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bugujo Sat, Jul-11-15 11:26

We went for supper last night to a couple's lake property last night. There were six of us and we went out on the lake for about an hour and then returned for supper. I wasn't completely clean, oh well.

We are having mom and dad over tonight for supper since we missed her real birthday supper on the 4th. I just found out a couple of months ago that her mother used to make her a cake with lemon curd filling and 7 minute frosting. Well, I am making that today. So, off plan for one meal today.

The lemon curd recipe she supplied was exactly like the one her mother made but it had 4 TBS of cornstarch in it. I don't even have that on hand. So, I found an Alton Brown curd recipe that had 5 yolks and no thickener. I did however add some arrowroot powder to thicken it a bit more. I had to buy the cake mix and sugar of course LOL.

Other than the cake, we will be having chop chop (cauli, broccoli, radishes, green onion, carrots, celery, green and black olives chopped with ranch dressing poured over the top.) Brats and burgers and whatever mom is bringing.

I am going to try and finish up some of the training modules that need to be completed by Monday too. I did rent a couple of movies "Pearl Harbor" and I forget the other one. It is a Nicholas Sparks movie. I got them for a $1 each at Family Video.

Desert Mo Fri, Aug-21-15 16:35

Just stumbled across this thread. Hope I can belong here. I'm Mo, losing wt since end of May with Atkins '72. Age 70 & I'm not old. Remember my mother saying the same thing years ago in her late 70s. It's all about how we feel inside rather than what we look like on the outsides. Losing wt at 70 isn't for weenies, that's for sure. Want to lose the only med I take (for high BP) since I didn't need it til I put on some pounds in the last 10 yrs. Okay, back to reading your posts, so I'll hush up.

eljohnw Fri, Aug-21-15 17:07

Welcome Mo, I haven't been on this thread for a while. I started last year and then slacked off. Restarted in July. Regained all the weight and needed to start over.
I am 67 years old, retired and live in a over 55 community. A lot of things to do here. I don't take any medication. Since I started back my BP, and BG went down , I don't know about my lipids.I really don't care because I would never take statin drugs anyway.
I need to loose about 110 lbs. I count 2 years because I am a slow looser.

never2late Fri, Aug-21-15 23:47

So happy to see some posts on my favorite thread.
I've been very lax at posting, have had a lot of other things going on and not being very good at my LC way of life.
I'm now eating one meal a day which is a grilled chicken salad or a grilled salmon salad.
I do have a snack before bed if I want.
My current weight is 195.
Lose very slow due to various health problems.
I'm 72 years old today.
So the slowness is o.k. with me.

MickiSue Sat, Aug-22-15 12:08

I'm Micki, 64. I lost 5 lbs over 3 years(!) using low cal SAD. Lost another 20 lbs on Wheatbelly, then gained back 12 by mainlining dried fruit last winter.

Now on Atkins, and down the 12, going for another 19. Well, OK, I went off plan on Wednesday night, and am up 1.8, but know it will go away. OTOH, I COULD be down another lb or two if I hadn't gone off plan.

Heading for Italy in Oct to be able to spend my grandson's 2nd birthday with him and DD and husband. Goal is to be down to at least 155 by then.

eljohnw Sat, Aug-22-15 14:33

I am happy this thread got reactivated . I enjoyed it a year ago.
I really make any plans how much I will loose in any given timespan. I take whatever I can get. I am leaving in November for Geneva to visit my children and fretting already how I can stay on plan for a whole month. Both of my children are skinny and are carb magnets. But one day at the time. I will figure it out.
Micki you still have some time left until October and having a deadline often provides a good motivation. I wish you luck

MickiSue Sat, Aug-22-15 20:46

Thanks, Ellen.

Really, I am grateful for every pound. I had thought that I was destined to stay in the 180's, no matter what I did.

A friend did a training at a seminar for my wellness business on the "Level 10 results" weight loss plan. It's not HF, but is, by default, LC. The rules are, for the first week, to eat no bread, pasta, potatoes or rice. Avoid beans and nuts (the nuts because it's hard to eat just a set amount).

