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diemde Fri, Apr-29-05 05:38

Today's workout was good. :thup: Had 3 TBS of Hardgainer protein mix before and Atkins shake (2 scoops) w/1 TBS hardgainer protein afterwards.

Shoulders : Shoulder Press 1 X 8 35
Shoulders : Shoulder Press 1 X 8 40
Shoulders : Shoulder Press 1 X 7 40
Shoulders : Shoulder Press 1 X 6 40
Shoulders : Lateral Raise 3 X 8 12
Shoulders : Rear Lateral Raise 3 X 8 30
Upper Arms : Triceps Extension 1 X 8 35
Upper Arms : Triceps Extension 3 X 8 40
Upper Arms : Curl 3 X 10 15
Upper Arms : Curl 1 X 6 15 (left arm only)
Forearms : Hammer Curl 3 X 8 15
Treadmill, 12 mins, avg 3.0 mph, .61 miles

diemde Sun, May-01-05 19:08

Tonight's workout:

Treadmill, 60 mins, avg 2.7 mph, avg incline 1.5, 2.8 miles

diemde Wed, May-04-05 17:47

Went to the gym on my lunch hour. Didn't have enough time to do everything, but got in a decent workout. :thup:

Chest : Chest Press 1 X 8 30
Chest : Chest Press 2 X 8 40
Chest : Chest Press 1 X 6 40
Chest : Incline Chest Press 1 X 8 30
Chest : Incline Chest Press 3 X 6 30
Chest : Seated Fly 1 X 8 25
Chest : Seated Fly 1 X 8 27
Chest : Seated Fly 1 X 8 28
Back : Close Grip Pulldown 1 X 8 55
Back : Close Grip Pulldown 1 X 8 60
Back : Close Grip Pulldown 1 X 6 65
Back : Seated Row 3 X 8 45
Back : Front Pulldown 1 X 8 50
Back : Front Pulldown 2 X 6 50
Treadmill, 10 mins, avg 3.0 mph, .51 miles, avg incline .5

diemde Mon, May-09-05 05:16

On Friday, I went shopping all day... my legs were tired, so I'm sure I did a LOT of walking. :D

On Saturday, I spent 3 hours planting flowers and spreading mulch. I know that was a workout, too. :D

This morning's workout wasn't long, but it was better than nothing. I was in a hurry, but wanted to get something done.
Thighs : Seated Leg Press 1 X 8 160
Thighs : Seated Leg Press 2 X 8 165
Thighs : Seated Leg Curl 1 X 8 80
Thighs : Seated Leg Curl 1 X 8 95
Thighs : Leg Extension 1 X 8 65
Thighs : Leg Extension 2 X 8 70
Treadmill, 15 mins, avg 3.1 mph

At lunchtime, 18 minute walk, HR avg 108.

diemde Wed, May-11-05 05:55

Tuesday, I went for a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood. Avg HR about 112. :thup:

diemde Thu, May-12-05 18:48

Wednesday - 20 minute walk in the neighborhood, avg HR 112
Today - 23 minute walk in the neighborhood, avg HR 113

diemde Mon, Nov-07-05 06:34

yesterday - 50 minute walk through the neighborhood next door.

today - 20 minute walk through my neighborhood.

diemde Sun, Apr-16-06 08:35

squats - 1x13x0, 2x10x0
seated leg lifts - 2x10x1.5, 1x10x1.5
standing leg lifts - 3x20x1.5
calf raises - 1x20x1.5,2x6x1.5
band leg press - 2x10

curls - R: 3x20x10, L:1x20x10,1x15x10,1x12x10
1 arm row - 3x15x10
side lat raises - 2x12x3, 1x12x5
arnies - 1x10x10,1x8x10,1x6x10

diemde Mon, May-22-06 05:34

1/2 cinamon raisin bagel, 2 tsp cream cheese pre-workout.
Warmup-3 mins treadmill
Chest : Chest Press 1 X 14 45
Chest : Chest Press 1 X 8 70
Chest : Chest Press 2 X 6 70
Chest : Pec Deck Fly 1 X 10 10
Chest : Pec Deck Fly 2 X 8 10
Back : One Arm Row 2 X 8 10
Back : One Arm Row 1 X 8 8
Back : Close Grip Pulldown 3 X 10 44
Back : Front Pulldown 3 X 10 44
Shoulders : Upright Row 3 X 10 10
Upper Arms : Pushdown 3 X 10 28
Back : Shoulder Shrug 3 X 10 10
shake post workout - 2 tsp hard gainer choc, 2 tsp BCAAs, 2 TBS protein powder, ice, water.

