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j. mcadams Fri, Aug-23-02 16:33

Still no cheating for me.........
I am all for continuing, but maybe the right ideal is one month challenges at a time. Just a thought. I have felt very motivated during this time of NO CHEAT TILL LABOR DAY. Everyone have a great weekend. joan

qcchevyman Fri, Aug-23-02 17:33

Hi ererybody I hope you all had a Great No Cheat Day.

Breakfast Bacon and Eggs 5 Carbs
1 Tbs of mayo

Snack 1 Piece of Peanut Butter Pie. 11 Carbs

Lunch 2 Baked Leg Quarters 0 Carbs
1 Tomato Sliced in Half with Oregeno and Mozz. Cheese Broiled. 4 Carbs

Dinner 1 Leg Quarter 0 Carb
Tossed Salad with Creamy Lite Italion Dressing. 4 Carbs.

24 Carbs

132 oz Water.

Princesspp Fri, Aug-23-02 18:20

Hi everyone ....
Don't know the count .. lost my place in my book, but I know I didn't cheat ... and it's really low .. (if I made 20 I'd be surprised)

Okay .. talk later all
Love ya !:rheart:

adnil53 Fri, Aug-23-02 23:40

Another GREAT no cheat day for me! Did real good staying with the program today!

donnaj Sat, Aug-24-02 05:17

Good morning,
Sorry, I haven't been on line much. One thing, we need a new computer badly. This thing keep breaking down. Second, I have been helping my girlfriend start a e business on ebay. I still haven't cheated and feeling good about it. I did drop another dress size. I am now is 10. I couldn't believe it. I love this way of life. Well I am proud of us all for sticking it through. Joan, way to go girl. I am very proud of you. Well, ladies and gentleman I need to get started before it gets too hot to clean.
Keep up the great work.
Donna :wave:

j. mcadams Sat, Aug-24-02 13:37

Hi everyone, hope all are well and having a no cheat weekend.
So far today"

Breakfast-2 sausage patties
2 eggs fried in butter
32 ozs. of water
2 cups decaf coffe with splenda and cream, yum, yum

lunch------Donald's pizza quiche
diet rite cola

dinner-----smoked sausage with onions and green peppers
2 cups mixed greens with ranch dressing

drank another 64ozs. of water. so I think today I have done quite well.

Everyone have a great weekend. Joan

TheBetty Sat, Aug-24-02 16:11

Betty no want a big booty, so she no eat no fruity

Aaah............. What a refreshing day! The smog is thick, the birds are way too loud, my stomach still gets there before the rest of me, and


They wrap the burgers and cheese in a bunch of iceberg lettuce instead of a nasty white flour bun, for a lo carb lunch ya just can't beat when you're on the road.

YAHOO! I'm stuffed! And LOOOOOOOOOOOOADED with protein, baby! :lol:


Have a super duper dilly-icious day! :daze:

j. mcadams Sun, Aug-25-02 07:30

Sunday morning......
Still no cheating. Just noticed that I am a double meathead, don't know when that happened. Okay off to do some snooping. joan

Princesspp Sun, Aug-25-02 08:56

Hi Everyone ...
I made it through Saturday ... ate alot, but all LC stuff .. very LC stuff ... soI didn't cheat!!!!:yay:

(Betty .. I loved reading your post .. you made me laugh ...:D)
and I wanna know where that burger place is ????

Okay .. talk later all ...
Love ya all!!:rheart:

adnil53 Sun, Aug-25-02 09:43

I'm doing GREAT!!!!!!!! No cheating for me!

Cher Sun, Aug-25-02 11:16

Good Morning LCer’s…could this really be Day 22???

I’m soooooo proud of ALL of you!

You can’t imagine how good it feels to come to this thread and see all the success. I’m just so overwhelmed at the commitment everyone has made…and excited that we’ve made it this far. I think another challenge would be great…and the 30 day challenges seem to give us the time to be successful yet keeps everyone from feeling too overwhelmed. Maybe we could do some type of a "No Cheat Till Autumn Challenge" for the month of September and then a No Cheat Till Halloween Challenge" to get us through October. Someone mentioned a cute name for the Halloween challenge….It was Victoria and her title of the thread was…

NO Cheat Until Goblin Day (thay's pretty cute...

Humm??? What do you think about that ????

Maggie…glad to see you're back. It looks like you’re doing great! Hang in there…a 3 pound gain overnight just sounds like a temporary water weight gain. While meds can cause some weight gain – I think this WOE jump starts the metabolism…so don’t worry…that 3 pounds will be gone soon! Hope all the dizziness has gone away!

Tanya…the sunflower seeds sound like a great munching option! Glad you liked Donald’s Deep Dish Pizza recipe…it’s one of my favorites!

