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Meg_S Thu, Nov-07-02 09:16

I am assuming my shrinking is because of the spirojet.. only because there was none before it. It has a thumbs up from me.. if I continue to lose size I'll know that it's the spriojet, just because I am such a sluggish loser. I've never been this slim, even at 12 years old. I was always tall and big, I think my body has a higher set point for fat and is reluctant to give it up.


PAMMYSUE Thu, Nov-07-02 10:21

How did you hear about Spirojet? Is it a liquid? Is it nasty tasting? Where can you buy it?

I really like the Xenadrine but I am almost out and I really need a jump start myself. I have lost inches but no weight for over a month. Iam in a major stall period.

Pammysue :daze:

Luxsit Thu, Nov-07-02 10:59

I was surfing around the net and found Spirojet.

Yes, it's a liquid.

Yes, it's nasty tasting, and your supposed to hold it under your tongue for 90 seconds prior to swallowing. Prepare to wash it down with something.

If you check back a couple post from Meg or I, I think you will find a link or two where you can buy it. Don't pay more than $40 for the small size. Small size should last a month easy.

Lux :wave:

P.S. I've been off Spirojet for about a week. I had surgery attempt #2 to remove a Kidney Stone on Tuesday. This time they blasted the little bugger to Kingdom come with a laser. I taking a couple days to recoup before jumping back into my routine.

mbschlgr Thu, Nov-07-02 11:25

Anyone heard of this??? I just saw an ad for it and remember seeing it at GNC

mattieBCIT Fri, Nov-08-02 15:21

Well hello
After about a month of heavy work out. (Weight Lifting and Cardio) I started taking Hydro-Lean.

Im at 239 lbs at the moment, and my goal is 195. When i started the workout, i was at 248 lbs a month ago. So i lost about 5 lbs without any help from the supplements.

My question is this.

I am very healthy, dont have any allergies, no high blood pressure, I'm not epileptic, or anything. Now that i come to think of it, i never had any medical problems.

So.... right now im only taking half the recommended dosage, 2 in the morning 30 min before breakfast, and 2 about 30 min before my work out.

(I work out 5-6 times a week, 1-1.5 hours a day ---> 30 min Cardio, rest weight lifting)

And what happens is that i get cold palms, sometimes clammy, my heart beat / min is higher then usual, about 20 beats higher, im also a lot hotter, and cant sleep until about 12 if i take me 2nd dose at around 4pm.

I just want to know if im in any serious risks if i take this for about 5 weeks. And then get off for about a month..and maybe take it again later on.

Luxsit Sun, Nov-10-02 09:27

Hi MatteiBCIT,

I would invest the $15 and get Trainnerdans book on Metabolism. It explains cycling of stacks and has recommendations for workout routines. I think I remember recommendation being that you should do 3 weeks on, 1 week off on ECA stacks ( I'm sure Trainnerdan will chime in with the correct answer). I have the same problems with sleeping using a stack. I never take a second dose after about 2pm if I want to get to bed on time.

Lux :wave:

nkd2662 Sun, Nov-10-02 09:43

Hi I am really wondering if one of these products would benefit my weight loss efforts. I have a few questions:

I might have a thyroid problem... I am getting it checked out on Tuesday. I have low blood pressure, low body temp, and an extreme difficulty losing weight. Would an ECA stack be harmful to me in that circumstance?

How useful are the Ephedra free forms of these products?

Would taking just plain old ephedra as a supplement be as effective as taking the ECA stack?

Sorry if these questions have already been answered... I just did not feel like going through a million pages of responses.

Thanks in advance!!



PAMMYSUE Mon, Nov-11-02 12:09

To NKD2662,

I had a thyroid problem when I first started my program. After talking to several people and reading Trainer Dans book. I choose to not take any Ephedrine products. I take Xenadrine EFX (ephedrine free). I like it because I dont get chittery or have headaches. Since loosing 36 pounds I no longer have a thyroid problem. But I dont really want to take any ephedrine products, everything I have read, alot of side affects. Plus Xenadrine you buy inexpensively at Walmart - usually around 24.00. I dont know how much actual weight I have lost taking the product. I think it helps with the shaping of the body.

Just my opinion. Good luck! Ask any questions, you will usually get all your answers.


amyelbr Mon, Nov-11-02 16:40

If I consume about 150 carbs a day and burn off 100 of those carbs or more. Will I be able to still lose weight??? And what diet pill REALLY works?

amy :wave:

Luxsit Mon, Nov-11-02 22:03

The problem is that if you consume over 30 so grams of carbs per day you take your body out of ketosis regardless of how many calories you burn exercising. The goal of an LC plan is to get your body into and stay in Ketosis, where your body burns it's own fat for energy. This is not to say that a calorie reduced diet and/or exercise won't help you loose weight, it's just that many of us here have fought the yo-yo diet battle for many years. We have come to believe that fat in a persons diet is beneficial to our health. The key is getting a good balance of fats. Our systems don't handle the highly processed carbohydrates foods that food industry pushes at us daily. Our bodies finely regulate the levels of sugar in our blood. I encourage you to do some studies on the bodies regulation of blood sugar. It helped me to understand how consuming relatively moderate amounts of carbohydrates with fats actually causes the body to store excess sugar and fats in the body as body fat.