diemde Sun, Jun-24-07 14:54

Well, after laying off exercise for over a year, I'm getting restarted. This time I'm doing it at home, which should make it easier to do. Since today was the first day, I went light. For now, until I get back to heavy weights I'm doing a full body workout.

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Squats - 1x10
Leg Curls - 3x10, no weight
Calf Raise - 3x10, no weight
Seated Crunch - 25
Chest Press - 3x10, 2 weight plates
Pec Deck Fly - 2x10, 1 weight plate
One Arm Row - 3x10, 8 lb dumbbell
Close Grip Pull Down - 3x10, 2 weight plates
Wide Grip Pull Down - 3x10, 2 weight plates
Shrugs - 3x10, 8 lb dumbbells each hand
Lat Raises - 3x10, 3 lb dumbbells each hand
Triceps Extensions - 2x10, 8 lb dumbbell both hands
Curls - 3x10, 8 lbs
Healthrider - 2 mins
Cooldown - treadmill, 5 mins
Time - 1 hr

Followed by shake:
4 ice cubes
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup light cranberry/apple juice (2 carbs)
2 TBS protein powder (21 g)
squirt of DaVinci's Vanilla Syrup

Need to work LB harder, can't feel it right now. But then again, I'm a bit afraid of overworking my quads. First time I tried squats, I was sore for a week from going too low. Not this time... I'm taking it slowly. :lol:

My arms feel a bit shaky, back muscles feel worked, so overall UB workout was good. I will increase weights next time, though, since I was easily able to do 10 reps.

galatia Sun, Jun-24-07 15:43

Hi there. I love my home gym. You are very wise to start out slow. It's terrible to dread having to go to the bathroom on account of your quads/hams hurting so badly. :lol:

diemde Thu, Jun-28-07 17:03

Man, I can't believe I'm this outta shape. Sitting at a desk job will do that. :rolleyes: I do think I'm going to have to split this out though. It's taking a bit longer than I'd like. Hopefully I can wait until after DD goes back to Pittsburgh on the 7th.

I finally got around to looking up how much the plates weigh on my home gym. The top plate is 6.5 lbs, the rest of the plates are 12.5 lbs. According to the manual, though, the resistance with the cables and pulleys make it different than just the weight of the plates. So they have a chart and I'm curious...I'm going to list what they say the lbs of resistance are. It will make it difficult to increase weights, so I'll probably have to increase sets/reps before I add plates. I might be able to do something like adding an ankle weight. I'll have to look at that...

pre workout:
cantaloupe, nonfat yogurt

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Squats - 2x10
Leg Curls - 3x10, 1 lb ankle weights
Calf Raise - 3x10, 1 lb ankle weights
Seated Crunch - 25, 5 lb dumbbell at chest
Chest Press - 3x12, 2 weight plates (45 lbs resistance)
Pec Deck Fly - 3x10, 1 weight plate (10 lbs resistance)
One Arm Row - 3x10, 10 lb dumbbell
Close Grip Pull Down - 3x12, 2 weight plates (28 lbs resistance)
Wide Grip Pull Down - 3x12, 2 weight plates (28 lbs resistance)
Shrugs - 3x10, 10 lb dumbbells each hand
Lat Raises - 3x10, 3 lb dumbbells each hand
Triceps Extensions - 2x10 & 1x7, 10 lb dumbbell both hands
Curls - 3x10, 10 lbs
Healthrider - 2.5 mins
Cooldown - treadmill, 3 mins
Time - just under 1 hr

Followed by shake:
6 ice cubes
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup light cranberry/apple juice (3 carbs)
2 TBS protein powder (21 g)

Oh, and the healthrider is a real workout for me. It's like doing leg presses and pull downs at the same time, leveraging body weight. And doing it aerobically... wish I weighed less. :lol:

Good UB workout, but still need to work more on LB, especially hams. I'll increase to 3 sets on squats and then work on getting to parallel before adding weights.

diemde Sat, Jun-30-07 12:59

Just a little workout to burn some carbs. Endulged a bit too much at Bob Evans. :yum: I'm sure I didn't work enough to burn off all the carbs, but I didn't want to work LB. Quads are still a little sore from Thursday.

pre workout:
2 slices banana nut bread

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Chest Press - 4x12, 2 weight plates (45 lbs resistance)
Pec Deck Fly - 3x12, 1 weight plate (10 lbs resistance)
One Arm Row - 3x10, 10 lb dumbbell and 1x10, 15 lb dumbbell
Close Grip Pull Down - 3x12, 2 weight plates (28 lbs resistance)
Wide Grip Pull Down - 3x12, 2 weight plates (28 lbs resistance)
Cooldown - treadmill, 5 mins
Time - 1/2 hr

Followed by shake:
6 ice cubes
1/2 cup water
2 TBS protein powder (21 g)
squirt of DaVinci's root beer syrup (needed more or some other flavoring)
(Had enough carbs earlier, so didn't think I needed them in the shake.)

I know I'm still lifting light. I tried the 15 lb dumbbell on the one arm row and it wasn't hard at all. Still haven't tried to figure a way to increase weights on the gym. I know I'm not ready to bump up another plate. I'll just keep slowing down and adding more sets/reps. At some point, I'll fatigue the muscles enough. :lol:

My MP3 player isn't working. Tried new battery... still dead. Bummer, I hate doing the treadmill without something to listen to. I was all set to go longer than a few minutes at the end, but I was just too bored. :rolleyes:

diemde Wed, Jul-04-07 09:35

pre workout:
coffee w/cream & DaVinci's syrup (I know, I know :lol: )

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Squats - 3x10
Leg Curls - 4x10, 1 lb ankle weights
Calf Raise - 3x10, 1 lb ankle weights + 3 lbs DB in each hand
Seated Crunch - 2x25, 8 lb dumbbell at chest
Chest Press - 4x15, 2 weight plates (45 lbs resistance)
Pec Deck Fly - 3x12, 1 weight plate (10 lbs resistance)
One Arm Row - 3x8, 15 lb dumbbell
Close Grip Pull Down - 3x15, 2 weight plates (28 lbs resistance)
Wide Grip Pull Down - 3x15, 2 weight plates (28 lbs resistance)
Shrugs - 3x12, 10 lb dumbbells each hand
Lat Raises - 3x12, 3 lb dumbbells each hand
Triceps Extensions - 3x10, 10 lb dumbbell both hands
Curls - 3x12, 10 lbs
Time - 1 hr 10 mins

Followed by shake:
6 ice cubes
6 oz water
6 oz light cranberry/apple juice (4.5 carbs)
2.3 TBS protein powder (28 g)
1 tsp glutamine
1 scoop BCAAs

Still not doing enough for LB. When I did the squats today I could feel the muscles working, but the other LB just isn't getting enough resistance. I'll have to see what I can work out with the home gym. Last time I tried using it for LB, it just didn't work well. I think I don't fit the machine right and I don't know how to adjust it. Maybe I can get my nephew to come over and help figure out how to change it. Of course, my LB muscles are already pretty strong from carrying around this excess weight. :lol:

UB was good. I was feeling the burn in my arms, but still not feeling the muscles work much in my back. I think my arms have to get stronger before I'll be able to tell for sure if the back is getting worked much.

Next week I'll split this into 2 workouts. It's just taking too long to do it all at once. I'll be taking DD back to Pittsburgh this weekend, so it won't be until after that.