Richard… Ohhhhhh your doing so good! Root beer float for breakfast…. ummmm how fun. We really can make all sorts of luxurious foods with this WOE.

Sally…what can I say…I just love you soooo much! You’re doing an awesome job. Starting the day with an omelet sounds good – it’s a little more work than the 2 eggs…but, really gives you a great start for the day. P.S….I think Labor Day is September 2nd.

Joan…Do you know how fun it is just too see YOUR weight loss….you’re an inspiration for me Joan. 12 pounds in this small of a timeframe is just incredible. WTG!

Linda…sweetie…you are doing an awesome job between this thread and the exercise challenge…what an inspiration you and Marlaine are!

Marlaine…You are doing such an awesome job (as normal) congratulations on your restaurant experiences. It seems like eating out is always a safer choice for me (rather than eating at someone else’s house). Of course, which restaurant is always the key…but, any restaurant that makes grilled fish and veggies is a winner for me…Yumm!

Star…you’re not kidding…the longer we don’t cheat the easier it is to work this program. I think it’s the cheating that causes so many setbacks. Congratulations on getting through your pizza experience…that was another feat for our "no cheat" group. Everytime someone gets through a tough situation like that…I gain more strength…and feel like I can do this no matter what :yay: P.S., how did you make your LC enchiladas…that sounds good. And, which LC tortillas do you like the best?

Lisa…wow…it sounds like your getting close to those size 7/8 jeans…that must feel really good:yay: :yay: Congratulations for seeing the cakes and pies as poison…I guess that really says it all! And…yes, I think cheating should be by your own rules since some people work Atkins, CAD, own LC programs etc. Just define your guidelines and that’s what you should adhere to. If you feel like your going over and about your defined guidelines (not ours) then, that would be a cheat.

Betty…I’m sorry you had a tough day on Saturday. But, if you’re program allows you one open meal a week…then, that’s what I think you should do…don’t consider it cheating if that’s how you work your program. It's STILL ON…wow…we’re all hanging in here…and this has been one of the best food months I’ve had.

Donna…Sorry to hear about your computer! BUT, congratulations on your size 10’s Who-Hoo Donna….
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:yay: :yay: yay: :yay: :yay: yay::yay: :yay: yay: :yay: :yay: yay::yay: :yay: yay: :yay:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

donnaj Sun, Aug-25-02 19:06

I am so impressed with everyone especially you Joan way to go girlfriend. I haven't cheated but drank too much coffee and not enough water. My friend and I am starting a ebay business and have been working long hours getting photographs and placing on line. I had to get rid of my big sizes some way. I never want to see them again. Count me on for the next challenge. I would love to lose at least 10 lbs before my anniversary in November. You will have to have one for Thankgiving also. Well everyone I need to get to bed. I will try to email sooner this week.
Donna :wave:

starchile Sun, Aug-25-02 21:31

You guys are AWESOME!!!
Betty I swear you CRACK ME UP WOMAN!!!!! You have a great sense of humor!! I love it! Hey is that something you asked them to do at In n out burger or are some of them doing that now??? that's so cool!!!

I went to a staff BBQ the other day and there were soooo many of us there!!!! I saw all these people walking around with hotdogs and no buns...covered in mayo and mustard!!! It was hilarious...oh yeah, and the toppings for the burgers became side salads!!!

Just want to let you all know that I STILL ROCK!!!!!!!! The ice cream social that I was so afraid of was a PIECE OF CAKE!!! Actually I was so sure of myself that I played with fire a little bit...I hadn't had time to stop and eat before the event so I was around all of that ice cream, crushed oreo cookies, mm's, chocolate syrup, caramel and hot fudge ON AN EMPTY STOMACHE!!!! I can honestly say that the only thing I did wrong was lick my finger after filling up a bowl of fudge. BUT I SWEAR it was just out of habit. My first thought after I did it was "JEEZ!! That is SUPER SWEET!" vs. something more like "mmmmm....chocccooollatttee!" :D I realized what I was doing and wiped my hand on a napkin instead.


Cher: I make the LC enchiladas using the La Tortilla factory whole wheat tortillas (3), Las Palmas enchilada sauce (2)-no sugar, taco bell taco seasoning (3), gr. beef, cheese and sourcream topping. (If that's too many carbs I bet you can omit the taco seasoning and just use a couple of shakes of chili powder.)

I cook up the ground beef just the way it says on the taco seasoning packet, heat the enchilada sauce up in a pan and dip the tortillas in it to soak up some sauce then wrap each one with about 3 tablespoons of meat and a little cheese. I stack them side by side in a baking dish and pour the remainder of the enchilada sauce on top and sprinkle some more cheese on. Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 350 for about 20 minutes. Take the aluminum off and let the cheese brown and then take it out....YYUUUUUMMMMMM!!!!!! Oh wait...a dollop of sourcream and then YYYYUUUUUUUMMMMMM!!!