I did it for the week, and lost four pounds--after losing 5 in three years. Did research on not eating grains, and went Wheatbelly, and was down to 164 in a year. Twenty pounds in a year, after 5 in 3 years? Miraculous.

But by going HF, I am losing faster, and feeling even better.

I went to Italy for three weeks two years ago, when Grandson was born. Went off my grain free plan very little, and did have a couple of gelati. Gained 3 lbs that dropped off within a couple weeks of returning home. But what I noticed, even before the jeans got a little tighter, was that my face was bloated.

I DON'T want to experience that again. And after a concussion, I sure don't need the brain fog I had from one small popcorn at the movies.

So I will politely decline even SIL's mom's homemade pasta, but gladly eat the sauce. Scrape the toppings off pizza, and ignore the fruit tarts at the pasticceria. If I want to travel a lot as soon as Husband retires (and I do) I need to treat this WOE as my defacto WOE--no matter where I am.

eljohnw Sun, Aug-23-15 06:41

I know what you mean. There is some food in Switzerland that I adore and need a lot of willpower to resist. On the other hand I rarely gain weight on vacation. So my goal is to be vigilant and not to gain.

Lulumae Mon, Aug-24-15 07:31

Hi everyone!

Having turned sixty in June this year, I can now join this thread, I guess! :thup:

I live in Switzerland and have been low carbing for three years and a couple of weeks.

My goal is to lose another three or four kilos from the 68.7 I weighed this morning and to stabilise at 65.

Touch wood, I have never felt fitter!

Look forward to chatting with you all!


eljohnw Mon, Aug-24-15 07:47

Lulumae welcome to this thread.
I lived 23 years in Switzerland and my children still live in and around Geneva.
My husband ( an American) got homesick so we moved back to the States.

Lulumae Mon, Aug-24-15 08:19

Hi there!

We are Brits but we've lived in Switzerland since the early 80s. My husband and I wound up here separately for work and met here. We've since had two girls who are now in university here. We aren't homesick but we are looking at options for spending some time in warmer climes when we are both retired. My husband's been retired for a long time but I have 4 years to go. :yay:

My husband doesn't have weight issues but he's now 70 and has a bad hip, which he may get operated on one of these days. He joined me by going gluten free and feels much better.

Just a few days ago I read something on this forum about nightshades and inflammation. I'm trying to cut potatoes (and tomatoes, but that's more difficult) out for a while to see whether it helps with the hip. It means I really have to be creative in the kitchen but it may be worth a try!

How does it feel living in the States again after CH?

eljohnw Mon, Aug-24-15 08:33

We have been here for a while, but the first 2 years where depressing. I hated it. Now after moving several times ( due to hubby's job) we ended up in South Carolina in a 55+ community and I like it. We are both retired. I visit my children at least twice a year and will do so in November. My daughter wants to buy an apartment at the Costa del Sol Spain so we are going to check the region out.[

Lulumae Wed, Aug-26-15 05:54

We had a holiday in Andalusia this year. It's really beautiful. I'm not sure I'd want to move there but spending more time there, that would be great.

My husband says that he's got less hip pain since we cut down on Nightshades. I was about to give up because it's too complicated - there are so many of them - but in the light of that, I shall make a big effort to find alternatives.

Yesterday I made some hummus and served it with grilled shrimps and baked sweet potatoes. That was really good. I guess there are quite a few carbs in hummus but a little goes a long way. There are between 9 and 12.5 g for 1/4 cup it seems. I used a cup or so of chick peas my daughter had left out on the counter and put a large dollop of oily sesame paste in there with some rock salt and lemon juice.
Of course sweet potatoes aren't really low carb either but I only ate three or four slices. Next time i feed them to my husband I'll try to stick to lower carb veggies!