I'm really glad that I started doing this again. It is giving me a sense of accomplishment and it feels good. :thup:

diemde Mon, Jul-09-07 21:55

pre workout:
6 strawberries & Splenda (abt 6 carbs)

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Close Grip Pull Down - 4x15, 2 weight plates (28 lbs resistance)
Wide Grip Pull Down - 4x15, 2 weight plates (28 lbs resistance)
Lat Raises - 3x12, 3 lb dumbbells each hand
One Arm Row - 3x10, 15 lb dumbbell
Shrugs - 3x12, 10 lb dumbbells each hand
Curls - 1x8 and 2x6, 15 lbs
Time - 40 mins

Followed by shake:
6 ice cubes
4 oz water
4 oz light cranberry/apple juice (3 carbs)
2 TBS protein powder (21 g)
1 tsp glutamine
1 scoop BCAAs

This was a good workout, but I ran out of time. I had 2 other optional exercises on my list that I was planning to do, but decided to drop to save time. I ended up doing this at 10 pm which is really too late for me.

I finally hit the wall on curls and am getting close on some of the other ones. I think I'll try adding a plate next time on the pull downs just to see how I do. It'll probably be too much resistance, but I figure it won't hurt to try.

I'm still having a problem with the muscle behind my right shoulder blade. It's the same issue I've had for at least 3 years. It comes and goes and I can't figure out what is causing it. I can't even tell for sure which muscle it is. It feels like it is behind the shoulder blade so I'm thinking it's the teres major or minor. I notice it more on the wide grip pull down than on the close grip. We'll see how it goes by doing the higher weights.

diemde Tue, Jul-10-07 20:23

pre workout:
1/2 cup light cranberry/apple juice (3 carbs)

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Chest Press - 2x15, 2 weight plates (45 lbs resistance), then 2x6, 3 weight plates (70 lbs resistance)
Pec Deck Fly - 1x2, 2 weight plates (22 lbs resistance), then 2x15, 1 weight plate (10 lbs resistance)
Wall Push Ups - 3x12, no extra weight, abt 2 ft from wall
Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 3x8, 5 lbs
Triceps Extensions - 1x10 & 2x8, 10 lb dumbbell both hands
Time - 30 mins

Followed by shake:
5 ice cubes
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup light cranberry/apple juice (3 carbs)
2 TBS protein powder (21 g)
1 tsp glutamine
1 scoop BCAAs

Just an ok workout tonight...still too late at night. Did well on taking the chest press up to 3 plates. But can't yet do 2 plates on the flyes, so had to drop it down. Probably should have had a few more carbs pre workout and then done the treadmill afterwards to ensure they were burned. Funny, but I don't have anything good here to use that has carbs in it. :lol: Guess I'll have to buy something at the store.

diemde Wed, Jul-11-07 20:32

pre workout:
dinner, including bread

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Squats - 3x10
Dumbbell Step Up - 2x10, 10 lb dumbbells each hand
Leg Extension - 3x10, 1 lb ankle weights
Leg Curls - 3x10, 5 lb ankle weights
Single Leg Raise - 3x8, 5 lb ankle weights
Calf Raise - 3x10, 5 lb dumbbells each hand
Seated Crunch - 50, 8 lb dumbbell at chest
Healthrider - 3x25
Cooldown - treadmill, 5 mins
Time - 40 mins

Followed by shake:
6 ice cubes
2/3 cup water
1/3 cup light cranberry/apple juice (2 carbs)
2 TBS protein powder (21 g)
1 tsp glutamine
1 scoop BCAAs

Worked out about 70 minutes after going out to dinner, so I had some bread for my carbs. Maybe not the right carbs, but the bread was good. :yum:

Workout was good... I was dripping, which is always a good sign. I tried to go pretty low on the squats (really trying to burn off that bread). I tried a couple of new things - the step ups really didn't work well. I was stepping up onto the treadmill and I suppose it helped, but not enough to continue doing them. So I gave up after 2 sets. I'll have to find something else to do...

