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Kristine Sun, Jan-04-04 20:56

Catherine - I don't envy you. :daze: I love eggs and don't miss dairy so far (except coffee with cream. :tears: ) I'm going to treat myself to my favorite FF-legal foods, like chili and maybe a salmon steak later in the week. :yum:

*yawn* I think I'm off to bed. I'll probably read for a bit. I've had a bit of a detox headache all afternoon and evening, but it's not too bad. I think I can just push through it for a few days. :thup:


Laczkoskie Sun, Jan-04-04 21:35

Hey Roz! Great job on the 3 lbs. WAY TO GO! My DH told me today he ordered the fat flush book for me. WalMart had the best price. He even made a special trip to get it for me, but they were all out of them..He's a dear...I take back everything I said about him!!!Nyway got me cranberry juice cooling on the stove, my fridge stocked with good goodies, my flax grinder waiting to whirr AND I AM READY...TOMORROW HERE I COME! Only problem is that I snapped at the kids, refused to talk to my husband because he wouldn't take me out for Chinese "one last time" and pigged out on junk carbs all day. I can't wait for this day to end. Actually, I'm going to bed early. Only had 3 hrs of sleep last nite because the kids got up at 6:30 to go to Washington DC and I got home from a party at 2:30 the nite before. Think I'm just cranky from lack of sleep. So, ta ta. Until I flush tomorrow!!!Mary

Paulie-M Mon, Jan-05-04 06:06

Hi Everyone,

I'm still sticking with KIS, but I'm finding I'm still hungry, which I never was on Atkins induction. I miss my bacon for breakfast but the only dairy I'm missing is a bit of cheese to nibble on, even the lack of coffee and tea doesn't bother me. I did jump on the scales yesterday in a fit of madness and found I'd lost 2lbs :thup:. So I know it is working.

Any suggestions on what to do if the hunger pangs continue?

Kristine Mon, Jan-05-04 08:22

Pauline - maybe you need more fat. Try to choose fattier meats, like regular ground beef and chicken legs. Or you may just need to eat more overall. Maybe going back to for a day or two will shed some light on what you need. :idea:

As for me... 3 lbs of water weight gone in 24 hrs. :eek: :cool:

chrisews Mon, Jan-05-04 08:27

That is so funny Jasmine... yes, absolutely, if it said scales... American would expect at least

Well, here I am ready for day 4... I am trying just a little coffee, almost black, Anything else in the morning nauseates me, it's so odd, so I did have a cup of decaf, almost black this morning and I'm off to do my WAP tape.

Good Kissing and flushing everyonw. chris

Demi Mon, Jan-05-04 09:05

As for me... 3 lbs of water weight gone in 24 hrs

LOL Kristine - me too!

I couldn't believe it when I stepped on the scales this morning :yay: but I'm definitely not complaining ;)

Having another good KISS day today - I'm also busy cooking up some 'legal' snacks to munch on (as I was quite hungry yesterday). Have already cooked a pile of chicken drumsticks, and I'm going to make some meatballs this afternoon - actually I'm not going to make the quantity suggested in that particular recipe - but I thought with a little bit of adaption, it would make a great KISS recipe :)

amiee3377 Mon, Jan-05-04 09:06

Hello everyone

I just stopped by to say that I started a kiss thread in November and I really wish that we could make one kiss thread if that is ok. I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes I would just like for everyone to come together and support each other.

Happy New Year!!!

Kristine Mon, Jan-05-04 10:33

Hi Aimee. :wave: I honestly only included KIS in this thread because I figured I'd be the only Fat Flusher! :) KIS is far more accessable since it's just a modification of Atkins.

I prefer smaller, multiple challenge threads over one big one - I find it easier to keep up with. I also prefer being with people who started at the same time I did. But that's just my personal preference. If anyone jumps ship, I'm certainly not offended. :)

Demi - WTG. :thup: I'd never suggest to a newbie that they hop on the scale daily, but I'm doing it because I'm truly interested in how this process works. I'm fascinated. I mean, that was the equivalent of *three bags of sugar* as water in me somewhere! :eek: I'll be really curious to see what happens on day 4 or 5, where I've heard some say they get really thirsty in the middle of the night and have to get up to "go" a few times. I wonder why that happens.