Have a great day everyone!

eljohnw Wed, Aug-26-15 07:35

Every once in awhile one should have some food that is not low carb. I usually make it so it fits into my daily allowance and have no other carbs that day.
My problem right now is afternoon food cravings. No matter when I eat lunch I want food between 3:30 and 5. I have some nuts or other fatty snacks but it doesn't seem to work. Once I have my dinner the cravings go away

Lulumae Thu, Aug-27-15 02:09

It's funny what triggers cravings. I have a little hard cheese and a gluten-free crispbread (gossamer light!) for breakfast. normally that does me though I drink a lot of decaffeinated coffee to distract me. I eat lunch early - at 12 on the dot - out of habit - and generally that keeps me going till dinner. But woe betide me if I have something - anything - in the office fridge. The other day I bought some salami and ate some of it for lunch. Yesterday morning and this morning I took a slice around 10 and afterwards i just wanted more and more. It had pepper round it, which stimulated the juices, and probably nitrates and other bad stuff. Of course it's probably OK to eat a few slices of salami, but it's nothing to do with hunger. I've finished it now, and shan't buy any more. It's the same with cheese. If I know it's there, I can't leave it alone.
Maybe you aren't eating enough for lunch if you get hungry in the afternoon.

eljohnw Thu, Aug-27-15 11:46

I tried several things and the best way for me to calm my cravings is a late and very fatty lunch. Yesterday I had a can of sardines at 2:45 and did not think of food until dinner. I will try to do that for awhile.

never2late Thu, Aug-27-15 16:55

Today I had baby back ribs for my meal.
I'd been having salads with either salmon or chicken (both grilled).
While I was eating the 4 bones of meat I kept thinking I'm not enjoying this like I used to when I was doing a higher fat, LC diet.
Then I thought this isn't as filling.
I just love my grilled chicken or salmon salads.
It is still quite warm and the heavier meals just weigh me down.
I only eat one meal a day.
When I first started Atkins I made certain I had my 3 meals and snacks.
That was in 1972.
I have done Atkins off and on since then.
It is the simplest way to eat.
I've had to modify to fit all my health problems and so I really do not do Atkins any longer.
The longer I've been eating this way the less food and meals I want.
I now have to remind myself to eat.

eljohnw Thu, Aug-27-15 17:18

N2L. I know that everybody needs to find there own way, but don't you think this is to little food. I am doing a 5/2 fasting schedule with 2 day 500-600 calories and the other days I am having a lot of fat and eat 2-3 times/ day with 1200-1800 calories/ day. I try to change the amount of calories every day so my body does not get used to it. I am still under 20 net carbs a day. The only thing changing is the fat intake. So far I am loosing 1/2 to 1 lbs a week. If that stops I will improvise.

myrt4930 Thu, Aug-27-15 17:22

Ribs sound so good but it's too hot to cook them and I have a sore throat. I make a sort of ice cream using yogurt, carob, sweetener vanilla and sometimes unsweetened coconut. If I'm not doing low carb I put a can of sf fruit in the blender, divide into 2 containers and freeze. That feels good on the throat.

Desert Mo Sun, Sep-20-15 16:55

Originally Posted by bluesinger
The news calls 65 year old people elderly! What?

I've lived in Senior Communities. I always feel that I don't belong. I presently go to a gym people can't even attend unless they're 50, but I still don't feel that I'm old - or elderly. Shudder! Elderly.

I've attended classes for seniors, I look around me and.....well, you know, same story. What am I doing here?

I just don't seem to get with the program. I'm 70. That means that I'm old. I'm Senior. I'm elderly.

I still don't belong. They're still older than me. I guess I'll never learn.

You hit a nerve with me on what you said, Bluesinger. I'm 70 on the outside but still in my 20s or 30s on the outside. For the last five years I've lived in an apartment in a large retirement community in the desert.

Most people here seem to have waited until they're nearly decrepid to move here, even though the community is advertised as "for active seniors." Geez, if they're examples of active seniors, I wonder what they'd call me.

Well, a few have already told me I don't belong here, but compared to them, I guess I can see why they feel that way. I belong here. I know it. If they don't, not my problem.

Not a lot of activities here interest me, but that's okay, I don't hold others responsible for entertaining me. I stay busy doing stuff that interests me & work at getting used to the fact that my insides don't match my outsides. The rest doesn't matter.

I've been back with Atkins since this summer. Not making hot progress, but that's okay. It's moving in the right direction & I'm convinced LC is the only way for me to live. I'm not out to lose weight rapidly anyway, given the effect of the force of gravity after age 60. But then some patience comes with being older & accepting that the weight didn't come on my bod overnight so likely won't be going bye-bye quickly either. Okey-dokey, but going away it is, ounce by ounce, & now & then, a whole pound at once.