I also decided to just count the healthrider pushes rather than time it. That worked well, I was feeling it in my quads. But even focusing on my legs, that muscle in my shoulder began to hurt. I really need to be able to do leg presses without using my back. I hate to go see a phys therapist since I would have to pay for it. But that's probably the only way I'm going to figure out what is causing the problem and learn how to fix it. <sigh>

diemde Sun, Jul-15-07 18:02

Had family reunion activities over the last few days, so didn't get in a workout since Weds. I could have made time, but had to choose my priorities...

pre workout:
4 ice cubes
4 oz water
4 oz light cranberry/apple juice (3 carbs)
2 tsp hardgainer mix (6 carbs, 3 protein)
2 TBS protein powder (21 protein)
1 tsp glutamine

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Close Grip Pull Down - 1x15, 2 plates (28 lbs resistance), 3x10, 3 plates ( 44 lbs resistance)
Wide Grip Pull Down - 4x10, 3 plates (44 lbs resistance)
Lat Raises - 3x10, 5 lb dumbbells each hand
One Arm Row - 3x10, 20 lb dumbbell
Shrugs - 3x10, 15 lb dumbbells each hand
Curls - 3x10, 12 lbs
Hammer Curls - 1x10, 5 lbs and 2x10, 8 lbs
treadmill - 10 mins
Time - 45 mins

Followed by shake:
6 ice cubes
4 oz water
4 oz light cranberry/apple juice (3 carbs)
2 tsp hardgainer mix (6 carbs, 3 protein)
2 TBS protein powder (21 protein)
1 scoop BCAAs

Pretty good workout tonight, really drippy. :lol: Starting to increase the weights and reduce the reps. :thup: Added hammer curls, started out low weight since I wasn't sure. Probably could have gone to 10 lbs, but I'd rather be cautious than get hurt.

At this pace, I'm probably going to need either higher weight dumbbells or have to figure out how to use the home gym for some of these soon. Highest dumbbell I have is 20 lbs. I really like doing freestanding so maybe I should consider a barbell. I'll have to think on it.

I also did an extra 5 mins on the treadmill afterwards and varied the pace/height. I am really not into cardio right now...maybe when I get thinner. :D

I also added some more carbs before and after to see if this helped. I think this was the right amount for pre-workout given the additional weights I was using, but it was a tad too high after the workout. I really only want about 5 carbs after, so maybe just 1 tsp of the hardgainer mix after. Or maybe eliminate the juice... will need something for flavor, though.

I've decided the muscles (or tendons) that are complaining behind my right shoulder are the rotator cuff... not sure exactly which, so trying to just address the whole area. I've added a few stretching exercises to see if that will help and I'm going to eliminate the wall pushups (website indicated regular pushups were bad for rotator cuff tendon issues, so I don't want to take any changes).

diemde Mon, Jul-16-07 19:52

pre workout:
dinner (meatballs, marinara, cheese)

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Chest Press - 3x10, 3 plates (70 lbs resistance)
Pec Deck Fly - 3x15, 1 plate (10 lbs resistance)
Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 3x8, 8 lbs
Triceps Extensions - 3x10, 10 lb dumbbell both hands
treadmill, 10 mins
Time - 30 mins

Followed by shake:
5 ice cubes
1/2 cup water
2 TBS protein powder (21 g)
2 tsp hardgainer mix (6 carbs)
1 tsp glutamine
1 scoop BCAAs

Decent workout tonight, but it seemed short. Probably need to add another exercise or 2. Or reconsider how I'm splitting these up. I definitely felt the muscle in my back on the shoulder press. And thought my tri's were going to give out by the 3rd set... :thup:

galatia Tue, Jul-17-07 19:39

or have to figure out how to use the home gym for some of these
what kind of home gym do you have? I do rope curls from the low cable on mine.

Sorry to hear you have a messed up shoulder. I really screwed mine up doing pec dec. Those really need to be well designed or they can really do some damage. The one I have now, is not well designed. My shoulder did finally heal, but it took MONTHS! I'm very cautious now. Hope yours heals up quickly. :)

diemde Wed, Jul-18-07 22:25

pre workout:
dinner, including bread

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Squats - 1x15, 1x12, 1x10
Leg Extension - 4x12, 1 lb ankle weights
Leg Curls - 3x12, 5 lb ankle weights
Single Leg Raise - 1x10, 2x8, 5 lb ankle weights
Seated Crunch - 50, 8 lb dumbbell at chest
Healthrider - 1x25
Cooldown - treadmill, 5 mins
Time - 35 mins

Followed by shake:
6 ice cubes
2/3 cup water
2 TBS protein powder (21 g)
2 tsp hardgainer mix (6 carbs, 3 protein)
1 tsp glutamine
1 scoop BCAAs

