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NoBREAD Fri, Oct-21-05 22:31

Turner - I say why go anywhere with people you don't like. Family or not. As far as your sister she should be supportive of you, not tear you down. I also have a Mom that is 105 soaking wet. Not good when the mother is skinnier than the daughters!
But at least I can say that when I do lose the weight my body will be fit and toned and not just skinny.

Kaizan - I say bypass the french silk pie and go for the second option! Me and you got to talk girl!
I can totally relate!

I am sticking to the walking challenge and getting at least 30 minutes of walking in a day.

I am still 160, but that is still 5 pounds lighter than I was when I started and we still have over a month. I can do this!!

turner Sat, Oct-22-05 17:54

I am not writing from the sherriff's office---
I played nice
Seems like ole' sis is trying to lose weight, also. She's doing Weight Watchers and "not that Atkins crap!" I didn't say a word. I did not let her know that I was LCing it as she counted her points.
Dinner last night was grilled jumbo shrimp with grilled asparagus and a small salad. (Okay, I had a small slice of bread)
Breakfast was crab omlete with black coffee. Lunch was lump crab cake (that means no bread) and a green salad.
Besides that slice of bread, I did eat a couple of pieces of candy, but I did not make a pig out of myself like I usually would have. I was a pretty good girl and stayed out of the homemade candy store.


Samantha22 Sat, Oct-22-05 21:39

Haven't updated fitday yesterday or here goes my menu's:

B-1/2 LC tortilla with turkey, cheese, tomato and with cream
L-Salad with turkey, cheese and ranch dressing
S-Pepperoni and cheese
D-Chicken with SF BBQ sauce, brocolli with butter

B-Bacon, tomato and cheese with cream
L-Salad with ranch, ham, bacon bits, cheese and some chicken salad
S-few pieces of LC candy and a cup of coffee while watching a movie
D-Steakums with fried onions and cheese, a little homemade chicken salad with mayo and celery and a little salt, pepper and splenda

Weighed in at 213.5 this i'll keep that on my stats....gonna use tomorrow to catch up on posts :)

turner Mon, Oct-24-05 09:54

Lunch today is a cucumber salad. I made plenty for the week since it gets better the longer it has to mix.
5 (or more) cucumbers, peeled and cubed
1 onion, peeled and chunked
2 roma tomatoes, peeled and chunked
1 cup water
1 cup vinegar (try red wine or apple cider)
1 cup olive oil
1/2 cup splenda (more or less to taste)
fresh dill
fresh chives

Mix, chill, eat

Breakfast was a crab omelet.


lizzyLC Mon, Oct-24-05 10:44

Turner - that is pretty cool you make your own wine. We made beer - long time ago - it came out pretty good - just easier to go by a six-pack. Sisters can really push the buttons.


Kaizan Mon, Oct-24-05 16:00

Cheri - men are jerks. I think if I left the hubby, I would just be trading him in for a newer, younger jerk. LOL. We went to a "Joe Dirt" party this weekend, I was a little nervous cause I didn't want to go to the bar dressed the way I was before the party - and I got hit on all night long. My hubby meets up with us at the party, and gives me a compliment! I guess the White trash "look" looks good on me, who knew? Here I am spending all this money on good wool suits when all I really need is low rider jeans, denim shirts to tie at the waste and enough Wal Mart inspired camisoles to peak through....and did I miss something, or is REALLY BIG hair back?

Turner - that cucumber salad sounds really good. I have a hard time getting in my veggies, think I'll mix up a batch!

Going back on induction for a bit. I've just totally lost my discipline and I think I just need to start back at square one and take it one day at a time.

SHNUDI Tue, Oct-25-05 11:34

Hey everyone.
Kaizan, I've lost my discipline too and im not feeling very good at all...
I'm going back to induction as well to kick start my weight loss again....
Good luck

Kaizan Tue, Oct-25-05 12:33

Yaye Sharon - we can be induction buddies! I did really well last night, and then hubby poured me a glass of wine to go with my very Atkins friendly spicy shrimp over green salad and two glasses later I was like "oh crap..."

Oh well, I feel good cause I did really well food wise and went for about a 40 minute walk.

I don't consider myself a lush, but wine or martinis are such a natural part of my evening routine, that I think that's going to be my biggest challenge for the 2 week induction period...NO ALCOHOL...

SHNUDI Tue, Oct-25-05 14:19

I will start induction tomarrow.......
I start my work out schedule tomarrow too so it's a good day for me.
we can do this.....
Lets be buddies for sure...
I'd love that.
I keep making deals with people to stick together and it seems not to last...
I need a pal to keep me motivated to look super hot in a swim suit in january.....
going to Mexico with my hubby...
Ill let you know how my diet and workout goes tomarrow.....
say a prayer..
Good luck to you.

turner Wed, Oct-26-05 04:13

I wrote this in my journal and decided to share it.
It really isn't a pity party. Just an awakening???