They taste REALLY good right away but I tell you the next day after the tortillas soaked up the sauce and seasonings all the way through they were AAAWWEESSOOMMEEE!!! I dare anyone to say that they can tell the difference (in taste at least...maybe not texture)

Ok fellow low carbers!!! We're heading into our LAST week!!! Continue to be strong!!! You are doing FABULOUSLY!!!!


lisacc Mon, Aug-26-02 09:46

Well I am happy to report that still no cheating. Sat. here in Bowling Green they had the Duncan Hines Festival. See Mr. Hines is a native of Bowling Green and this is where it all started. So I was at a festival that featured a cake made out of I think 200 sheet cakes and the cake was free along with free milk. They also had a cake bake off and all of those cakes were free also. Guess what not a problem at all. I did want to know how the winning cake tasted so I asked my sugar loving girlfreind to sample it. She said that I would have been sick from just one taste because it was even to sweet for her. The festival was great Ciara had a great time, so did I.

Now Sunday was another great test situation. We served lunch to another church that visited our church. I always work in the kitchen. I was surrounded by all kinds of desserts and breads I did wonderful. I ate chicken and green beans , fresh tomates and onions.

I was surronded by all this poison but not even a urge. All I want is protein and veggies. I cooked two beef briskets and brussel sprouts for our meals yesterday and today. I feel so great.

Also had our suit launch yesterday at Express so I tried on a suit and I had to get size 7/8. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


adnil53 Mon, Aug-26-02 10:20

WTG girl!!!!!!!!!!!! Not giving into or even having the desire for that cake and milk :thup:

Star... that was awesome you and that icecream on an empty stomach... don't think I would of made it! But I know about licking the fingers and thinking how sweet it is... I have done that with my grandchildren and I found the sweetness way to much... you are doing great! :cool:

Me, I feel so in control at the moment... no cheating and it feels GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

j. mcadams Mon, Aug-26-02 12:54

monday afternoon
First offf I want to tell Star how proud of her I am being around all those sweets and breads and eating meat and veggies, WTG girl. You are doing so awesome.

Donna, good luck on the e-bay. I have a friend she and her DH sell some things via e-bay not sure how it is going, but I do know they enjoy it. I think you are doing so great. Right now I am doing good but look how long it has taken me to get it finally going.

Linda, so glad you are still CHEAT FREE. It is a great feeling, can't wait for the next challenge. Keep it up.

Cher, again thanks again for getting this started I think it has been a tremendous help to everyone doing the challenge, so can't wait for the next challenge.
Also Cher, I remember a peanut butter cookie recipe you had one time in your journal. Do you by chance remember which page it was on. I need the recipe for this coming weekend.

As for myself I have been cheat free and it feels WONDERFUL..JOAN

TheBetty Mon, Aug-26-02 13:07

I'm fessing up.....
I weighed myself--against my promise not to weigh til Labor Day--and I must confess...........


:agree: <Betty sticks out her big, round booty and vigorously does the "cabbage patch" in a way that no one else has ever seen it done, rendering everyone in the room helpless> :lol:

Oh yeah, it's gone. Okay, it's only half pound, but that makes a couple pounds inthe last few weeks, which is pretty good for me. And considering I've been resistance training in the pool (building up muscle), it means I'm finally starting to burn that fat off again now.

YEEEHAW! eh hem. :rolleyes:

Continue on now, ya'll, with your EXCELLENT PROGRESS. Keep on posting your results and testimonies, I'm loving it a lot. YOU ALL ROCK!!!

Oh, and it is still on.


Princesspp Mon, Aug-26-02 14:46

Hi Everyone ....
Made it through the weekend .. I ate ALOT but it was all conscious LC foods ... I did alot of nervous eating .. .. but now that's history again .. I can honestly say I at least didn't cheat !!!!:yay:

Betty ...WTG on the downward trend .. 1/2 pound is 1/2 pound and gone forever !!!!:D (again .. I just LOVE reading your posts .. I always get a giggle .. :D)

Star ... Boy do you have will power or what .. WTG girl!!! :D

Everyone is doing so totally awesome ...

Okay Cher .. I got the next question ??? Are you going to be setting up a new thread for the "AFTER" Labor day challenges... or are we just gonna continue with this thread !?????:daze:

Need to know for my "promo" posts ... :lol:

Talk later all!!
Love ya all!!:rheart:

sunshine2 Mon, Aug-26-02 14:51

Does "almost" count?
Okay, I "almost" made it until Labor Day......My b-day was yesterday and my parents had a dinner for me, along with the cake, so I felt like I just had to eat some of it, so I did......but besides that, havent cheated.