An ok workout, much too late in the day though. Didn't start til almost 11pm due to other priorities. I really had to talk myself into it tonight, but I'm glad I did. Also, somehow I missed doing the calf raises. :rolleyes: I'm also not going to be able to do the healthrider til I deal with this muscle problem in my back. I pushed through getting 1 set done, but I could tell it was just too much for it. I guess I'll have to get to a sports med Dr. or something. Squats were good. I finally figured out I wasn't standing wide enough, so I finally found the sweet spot. :thup:

That muscle has been an issue on and off for 4 years. I think if it was gonna heal, it would have done it the 18 months I was off plan and not exercising. I think it's my day job causing it, working on the computer all the time with poor posture. I guess it's time to do something about it... actually beyond time.

diemde Thu, Jul-19-07 21:19

pre workout:
dinner, then fruit smoothie (had to use up the leftover fruit)

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Close Grip Pull Down - 4x12, 3 plates (44 lbs resistance)
Wide Grip Pull Down - 4x12, 3 plates (44 lbs resistance)
Lat Raises - 3x10, 5 lb dumbbell each hand
One Arm Row - 3x10, 20 lb dumbbell
Shrugs - 3x12, 15 lb dumbbell each hand
Curls - 1x3, 15 lbs, 1x6 and 1x4, 13 lbs
Hammer Curls - 3x10, 8 lbs
treadmill - 5 mins
Time - 35 mins

Followed by shake:
5 ice cubes
4 oz water
2 tsp hardgainer mix (6 carbs, 3 protein)
3 TBS protein powder (32 protein)
1 tsp glutamine
1 scoop BCAAs
squirt of Davinci's raspberry syrup

A good workout tonight. Interesting that neither of the pull downs bothered the muscle in my back. I didn't start feeling it until I did the curls. I'm thinking the freestanding weights are harder on it than the gym, which kinda makes sense.

I'm going to cut back to 5 days a week and take the days off after UB workouts... hoping that helps the muscle rest a bit. I'm also going to stay at these weights for awhile for UB, primarily to go easy on that muscle. Also, need to get left and right sides balanced a bit better. My goal is to really maintain current LBM while I lose. I'm around 132 LBM and 100 FM right now. Before I fell of the wagon, I was at 125 LBM and 85 FM.

I increased the protein in my PWO shake. Just felt like I hadn't gotten in enough today, so thought that might help.

diemde Fri, Jul-20-07 19:35

Day off today, but I hopped on the treadmill for 10 minutes just to help keep the metabolism rev'd. I still hate doing cardio.

diemde Sat, Jul-21-07 18:46

pre workout:
dinner (chicken noodle soup, meatballs, marinara, cheese)

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Chest Press - 3x10, 3 plates (70 lbs resistance)
Pec Deck Fly - 3x17, 1 plate (10 lbs resistance)
Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 3x10, 8 lbs
Triceps Extensions - 3x8, 12 lb dumbbell both hands
treadmill, 10 mins
marching in place, 5 mins
Time - 35 mins

Followed by shake:
6 ice cubes
1/2 cup water
2.33 TBS protein powder (25 g)
3 tsp hardgainer mix (9 carbs, 5 protein)
1/2 cup lite juice (3 carbs)
1 tsp glutamine
2 scoops BCAAs

I still need to add some more resistance exercises to this routine, but what I did was good. By the time I figure it all out, it'll be time to change it. :lol:

Finally starting to hit the wall on the flyes. Not sure yet if I can go up another plate. Maybe one or 2 more times increasing sets first. Shoulder press was wobbly by the end and tris were burning by the end. :thup: I worked up a sweat, but not nearly like I do with the other 2 routines. I added a bit of cardio just to round it out. I felt like I could have gone a lot longer. :D

I added more carbs & protein afterwards. I want to see if getting an insulin spike will help. I may regret it tomorrow. :lol:

diemde Sun, Jul-22-07 17:32

pre workout:
dinner, including bread

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Squats - 3x10
Leg Extension - 3x10, 3 lb ankle weights
Leg Curls - 3x12, 5 lb ankle weights
Single Leg Raise - 2x10, 1x8, 5 lb ankle weights
Seated Crunch - 50, 10 lb dumbbell at chest
Treadmill, 15 mins
Time - 50 mins