As far as a diet pill, this thread discusses supplements that increase the bodies metabolism and have helped some people overcome diet stalls or help speed weight loss rates if used properly. These supplements may not work for everyone. This is why I encourage anyone considering taking supplements to do the research first before diving in.

There are a number of diet pills out there both over the counter and by prescription. Personally I have taken Zenical, I did not like it, it gave me gas and weird smelling bowel movements. I can't say it really helped me, there are those who had sucess using Zenical to loose weight, the problem is that it does not help you make better food choices because eventually you have to stop taking it. Another prescription pill is Meridia, I call it the Prozac of diet pills. I don't like anything that messes with my mental or emotional state so I've never tried it.

Bottom line is that I don't think there is any magic diet pill that allows you to drop weight without corresponding diet and exercise components. Supplements are aids, they do not replace time at the gym or learning how to correctly fuel your body for your particular metabolism.

Well, my 2 cents

Lux :wave:

mbschlgr Tue, Nov-12-02 06:55

learning how to correctly fuel your body for your particular metabolism

Lux, I sure agree with you there!!! The less I eat the more I gain... I am finding out the hard way the I personally have to eat approximately every 3 hours making that around 6 times a day of protein and green leafy vegetables and plenty of water. My energy levels drop and I have a hard time doing the exercise part along with even normal housework, so I also use Xenendrine in the half dose to keep me going. Currently it works!

I used a plan from Provida Life Sciences but reduced the carbs even more, I lost a bunch of weight on it FAST... but it is such a strict way of eating (portion control with specific combinations at specific times) I fell off the wagon again.

Currently I am back to general lCing and with moderate exercise to get myself back into the swing of things for a few weeks. I am waiting for my Winsor Pilates to arrive and will then use that.

One thing I learned for sure is that there are soooo many hidden carbs out there that you really do have to stick with just the basics or you could get yourself into trouble with adding more and more carbs and not even knowing it.

PAMMYSUE Tue, Nov-12-02 07:49

Everyone makes some great points !!!!!!! :bhug:

I have been stalled for so long, and the point you made mbschlgr is something I will have to look into. I have a bad habit of skipping meals, exspecially breakfast. So last Sunday I went back to induction. I am trying to keep carbs to around 20. My schedule is so crazy that I dont have time in the morning to eat alot of breakfast. So I started stopping at McDonalds and getting a sausage/egg mcmuffin. I then loose the muffin and only eat the sausage and egg. But the thing about eating every 3 hours makes sense. I think I am hurting myself by skipping meals. :confused: I got to try something, I am within 3 inches of going to the next size down pants. I cant stand it. I joined a gym 2 weeks ago, I am not sure what else I can do.... :rolleyes:

Let us know about the pilates, I have heard alot about it. I want to try it but I have not flexibility. I had back surgery 2 years ago and still dont have much range of motion.

Well I am so greatful for this thread. It is so nice to have people to bounce ideas off of.

Everyone have a great day :wave:

"Life is to short, enjoy life"


John2001 Tue, Nov-12-02 08:40

Hi Luxsit
The problem is that if you consume over 30 so grams of carbs per day you take your body out of ketosis regardless of how many calories you burn exercising. The goal of an LC plan is to get your body into and stay in Ketosis, where your body burns it's own fat for energy. This is not to say that a calorie reduced diet and/or exercise won't help you loose weight, it's just that many of us here have fought the yo-yo diet battle for many years.

Just an off question for you. GF had tryed LC many years ago and didn't get the results she wanted on it. (She did say, she didn't think she did it correctly!)
My question is this, would someone still loose weight if they did, per say, low fat, reduced calories and exercise, while on one of these thermogenics? I figure one would loose due to the low cal and low fat, along with moderate exercise due to increasing your motabolic rate. As long as your body can handle carbs, unlike ourselves here.

She has done L-fat, reduced calorie, and exercised in the past, with pretty good results, so I would think, by adding a thermogenic, it would help the process along too.

Kind of a silly question, but wanted to get your view on this as well as anyone elses comments.

