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chemlady Mon, Mar-31-03 07:41

Okay this morning i did 16 on the treadmill bfl style. Will be hitting the gym at lunch and then will do abs separately 3x a week at home...some serious crunches...I have a tape Im going to use along with just the usually grab bag of crunches and whatever else I can find to work those babies. Lunch workout will be legs,glutes,calves and back. More to follow later and yes the scale is down once again., Yipeeeeeeeeeeee...........

chemlady Mon, Mar-31-03 14:33

Okay i did what i could but not enough time for an all out intense workout of all body parts therefore worked legs,glutes and back and will do some single leg calf raises tonight after supper along with the ab stuff and found a mag with new ab moves while pedaling the bike for my cooldown.

10 minutes on precor ellipitical trainer at incline 2 resistance 10
lunges 8/10# 12reps each
side lunges 10/12# 12reps each..each side
plie squats 8/10/12 12reps each
stiff legged dead lifts 8/10/12 12reps each
step ups 12# 12reps each side
leg curl 85/95/105 12reps each
lower back machine 85/95/105 12reps each
super pullover 55/65/75 12/12/9reps
ab/ad machine ab 110/120 2sets each of 12 reps
ad 100/110 2sets of 12 reps each for a total of 4sets
10minute cooldown on the bike

I feel so good and the energy is zooming.

chemlady Tue, Apr-01-03 08:12

this morning i did 16 on the treadmill bfl style and 5 solid minutes of crunches...never did them last night. Last night was grocery night and had those lovely pictures to post to show what i really look like today and got brave enough to show all the fat i was carrying around 8 months ago. The scale was good to me both last night and this morning and hey i might be in the 170's soon...who knows.

Gym planned for around lunch working shouders,chest,bicep and triceps to be worked along with some cardio warmup thrown in.


chemlady Tue, Apr-01-03 13:36

Todays Workout:
10 minute warmup on cybex arctrainer at resistance 12 incline2
Arnold press 8/10/12 12reps each
upright row 8/10/12 12reps each
front raises 8/10/12 12reps each
Dumbell fly 8/10 12reps each
Dumbell bench press 8/10 12reps each
Dumbell pullover 8/10 12reps each
Vertical chest 70/60/50 6/8/10reps actually to failure
Dumbell curl 8/10/12 12reps each
Concentrated Curl 10/12/15 12reps each
Tricep Kickback 8/10/12 12reps each
Dumbell Tricep Extension 12/15 12reps each
Tricep Cable pushdown 40/35 9/12reps each actually to failure.

Tried some new exercises and feeling the sore already in bicep, shoulder and chest...oh that good feeling.

Also tried the standing calf raise machine for a few sets at 50/40#.I feel those babies tommorrow i think.
Cooldown was 5 minutes on the bike.
Tonight there is no planned exercise but you never know with me!

chemlady Wed, Apr-02-03 08:40

Last night i went shopping for more protein bars while ash was in acrobat lessons and then came back and sent some posts to some newbies and some well wishes here...YOu guys are the best. Tonight i am taking the kids to the y for some swimming and i will be doing that ab tape of mine called super stomach with joanie gregan. You should see this old broad..what a bode. Wade my new mentor told me about some new moves for the obiliques so i will be incorporating as the week goes on and maybe some serious stretching after everything just to improve my flexibility. Actually a lite day for me...well i could do laps while im in the pool..who knows...last time i stepped in this pool was in my size 18 bathing suit. Tonights is size 10 and oh so sexy. Will post later if time allows.

Anybody Wed, Apr-02-03 09:08

*chuckle* Laurie.. sexy... ..I'm shocked.... not :)

chemlady Wed, Apr-02-03 10:37

Yeah chris the preppie or straight laced look was never in my look and you know where im coming from. I am a true must look good all the time and clothes do make the women dont ya know..even in a business suit i look feminine. Feeling delicious today....size 11/12 junior black pants and looking oh so good. Last week they were skin tight..but not anymore...this week they fit. I love it.

deze Wed, Apr-02-03 15:46

youre a Leo??? this explains EVERYTHING!!! :devil:

chemlady Thu, Apr-03-03 08:28

Yes i am the fire sign for a reason..dont ya know.'