Followed by shake:
6 ice cubes
1/2 cup water
2 TBS protein powder (21 g)
2 tsp hardgainer mix (6 carbs, 3 protein)
1 tsp glutamine
2 scoops BCAAs
1/3 cup lite juice (2 carbs)

Just an ok workout. My knees were bothering me a bit on the squats. I was feeling heavy in my core today, so maybe that was it. I really think this will be so much easier when I've lose some of this fat. But of course, then I'll have to use heavier weights. :lol:

diemde Mon, Jul-23-07 20:43

Weight 232.4
pre workout:

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Close Grip Pull Down - 4x15, 3 plates (44 lbs resistance)
Wide Grip Pull Down - 4x15, 3 plates (44 lbs resistance)
Lat Raises - 3x10, 5 lb dumbbell each hand
One Arm Row - 2x8 and 1x6, 22 lb dumbbell
Shrugs - 4x15, 15 lb dumbbell each hand
Curls - 1x6, 15 lbs, 2x3, 15 lbs
Hammer Curls - 3x8, 10 lbs
treadmill - 5 mins
Time - 40 mins

Followed by shake:
5 ice cubes
6 oz water
2 tsp hardgainer mix (6 carbs, 3 protein)
2 TBS protein powder (21 protein)
2 scoops BCAAs
squirt of Davinci's raspberry syrup

Well, so much for staying at the same weights. :lol: It's addicting to lift heavier each time. I'm finally hitting the point now where I'm pushing the muscles... well except for the pull downs. All the dumbbell work is hard, so I think I can stay at these weights for a little while and concentrate on going slower and smoother. Well I may go on up to 25 lbs, but that's as far as I can go with the dumbbells I have now. I still need to go up one more plate on the pull downs, though.

Out of the the 3 routines I'm doing, this is the one I like best. I really feel like I've worked hard after this one. I suppose it's because I don't normally work my UB as hard as LB in my daily life. I think it's funny that my legs can carry around 232 lbs of body weight yet my arms have trouble doing curls with 15 lb dumbbells. :lol:

Oh, last night, I finally noticed my quads getting more solid...that part of the muscle right above the knee. I remember how that felt the first time I did this. It's definitely empowering. I know other people reward themselves with "stuff" when they lose weight, but I think seeing the changes in our bodies is the absolute best reward. :thup:

diemde Tue, Jul-24-07 12:14

Treadmill - 15 mins.

diemde Wed, Jul-25-07 20:39

weight 231.2
pre workout: canteloupe, roast beef (not the greatest choice...)

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Chest Press - 2x12 and 1x8, 3 plates (70 lbs resistance)
Pec Deck Fly - 3x10, 1 plate + 2 lbs ankle weights (~13+ lbs resistance)
Arnies - 1x8, 5 lbs and 2x8, 8 lbs
Dumbbell Front Raises - 3x10, 8 lbs
Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 3x10, 8 lbs
Triceps Extensions - 3x8, 12 lb dumbbell both hands
Time - 40 mins

Followed by shake:
6 ice cubes, 1/2 cup water
2 TBS protein powder (21 g)
2 tsp hardgainer mix (6carbs, 3 protein)
1 tsp glutamine
2 scoops BCAAs

Good workout tonight. Changed it up just a little. I tried 1 rep with 2 plates on the flyes, but I'm not yet ready. So I went back to 1 plate and laid my 2 ankle weights on top. I'm not sure if they are 1 lb or 1.5 lb each, but in either case, it added some weight. :lol:

I could feel my shoulder muscle start up on the Arnies. It wasn't too bad, but I could tell it was engaged a little. Then I felt it even more on the front raises. I'll go easy on it, but I would like to see if it will help eliminate the problem if I build up the muscle some. Of course, if it's a tendon problem, this will probably just aggrivate it more. :rolleyes:

Chest press was good, too. I just couldn't go beyond 8 on the last set. Ran out of time to get in any cardio afterwards. Tris were burning again. :thup:

diemde Sat, Jul-28-07 12:41

pre workout: nothing since 4 hours before

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Squats - 1x10, no weight and 2x10 w/5 lb DBs each hand
Leg Extension - 3x10, 5 lb ankle weights
Leg Curls - 40 each leg, alternating, 5 lb ankle weights
Calf Raise - 4x10, 8 lb DB each hand
Single Leg Raise - 3x10, 5 lb ankle weights
Seated Crunch - 60, 10 lb dumbbell at chest
Bent knee hip raises - 3x10
Treadmill, 5 mins
Time - 45 mins

Followed by shake:
6 ice cubes, 1/2 cup water
2 TBS protein powder (21 g)
2 tsp hardgainer mix (6 carbs, 3 protein)
1 tsp glutamine
2 scoops BCAAs
squirt of DaVinci's raspberry syrup

Great workout today. I'm trying something different... not eating anything right before the workout. I ate breakfast about 4 hours before and had 2 pieces of banana nut bread (along with bacon, eggs, broccoli). Figured that would resupply the glycogen. It worked very well today.

Used some weights with the squats. I'm still not parallel, but I've lost 8 lbs since I started working out, so I figured I'd better add that weight back in. :D

Tried something different with the leg curls... alternating every other leg. Since I only have 5 lbs ankle weights, I just thought I'd try this for variety. I enjoyed doing them this way. I had to go up to 40 each before I could tell they were doing anything. It's definitely time to get the ankle attachment for the home gym.

Added in the hip raises. I can tell the seated crunches are working the upper ab, but needed this for the lower ab. I can't do exercises like the V crunch due to inner ear problem which would make me dizzy. This works both parts, but not together. That will have to do for now.

The electronics on my treadmill doesn't work, so I don't know how fast I'm going or the incline. I'm just varying it around to get intermittency (is that a word?). I was actually jogging a bit today, but just for 10-15 seconds or so. I'm feeling like I want to do more cardio, so I may start doing that on my days off lifting. I need to get a battery for my heart rate monitor before I can do that though.

I definitely like working out on the weekends better than during the week! My endorphins must be good... I feel like I could do another workout right now. :lol:

diemde Sun, Jul-29-07 08:37

Weight 231.2
pre workout: 1 mug coffee w/cream

Warmup - treadmill, 5 mins
Close Grip Pull Down - 1x15, 3 plates (44 lbs resistance), 3x8, 4 plates (60 lbs resistance)
Wide Grip Pull Down - 3x8, 4 plates (60 lbs resistance)
Lat Raises - 3x10, 5 lb dumbbell each hand
Straight Back Seated row - 3x8, 2 plates (54 lbs resistance)
One Arm Row - 3x8, 22 lb dumbbell
Shrugs - 3x8, 20 lb dumbbell each hand
Curls - 1x6 and 2x3, 15 lbs
Hammer Curls - 3x9, 10 lbs
treadmill - 5 mins
Time - 55 mins

Followed by shake:
6 ice cubes, 1/2 cup water
1 TBS hardgainer mix (9 carbs, 5 protein)
2 TBS protein powder (21 protein)
2 scoops BCAAs
squirt of Davinci's raspberry syrup

Good workout this morning. I did it around 9am and the rotator cuff didn't bother me at all. Pretty much confirms to me that it's related to being on the computer for my job all day long during the week.

I bought 2 new attachments for my home gym yesterday. One is the ankle strap, so I can now use all that resistance from the gym to do some more leg work. The other is a 2 hand metal thingie so I can do things like seated rows. I can also hold it with just one hand, so should be able to do curls too. There are probably other things I can do, but I'll have to figure all that out. I did try to use it today to do some seated rows with 3 plates using the low pulley and I ended up moving the whole gym. I found that I have to keep my feet against the gym to keep from moving it. I didn't know I was that strong. :lol: Actually it's on carpet, so it slid. I dropped down to 2 plates and it didn't move. I'll have to figure that one out so I can go up on the weights.

Everything else was good. I jogged a couple of times for 15-20 seconds on the treadmill. I'm leery of doing too much without the HR monitor since I know I'm out of shape on cardio. I'll throw the HR monitor watch in my purse so I can get the battery replaced next time I go out.

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