Just can't sway her to the LC WOL.
Well....not yet anyway! lol

Thanks, John

mbschlgr Tue, Nov-12-02 09:02

So I started stopping at McDonalds and getting a sausage/egg mcmuffin. I then loose the muffin and only eat the sausage and egg

Pammysue, change to the egg mcmuffin! The sausage can have a ton of sugar in it!!! I was eating sausage too and wondered what was up, I couldnt get myself into ketosis, and it turned out sausage was one of the problems!!!!!

I eas the egg mcmuffin sans muffin and that seems to work, I buy 2 of them and eat one, save the other for 3 hours later...

What ECA are you using?? :confused:

PAMMYSUE Tue, Nov-12-02 09:27

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Never thought of that. Is it just the sausage at McDonalds? When I started LCing and I would dinner, not wanting much to eat would fry up some Echrich Smoked Sausage and still do. Do I need to stay away from the sausage, I hope not. :confused:
In the regular egg mcmuffin is the ham ok?

I am currently taking Xenadrine EFX. I do think it is helping in my shaping. I am working 3 days a week at the gym with weights and machines.

This weight is just getting flustrating..............

What about one of the other places for breakfast?


mbschlgr Tue, Nov-12-02 10:15

I too had no idea that sausage contained so much sugar. I was never in the habit of reading labels and when I started I had a rude awakening! I love sausage, and have gone back to just plain old bacon (but look at the package first!!) and Canadian Bacon (which is what is on the Egg McMuffin)

The Xenedrine that you take is the efedra free right??

I'd try staying away from the sausage for a couple of weeks and see what happens. Sodium is another thing I never take time to watch either!!

PAMMYSUE Tue, Nov-12-02 12:12

I never look for the Sodium either. I am to busy looking for how many carbs are in it. Do you have any idea what a good sodium level is? :confused:

Now for lunch I just went and worked out for one hour and stopped at McDonalds and got a plain grilled chicken with a little bbq sauce on the side. Think that is ok? There are just McDonalds all around me.

Yes I am taking Xenadrine EFX (Ephedrine Free).

Trainer Dan - Iam starting to work out - following your book :D

Its really nice talking to you mbschlgr. Its great to bounce things off one another.

Pammysue :wave:

mbschlgr Tue, Nov-12-02 14:53

bbq sauce on the side

Hate to do this to you, but bbq sauce is usually loaded with sugar!!! The only reason I am so keen on things right now is that I had been ignoring those "little" things and my weight had begun to pop right back on up, I was down to 160 at the beginning of the summer and last week was back to 176 :eek:

bbq sauce, sausage, catsup, onions, beer on the weekends "Oh lite beer, that's not bad!!! LOL" well it caught up with me!

I have finally started to get myself back into ketosis with just eliminating the little things above...

The rule of thumb I have heard to follow is if it tastes sweet don't eat and that is usually the truth! :thup:

PAMMYSUE Wed, Nov-13-02 09:42

Your just full of good news today!!!!!! lol

But your right I never thought about it.... Like last night I had steak burgers with some ketsup on it. So what can you use instead, any ideas. I have no problem eating chicken and meat etc. But I have to have something on it. According to my carb book the ketsup is only 4 grams per 1 teaspoon, Mustard is 0 grams. Quess I only use mustard. What about spices, like oregano - chili powder??

Off the wall question. If you are LCing, say you eat something with -0- carbs and the sodium is hi, How does that effect you?
Like I stated before, I wasnt watching the Sodium level.

Something else to think of. Now that we are LCing and checking labels after labels. Before when we werent LCIng - I cant imagine how much carbs I was eating. So my theory is. .................If I was possibly consuming 300- 500 grams of carbs a day and now I am trying to stay around 30- 40. Somedays I goof and possibly have 50-60. God, you would think the inches would still be falling off. I myself I have changed my eating habits tremendously.

My other thought: Because I dropped to 50 carbs or so. That is why I lost the 36 pounds. Now my body has to have alot less to loose anymore? I lost the 36 pounds with no exercise. I wonder if I stay around 40-50 grams and exercise they way I have lately that it will work again????

IAM SO CONFUSED :confused:

Thanks for letting me bounce these ideas of you.

Pammysue :wave:

mbschlgr Wed, Nov-13-02 10:12

Sodium aids in water retention!!

When I eat chinese, big puffy fingers and feet :eek:

Oregano, chili powder, etc are all great, in fact most spices (except salt) we need salt in our diets but most stuff already has a tone in it and we don't need to add more. Me, I just cant' eat eggs without some salt on them.

I was just re-reading Atkins again last night, it is always good ro keep referring to it. Some people have to keep their carb count lower to lose than others. This is addressed in his book in the OWL section (Ongoing Weight Loss). By adding carbs back into your diet in only 5 grm increments. If you continue to lose, you can add 5 more grms. etc.