~~ mo

MickiSue Mon, Sep-21-15 08:27

Interesting, that feeling of not belonging. I had a tax audit the other day, and, while I felt sure I'd picked out the auditor the moment I saw her, she was still scanning the people (we met at the library) because she was looking for a woman who was 64, and I, apparently, wasn't her.

The reality, I think, is that most people our age, and even older, are "younger" than our parents were at this age. We have had the benefit of growing up in the golden age of medical advancement, and, if we're on this site, we care about our weight and our health enough to ignore the conventional wisdom about what healthy eating looks like.

My brother, a family practice doc, is a year younger than I am. People who don't know us well, even relatives who have forgotten, assume he's several years older, because he eats the SAD, and is significantly overweight and, now, has gout to show for it.

I'm lucky in that my parents were very active, until they couldn't be. My dad had to have rotator cuff surgery at 72, when he fell, practicing skating backwards on his rollerblades. Mom rode a horse (terrified, but she did it) for the first time at my age. I went kayaking on a river filled with small rapids for the first time, two years ago.

Now that I'm getting constant reminders to choose a Medicare HMO provider (choose us! no, choose us!) I guess I really am getting ready to be old. But, really? It's OK. I'll live my life the way I want to, and continue to try to do good things for me, my family, and the world.

I'm just chomping at the bit for Husband to hit 59.5 years old, so he can retire and we can start spending more time traveling. Four more years!

eljohnw Mon, Sep-21-15 19:22

Ladies, don't you think age has more to do with attitude then years. I to live in a 55+ community and alot of people are very active. I enjoy the pool and spend at least one hour a day there. II also do circuit training. I am part of a bunch of clubs and sometimes I feel I am busier now than when I was still working
With my LCHF diet my little aches and pains are almost gone so I enjoy doing all that stuff even more.

myrt4930 Mon, Sep-21-15 20:00

We do look and act younger than our grandparents did. I don't think we have to work as hard lhysically and we have much better medicine than they did. Being newly divorced is interesting. The ones that look really interested in me are younger than me. The majority of the men my age look so stoved up and all I can think of is burying a 3rd one when I see them and it's a big turnoff. If I could be satisfied with staying by myself I guess I'd be better off. I think my weight is OK because i can get my new clothes on. Myrt 75 ;)

bluesinger Mon, Sep-21-15 20:53

Are we all female here?
Are we all female here? If not, then I apologize for speaking only to the ladies:

I have no health problems. When I was on my Texas Farewell Tour in July, I pulled a muscle in my right hand and it is still influencing my arthritis, which was gone and now has returned. I wish I could find a good acupuncturist here in Las Vegas.

I've seen some of you over in the Dr. Fung thread, so you won't be surprised to hear that I'm still experimenting with IF. I just broke a long fat fast (5 days) which helped me settle at my maintenance weight, but lowered my BMI. I only broke the fast because my brain went foggy and I needed my brain today. Tomorrow I plan to go back to the fat fast and see if I can hit a new low on my weight.

My current DH is 2 years younger than I, but he eats SAD and has heart problems. Every once in a while I try to slip in some "carbs are poison" talk, but he's a stubborn Norwegian and if he doesn't decide to do something on his own, he won't do it.

The best senior community I ever lived in was the Burbank Senior Artists Colony. What a marvelous place. We had free classes, an actual theatre, a gallery, studios to paint and sculpt.....endless options for artistic growth. It was just so very expensive. I sort of, sometimes, maybe felt a sense of belonging there. Now we have our own house. Much quieter. I spend my days taking care of DH and DDog and handling my clients from my computer in the living room. I don't mind being alone with my thoughts.

MickiSue Mon, Sep-21-15 21:31

When I met my husband, he was 29 and I was a newly divorced 38.