Anyway... see y'all later!

doreen T Mon, Jan-05-04 11:22

Good morning everybody!! :wave:

Kristine and Demi WTG :thup: Never ever discount the initial water weight loss. You don't need to be towing it around in your body, choking off your cells so that they can't release fat efficiently. So says Gittleman in Fat Flush, chapter 2, in the section "When Fat is not Fat". ;)

I didn't have a stellar day yesterday as the first day of Fat Flush, since my digestive tract was in gaseous rebellion against some sugar-free candies I'd indulged in the day before :rolleyes:. So, I didn't eat my veggies and generally underate all day, although I stuck to the plan's food choices.

Anyway .. I'm all set today, and looking forward to normal-sized ankles and an unbloated waistline!! :D

I'm enjoying the cranwater too .. heated in the microwave with a dot of stevia, it makes a very pleasant "tisane" :cool:


doreen T Mon, Jan-05-04 11:36

Originally Posted by Paulie-M
Any suggestions on what to do if the hunger pangs continue?

Devilled eggs?

For half a dozen boiled eggs ... cut in half, mash up the yolks with a small (3 oz / 85g) can of tuna, a finely chopped green/spring onion, ½ tsp dry mustard powder, squeeze of fresh lemon juice or some pure apple cider vinegar, salt & pepper to taste (if using that) and enough olive oil to moisten and hold it together. Pack the yolk mixture back into the egg white shells, and cover tightly. Should keep for 2 - 3 days. You might choose to add some cayenne or a chopped seeded jalapeño, or maybe some finely chopped fresh or dried dillweed too.


Seto Kaiba Mon, Jan-05-04 11:41

I'm here and on day 5. (KIS) And I'm down some bloat!

KUTGW everyone!

cwfgirl Mon, Jan-05-04 15:44

Day 1 of KISS
Start Stats = 179 lbs. 41-34-40.5

Morning started out okay but now I've got a major headache. Not unusual though :rolleyes: Food seems to be okay so far but I'm missing my cheese already. I know I'll make it if I just keep it one day at a time. Geeze, I sound like an alanon meeting....LMAO! :agree: Looking forward to my evening Curves workout. I'm also going to make some homemade mayo tonight (egg, olive oil and spices) to mix in with some tuna for snack tomorrow and to try with making deviled eggs.

Kudos to everyone who started last week and is already losing :yay: :yay:

Demi Mon, Jan-05-04 15:52

KISSing Meatballs
Have just had meatballs with stir-fried shredded cabbage and chopped tomatoes for dinner and thought that the KISSers mighty be interested in the recipe:

KISSing Meatballs

1lb/500g ground beef
¼ onion - finely chopped
¼ tsp garlic granules
1 tsp Italian seasoning*
Approx 6 drops of Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp tomato puree

Mix all ingredients together well.
Mould the mixture into meatballs - about the size of a table tennis ball – makes approximately 12 meatballs. Then roll in one in a little olive oil before placing on a shallow baking tray.
Bake in a pre-heated oven (350°F/180°C/Gas 4) for about 30 minutes, turning occasionally.
* Italian Seasoning is a combination of dried oregano, thyme, parsley, basil, sage, black pepper and bay leaves. You could make up your own combination.

Serve on a bed of shredded cabbage stir-fried in olive oil with a couple of finely chopped tomatoes.

Jbbrennan Mon, Jan-05-04 17:41

KISsing meatballs!
That sounds wonderful! I knew someone would come up with something for the pound of hamburger meat I've been defrosting all day. Thanks, Demi!

Today's foods:

B: two eggs, five left over shrimps, and olive oil

L: chicken breast, reheated in olive oil lunch
(really need to find some veggies right about now)

D: meatballs, with salad, or something fried in olive oil.

Goal for tomorrow: buy some different kinds of oils!

Laczkoskie Mon, Jan-05-04 18:12

HA! Here I am 3/4 of a day into the flush and I can't believe that the 175 pounds I was this morning is now 170!!! I got on the scale twice and then a third time. I know it is water because I thought my sugar was up with all the peeing I did. I'm excited. Here's the scoop: Long life coctail for am followed by hot lemon juice and water before b'fast. One egg was all i had time for. Lunch salad with lettuce carrot radishes 2 oz. chicken breast and 1 hrdboiled egg with o/v & flax oil drizzle. Snack large bottle of cranwater with 2 tbls whey powder and 2 tbls flax oil shaken well drank at the laundromat because my washer broke - I had six loads to do!! Supper witll be lemon juice hot water b/4 and roast beef broccoli salad and whatever veeggies move me at the time....Later YEA YEA!! Mary

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