Some even have to go back to induction every once in awhile and some have to remain at induction level to lose, that is me! I am very sensitive to carbs and I get very lazy and gain...

water is a huge key too, I drink over 2 quarts a day!!!

Luxsit Wed, Nov-13-02 21:53

I don't know if I consider it a thermogenic, but I use a lot of hot sause since being on LC. :)

Lux :wave:

Link_nz Thu, Nov-14-02 13:34

Originally posted by mbschlgr

bbq sauce, sausage, catsup, onions, beer on the weekends "Oh lite beer, that's not bad!!! LOL" well it caught up with me!

I have finally started to get myself back into ketosis with just eliminating the little things above...

Whats wrong with Sasuage!!!?

I eat it every day!!!

(though i am on a stall) hehe

PAMMYSUE Thu, Nov-14-02 14:41

We were talking about the sausage on the egg mcmuffins at McDonalds. I was stopping and getting one in the morning. I have also been stalled for well over a month. I was eating Eckrich smoked sausage when I first started and still lost weight. But I think you have to watch the sugar content of the product.

All I know is this whole thing is getting confusing. All I want to do is loose weight. See how this sounds. I eat two egg mcmuffins this morning (just the eggs). I had hamburger for lunch (no bun) and just a teaspoon of catsup. No other stacks. Now for dinner I will have a skinless chicken breast. I can hope to loose 5 pounds by tomorrow right! Tee hee :D Aint I funny.

Hey Trainer Dan - Question.

When I was 25 I was a body builder (almost ready for competition) but met husband, life fell apart. No I am getting back to the gym. My problem is I have alot of muscle mass. With just getting back into it I find myself using probably more weight then I should. Because using 15 - 20 pounds seems wimpy to me. If I do this I am afraid I am going to build more muscle mass then loose inches. Does that make sense? Reason why I say I am maybe loosing more weight then I should is because I can hardly move this am. I used the leg press - used 45 pounds each side and my legs got sore. It didnt bother me when I was doing it but the next morning it did. Its been awhile - is the theory - less weight more reps or more weight less reps. I thought about alternating every other way. :confused: Any ideas?

Good luck to all!!!!

Everyone go eat sausage........ :D


mbschlgr Thu, Nov-14-02 15:30

Originally posted by Link_nz
Whats wrong with Sasuage!!!?

Most (not all) sausage has sugar in it!!! Plus fillers, of which consist of bread, etc. You have to read the labels on sausage unless of couse you make your own and know what goes into it!! We know someone who used to own a store that made sausage, he is also LC now and was the one who filled me in on staying away from it. Breakfast sausage: here are the ingredients of one that I pulled from my freezer:

Meat Ingredients (Pork,Beef) Mechanically Separated Turkey, Water, Textures Soy Protein Concentrate, 2% of BHA, BHT, Citric Acid, Flavorings, Salt, Sugar

Now I don't know what BHA or BHT is but just reading the words sugar and flavorings runs a flag up. Now when I do the hidden carb count based on the package it shows 3.8g in just 2 tiny little sausage links!!!!!!

Meg_S Sun, Nov-17-02 08:30

How long of a break do you need from thermos to start them again? I've only been on spirojet for 3-4 weeks, but before that for I don't know how long I was taking lower dosage "lots of other brands of eca" for workouts etc. I just have a strong gut feeling that I should take a break but don't know how long is needed.


Trainerdan Sun, Nov-17-02 08:42

I usually say 12 weeks on, 4 weeks off ... but I know some people who say to stay "off" as long as you were "on".

The 12 weeks on, 4 weeks off works for me. Currently, have been off for 10 weeks already ... in another month of so I will be back "on", as cutting begins again in January.

mbschlgr Mon, Nov-18-02 09:00

Re: Leptoprin
Originally posted by mbschlgr
Anyone heard of this??? I just saw an ad for it and remember seeing it at GNC

I had asked about this a bit back, is it that no one has heard of it?

Leonie Wed, Nov-20-02 02:08

Help...I have been low-carbing for 3 weeks, ans have been in ketosis for all that tims- until i started an ECA, and I have been unable to register a reading since.

If my body is unused to caffeine, could this be throwing me out? Could I still be burning fat WITHOUT being in ketosis?

Help please!

Leonie Wed, Nov-20-02 02:09

Help...I have been low-carbing for 3 weeks, and have been in ketosis for all that time- until i started an ECA, and I have been unable to register a reading since.

If my body is unused to caffeine, could this be throwing me out? Could I still be burning fat WITHOUT being in ketosis?

Help please!

mbschlgr Wed, Nov-20-02 18:52

From what I've heard, caffine can. I am on an ECA stack (Xenedrine) and am in ketosis but very light ketosis. I am thinking that it could be part of it.

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