It's odd, having a MIL and FIL who are only 16 and 18 years older than I am, respectively. But that's really all that feels unusual, after 26 years of being together. Part of my jaundiced view of men my age may spring from the fact that, like Myrt, they tend to look TIRED and ready for the easy chair. I married an athlete; if I hadn't met and started dating him, it's doubtful that I would have become a decent downhill skier, as I hadn't skied since before my oldest was born, when we met.

I know I'm lucky; I divorced when my kids were all young, and they got to know him as they grew up. He's more fatherly to them than their own father. And in an time when many of our cohort are getting divorced, we are planning the next phase of our lives. One divorce was plenty for me. We didn't get married till 12 years ago, because it didn't seem important, somehow. The year we got married was the year my dad died. Suddenly, we were faced with the fact that, if anything happened to either of us, his parents would make decisions for him, and the kids for me. We wanted to be legally responsible to make those for each other.

jmh6251 Tue, Sep-22-15 20:47

It's been quite awhile since I have written anything on this forum. My DH also eats sad, no way he will ever eat lc again. It's too bad since he is experiencing heart problems. He won't listen to me when I tell him it would be healthier if he would adopt a whole foods diet. He says he can't live without rice and potatoes.

I'm still struggling with my weight. I only hope one of these days I can look back at this and say it took a long time but I finally made it. Welcome to all the people that joined in my absence.

Lulumae Wed, Sep-23-15 01:56

Hi folks,
This weekend I got my first senior reduction in a Museum. I have the ticket in front of me now. I turned 60 this year. My OH is 70, but he is also low carb now, more or less, and in pretty good shape. He has a tendency to fall asleep in the evenings, which is a bit annoying, but it's partly because he goes to bed very late.
I'm the one who is still working, for another 3 1/2 years. I am looking forward to retiring and hoping that we shall both be in good health long enough to have some fun!!
I work in an office and my work is not too strenuous but i have a longish train commute and I'll be glad when I can develop more of my own interests in my own time.
We went away for the weekend on a gastronomic break in Austria, near Lake Constance. It was was a gift from our girls, but fortunately the food, which was delicious, was very low carb friendly. We eschewed the bread but ate delicious meat, vegetables and lots of cheese and drank some delicious wine! A great treat! I haven't weighed myself since. I may have put on a few grams but am hoping that by this weekend I'll be back to where I was, namely 68 kg. Fingers crossed. :)

MickiSue Wed, Sep-23-15 07:47

Hi,Lulumae. You just reminded me of one of the best kept secret benefits for "seniors" in the US. Once you turn 62, you can get a pass for $10 that gets access for you, and four other people in your car, to any national park, national monument or any protected area where a fee is charged for admission.

I got mine two years ago, when we took a road trip to Yellowstone for our anniversary. Husband is an accountant, and was worried about the cost for three days' admission. You can imagine his pleasure to learn that the total was $10!

You can order them online, but I got mine at the park gate.

Oh, and the best part is that it's a lifetime pass!

myrt4930 Wed, Sep-23-15 18:03

Mickie Sue....speaking of the Golden Age Pass reminded me that I gave Duane one of those for his 62nd birthday. I still carry in the car for sentimental reasons. I'm plenty old enough to buy my own now. Don't misunderstand me, I never cheated and used his.
My dingbat Dr came over today and helped with my clutter. We worked really hard for an hour and it looks a lot better. It's been a long process of getting rid of stuff and I feel as if I can see daylight now. Had a mozzarella sandwich with Ezekiel 4:9 bread, mayo and dill pickle relish. One piece of bread would have been better. After deck uttering and having fish and veggies for lunch. Pooh and I went down on the Predernales River on Hwy 1 by Johnson's house. I read a booklet entitled when God Says No and Pooh explored, then I got the oil changed. That booklet is about broken dreams. We want one thing and God says no. So many times he gives us something so much better. I wonder what our lives will be like a year from now??? Myrt and pooh

primerib Sat, Sep-26-15 10:22

jmh6251----Never say never. He may get scared for his own health and life and start back up on lc. My DH did. But in the meantime, the only person you can change is yourself. Keep on, keepin' on! I am finally seeing some loss after a 1 yr. stall, and DH lost 14 pounds last month from lc. DSs are on it, too. Their own choice. DH had some scarier health issues and jumped back on when DSs did.

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