"I also read the forum about confessions/what to do when you want to cheat/after you cheat. I know that I already knew this, but it says that if you must cheat you have to do it in public. I just realized that I cheated in private again last weeekend. I bought something to eat. Yes, I was in a city with 100,000 people and ate it in front of them;but I made sure that my mom and sister were no where around. I even called mama on her cell to make sure.
I have so much to learn and so far to go. I wonder how long it will take until I stop hiding from my family when I eat something that I know is not part of my WOE? The thing is, most of the time I do not even really want the thing. Take pralines, for example. I wasn't really hungry, bored, or angry. Yes, I was alone. I bought one when I could have done without it. I don't know why the pull towards eating that was so strong. And, no, one is not enough and was not enough. It was a tremendous effort to not buy another one. The next day, I ate one and then another one. I would have eaten all of them, but I didn't. I don't know why I didn't. I just didn't.
I wish that I could be someone who could be faced with these things on a daily basis and never, ever give in. I wish I could be someone who was not obsessed with food. I wish that I had a high metabolism, a cellulose free belly that was board flat, sculpted muscles, and a million dollars. At least two of those things should be possible.
Kathy (at the fitness center) said to up my cardio. Okay. But I am one of those who needs to see results soon. I just don't think that this layer of fat will really come off of my body. How can that be? I have been working out/exercising at least four days a week for the last four years and it is still there. As a matter of fact, in the last year and a half, it has gotten worse. This is so depressing! "

Kaizan Wed, Oct-26-05 12:26

Turner - I know how you feel about "cheating in private" now that my hubby is losing weight and my daughter is so proud of him (She's six, so this sounds like - I love my Daddy he's getting skinny and becoming a hottie) I find that I cheat when no one is around. I hide from a 6 year old, how lame is that?? And when she asks me why I don't go to the gym or do whatever that is active - and tell me if this isn't a horrible confession - I get so irritated I say things like - cause Mommy has to do all the work around here and doesn't have the time. Cause daddy takes time for himself and doesn't have to worry about whether he's spending enough time with you.

I mean, part of it is true. I work full time and spend so little time with my daughter as it is, I feel like going to the gym will even further cut into my time with her. My hubbies schedule allows him to work out for hours on most days while she is at school. But if I'm honest with myself - all we do is spend time in the house together. She's usually in her room playing or downstairs watching TV - and I'm upstairs doing chores, cooking or watching TV. Heck, I have a weight set in the basement, if that was really the case - i could work out on weights while she was down there and I would look fantastic!

So Turner, we all have our issues. If the cardio isn't working, have you tried weight training? What type of cardio do you do? the Body for life work out plan calls for no more than 20-30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week (with longer, weight lifting sessions the other 3 days, and one for rest.) Maybe putting some of your energy into lifting weights will help??

turner Thu, Oct-27-05 09:51

The weight sets or anything for exercise (and I probably have had enough over the years to set up a profitable gym in my neighborhood) seems to be really great for hanging clothes.

I have been doing alot of cardio, but if I am really honest with myself I would say that I don't work out hard enough to break out in a sweat.
I tried to look up that Body for Life that you do, but there is not really all that much (free) information on the web. What can you tell me?? Is it worth looking into? have you seen any noticable changes? They said noticable results in 12 weeks if you follow. Is this right? Can you do Atkins with this or would I have to worry about starting something else -- again?

turner Thu, Oct-27-05 09:54

and then I do another web search and it takes me right to the Body for Life website.

Kaizan Thu, Oct-27-05 15:04

They used to have the exercise schedule available free if you signed up for the current "challenge" but the book is only about $20 new and I'm sure there are scores of used ones available at Amazon or something for a lot less.

He has his own diet that you are supposed to follow to achieve maximum results - but I have met up with some folks in here that do Atkins and then the BFL exercise regime. His diet is "moderate" carbs - you're not allowed any of the sugary, bleached overly processed stuff, but each of your 6 meals (yup, 6) is supposed to have one fistful of carbs and one fistful of lean proteins. 2 of those meals are to be accompanied by veggies - and he has an approved foods list. Broken down, it's similar to what's allowed on the mainenance part of atkins, but not on induction. THough you are allowed one cheat day when you're supposed to eat whatever you want.

The work outs will kill you. You work out 6 days a week and his style of working out is guaranteed to bring about results in anyone, I feel. (Granted a really athletic person might not consider it challenging, but if we were really athletic most of us wouldn't be on this board now would we??)

My hubby has been following his eating plan (i've been cheating as we all know) and has been doing the work outs, he's lost a good 20 lbs - but the difference is more than in his weight - his shoulders are getting wider and (you should have seen him, it was so cute) he discovered his pecs again and was having fun playing with them (you know flexing, not rubbing his nipples or anything, lol)

turner Thu, Oct-27-05 17:16

I looked it up on overstock. Do you do the regular "Body for Life" or the "Body for Life for Women"?

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