power to it.

So now that u know my mind games....HOW THE HECK am I gonna survive the 2x25 tomorrow....Please keep the obits open.
I hope I haven't talked myself out of those by then....gosh wish me luck as I do have to make it up the stairs to my office on Thursday, worse yet...back down again !!

laters :)

dane Wed, Mar-23-05 04:29

Day 40 HIIT
Ended up digging up a third of my big-ass garden yesterday afternoon.........about 30min straight. Today I'm sore everywhere! Not sure how much is due to the digging, and how much to my first really tough upper body w/o in awhile.......but I am feeling a special DOMS along the inside of my pecs, so I'm happy. :)

Did HIIT on the stationary bike today.......5' warm-up, then 6 intervals of 15" sprint w/ 45-50" recovery......ave max HR of 168 for sprint/145 recovery. Then did about 15' static level 3 work, ave HR at ~145, and one last 15" burst near the end.

Had breakfast ~1.5hrs prior, and immed. after downed half scoop soy protein in H2O, and 8g dex candy. :yum:

galatia Wed, Mar-23-05 06:25

Hi. I'm very interested in that peanut article, but I know for me-- I gain when I eat them. The only bad thing I did yesterday was eat a 1/2 cup of peanuts (salted of course)-- gained 1/2 pound! So I'm sure the peanuts or salt on them are the cause. And I don't want them without the salt, so-- I MUST strive to NOT eat them. That is so hard for me. Edit: I just went and read the article and must say-- that does sound good. :)
Quote: I REALLY hate lunges, and flat out refuse to do them...
We are both of the "Sisterhood of lunge haters"-- SOLH :D ....I try to do them, well-- I think about doing them, but then don't. I never thought I'd hate anything as much as squats :rolleyes: . I can at least talk myself into squats. Lunges make the work-out once in a blue moon. Having said this, I'm sure next leg day will include lunges.

My garden has been tilled once, but hope to get it tilled a couple more times before planting. I'm trying to figure the best way not to have to hoe it so much and not have weeds. I might try the plastic this year. It's a beautiful day here in south Mississippi. :)

bubu Wed, Mar-23-05 07:44

BTW...... I think I'm really feeling a difference with the dex PWO. I don't think it's kicking me out of ketosis....if it is, it's not for very long. I am keeping the amount down, though...... only about 16g dex PWO on a heavy training day, just in case. And I'm being careful to wait an 1.5-2hrs before eating again. I swear, my muscles are looking goooood. Noticed the other day that I'm getting the depth in my thighs that Built talks about.....not the spread anymore


Nice cheering section, but too late, had them done before reading this.
I started off with 50 pds and my knee quickly told me on the went down to 10 and got them done...meaning I started over again. I then added ATFs and leg presses for the calves which are not on schedule...but all around at least I was able to finish the lunges. It just makes me so mad that this knee is stopping me from my potential. I can tell how my right leg can keep going and going, but not the left. Esp on low rep I can load lots more as the stress isn't prolonged.
BUT I don't dare overload on the right vs left with high rep or I will look "LOPSIDED" hehe.
On the PWOS I agree, I think the timing and all is of essence. I think thats why I have made the prev. progress as I did. Not enough protein and not timed before made me eat my gains in muscle. So HEY>>>>WE get to celebrate, we are finally gettin it.

Off from office work...but oh boy I have tons here at home.

Catch u laters

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