I'm back on track today, and the only time I cheated was yesterday.

I feel better now that I confessed.

Idea - how about the next challenge be no cheat until Halloween? Its a little longer of a challenge, but I bet we could do it.

PS Betty, you go girl!

bye all,

Princesspp Mon, Aug-26-02 15:02

No problem ...
Birthday's were exempt ... !!! so you're still in it Sunshine!!!! :D

j. mcadams Mon, Aug-26-02 16:11

Sunshine, I just wanted to pop in and say that if you had not eaten some of that Birthday cake I would have to come and look you up and just see the kind of person that can/would pass on their own b'day cake. I am proud of you cause you enjoyed it and got right back on track, WTG......

Betty, Love the botty dance. WTG on the fat gone forever, you are doing so great.

Can't forget to say HI to my sweet friend Sally. Get out there with your promotions for the next challenge. I am so proud of all of us.

Get this I was just gonna write a couple of words and look what happens. love ya all joan

qcchevyman Mon, Aug-26-02 16:30

Hi Everybody. Were almost there. 7 days to go.

Today I had

1 12oz Diet pspsi.

Toss Salad with same ole Veggies. (Boring)

2 Cups of Cauilfower with Artichoke Hearts Boiled in Chicken Broth with Chopped Onion, Parsley Flakes, half a Stick of Butter, and No Salt Salt and Pepper. When Tender I used a Potato Masher to mash everything up.

I still need to get my Water in.

j. mcadams Tue, Aug-27-02 05:33

Beginning to NAG RICHARD....
Okay I came by and read Richard's post and does anyone else besides me think he is not eating enough???????? Just wondering.

I cannot believe we have No Cheated for almost a monthe. I am so proud of all of us. We are awesome.
Hopeing to have another NO CHEAT day. Joan

maggie3456 Tue, Aug-27-02 06:24

:) GOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!! and another day of no cheating..........woooooooooooohoooooooooo!!!!!!!
Hope you all have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
:thup: great job everyone on sticking with it and on your losses :)

take care :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

hmmmmmm was that for the whole day richard???

maggie :)

adnil53 Tue, Aug-27-02 09:40

I didn't cheat yesterday and I would make a bet I don't cheat today! ;)

TheBetty Tue, Aug-27-02 12:06

There once was a girl from Nantucket.....
Who drank so much water she carried a bucket,
But one 2-gallon day she missed
And boy, was she pissed
So she took one of the gallons and did chuck it.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I was just thinking about a nice lady on the forum who was drinking so much water that she spent the entire day bloated and in the bathroom. Now she's cut back and feels much better. Whew! :lol:


Joan, you are so disciplined! A whole month--that's amazing! :yay:

Maggie, Linda, Richard, Princess, Sunshine, Cher, Lisa, Tesia, Donna, Tina and all the other I can't scroll back to see.......
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

And Richard, you are making me hungry b/c I need to eat more food. I don't know how you do it eating so little. I know everyone's needs are completely different, but I just hope you are eating enough to feel good. :wave:

Now, everyone

Tanyaskees Tue, Aug-27-02 13:01

Hello everybody :wave:, I know I haven't posted in a few days, but I am still with you and I HAVE NOT cheated. I have however been cooking all these wonderful thing from the kitchen forum, so it has felt like I have been cheating :). Almost there, I don't think I have lost anything, but thats ok, it will come off one of these days. Have a great evening everyone.

lisacc Tue, Aug-27-02 13:21

Still no cheats and I am so happy. Joan I am so happy for you. You also Betty, I always have to remember to drink my water. Well I will have my computer back tommorrow at home so I can visit at night

Princesspp Tue, Aug-27-02 19:35

Hi Everyone ....
I've been asked to start promo'ing our new cheat --- er ---- no cheat challenge ...

I know you guys wanted long term .. to Thanksgiving .. but have alittle patience with us that like the "short term" goals .... We don't have the stamina that you guys do .. .:D

The month of September is ....


Autumn Begins September 23 .. so I think Cher had said that'll get us through September ...

And even though the 23rd signifies Autumn... we'll go through the end of the month !!!

After that .. We can get into No Gluteny till All Goblins Day ... !!!


Also .. there's no reason we can't continue to use this thread??? is there??? This is OUR Challenge home .. and I've kinda become accustomed to it .. :D besides, I've started hanging a coupla pictures .. alittle crooked, but well .. what can I say ...

Okay everyone .. I'm out to do some Advertising for the next stint!!!! :D Y'all in :D????

Talk later all

Love ya !!:rheart:

Princesspp Tue, Aug-27-02 19:37

Oh yea ....
Almost forgot .. didn't cheat!!!!!:yay:

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