Now I did the treadmill for 15 this morning bfl style and plan on hitting the gym at lunch time. more details to follow...LBWO today


Oh yeah one more thing 181.5


chemlady Fri, Apr-04-03 08:22

I feel so skinny today.........i just had to say that. yesterdays workout was killer and legs and butt are nice and sore today. Wade was right about those lunges i did using a step..i could feel them while i did it never mind the sore today. I didnt have time to post the workout in detail so a quick recap is that i did 10 on the ellipitical at a higher incline and resistance to burn 110calories and then stiff legged dead lifts, step up lunges,squats,plie'squates,leg curl and leg ext were done in reverse weights to failure along with added wts on the ab/ad machine as well. floor crunches galore so that upper abs are sore as well and 10 mins on the bike for a cooldown...legs were like jello afterward and nice and sore as i said before.

Today i got up late because i went to bed late and did no cardio but the gym at lunch is a must for some upper body and must squeeze in some back exercises because i didnt do them with the legs yesterday because the abs didnt get done on wednesday. Wade also suggested i train the abs everyday and gave me alot of lower ab ideas to do...he told me to not use weights because you dont want to build muscle there and do high reps and train every day for the six pack...hey hes got a six pack so he knows and who am i too question i guy jacked to the max. Im going to shoot for five days of ab training a week and try to stick to it with everything else oh yeah and told me to use a stick for some plyometric exercise for the obiliques. I really liked picking his brain and will continue...hes just a phone call away.

chemlady Fri, Apr-04-03 15:30

Todays workout:

10 minutes on the ellipitical in a cross training program, 113calories burned.
upright rows 8/10/12 12reps each
arnold press 8/10/12 12reps each
tricep kickback 8/10/12 12reps each
pec fly 8/10 12reps each
compound row 80/90 12reps each
vertical chest 50/55 12/8 reps
preacher curl 8/10 12rep each
concentrated curl 10/12 12/10reps
cable tricep pulldown 30/40 12/9reps
another exercise for the back and pecs that i dont know the name of with 8/10 12reps each....i forgot the go to for more info.

cool down was five minutes on the bike.

Workout was okay but could have been better.

chemlady Sat, Apr-05-03 21:01

Tonight I did ten minutes on the treadmill followed by some leg and ab moves...not a whole lot but something and finished with some stretches...I think i need to buy a pilates tape and do that either that or a yoga tape just to work on elongating the muscles and improving flexability.

Hope all have a good night.

chemlady Sun, Apr-06-03 10:37

This morning i only got 12minutes on the treadmill before ashleys teacher called and wanted to set up a parent/teacher conference for thursday night. I guess tonight i will do another ten or fifteen to balance out and add some more activity for burning the fat. I will be doing some ab moves today as well...I am getting so obsessive. Billy wants to go outside and play with the neighbors kid so must get going and I think i wash the car inside and out while im out there...its sunny but chilly today. Good day for some outside fun and maybe a bike ride.

Have a great day everyone.

chemlady Mon, Apr-07-03 06:35

Yesterday i rake the lawn, cleaned the gutters and vacuumed the car but that was it for activity.

This morning i did twenty of the treadmill bfl style and will be going to the gym at lunch for some lower body. New routine planned and still have to call joy about going to the other gym for some new ideas. After reading some of sam59 journal i have been making added trips up and down the cellar stairs to do the laundry..hey every little bit helps.

chemlady Mon, Apr-07-03 12:43

Todays workout:

10 minutes on precor efx346 arctrainer with incline 10 resistance 3.

step up lunges 5/8/10pounds at 10/8/6reps
plie squats 8/10 12reps each
squats 8/10/12 12reps each
stiff legged deadlifts 8/10/12 12reps each
leg ext 80/90/100 10/9/8reps
leg curl 85/95/105 12/10/8reps
leg press 150/170/190 12reps each
leg ab/ad ab 105/115/125 12/10/9reps ad 100/110/120 12/10/8reps
floor crunches
straight leg 20
bent knee 20
frog leg 20
oblique crunches 60..30each side
reverse curl 20
reverse crunch 20
bent knee with feet in air 20...hell i dont know the names of some just watched other people do them and copied.

cool down five minutes on the bike.

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