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hellraiser Sat, Oct-18-03 20:29

Countdown to 140!
Hi all!

Anyone wanting to join a countdown to 140?

I've reached 149 and I noticed there aren't many people counting down to this weight, we are not too fat nor too skinny, so we need to get together and support each other.

So, come aboard, introduce yourself, state your stats and let's go!

Hellraiser: 149 pounds

CalicoCat Sun, Oct-19-03 14:22

You can count me in Hellraiser!
I am 149 too and I can’t wait to be 140. I hope this challenge will keep my motivation high. I hope it will also keep me from cheating too much on my birthday. :cheer:

hellraiser Sun, Oct-19-03 19:16

Alright! Welcome. Let's hope more people join us.
For now the stats are:

Hellraiser: 149
CalicoCat: 149

To join us just copy these stats and add yours. :)

funnyface Sun, Oct-19-03 19:23

Count me in as well! I only have three pounds to go, but I'm having a terrible time getting there! I seem to be stuck at this weight :( Can't wait to drop below this blasted 143, and I know you guys will help!

Here's to us all!

hellraiser Sun, Oct-19-03 19:34

Welcome aboard funnyface! :)

hellraiser: 149
CalicoCat: 149
funnyface: 143

hellraiser Mon, Oct-20-03 18:38

Anybody else joining us?


CalicoCat Tue, Oct-21-03 13:09

It is the first time I do a countdown. Hellraiser, what do you mean by:” To join us just copy these stats and add yours”. Also, what kind of posts is appropriate to write in this tread? I haven’t found a sticky explaining those things and I don’t want to be out of line.

hellraiser Tue, Oct-21-03 14:05

CalicoCat: I already added your stats to the list:

hellraiser: 149
CalicoCat: 149
funnyface: 143

There's 3 of us now on this challenge. You can post anything you want that has to do with your daily strugle to loose weight; food, exercise, cheats, waterintake, suplements, mood changes, sucesses and frustrations. We are here to read it all and to post ours too.

Today I went for the last fitting of my wedding dress at 149. I wish it was less but it isn't. Drinking lots of water and not cheating at all. Waiting to see results...


CalicoCat Wed, Oct-22-03 08:32

I haven’t lost any weight for the last week. :mad:
I was a little depressed about it so I did what is best to do when I am depressed, I worked out! Working out makes me feels good about myself and it makes me fell thinner even when the scale doesn’t agree. :yay: It doesn’t really shows because I have so much fat around my muscles but I can feel it and that’s the important thing for now!

The good thing with the low carbs is that since I am not starving, I don’t cheat when I am frustrated, depressed or angry. When I was on low fat, I was constantly starving. People call it eating your emotions. I hate that expression so much! OK, when I am starving and have an other stress coming down on me, I reduce the stress by eating. It’s called survival not eating my emotions! Anyway, low carbing got rid of that problem and I feel so good about myself, so in control of what I eat.

Since there are so few of us in this forum, would it be appropriate to post a little something about ourselves to know each other better?

hellraiser Wed, Oct-22-03 08:47

CalicoCat: I was reading your post and it looked like I had written it. I feel exactly the same as you when I'm frustrated with hunger or just feeling bad. The good think about Atkins is that I just eat a piece of cheese or a bit or celery with mayo and it cools my bad mood off.

I also haven't lost any weight for more than a week now though I haven't cheated at all. I'm still exercising though this last week also has been too busy for me with the last preparations for my wedding.

Please do post things about you as it inspires all the others, if we just talk about the food it will be really boring! :)


CalicoCat Wed, Oct-22-03 14:10

Hellraiser, I just went looking at the picture of your wedding dress. It is just so beautiful; it brought a little mist into my eyes… I remember my own wedding and certainly understand how busy you must be at the moment. I guess you will get plenty of rest in your honeymoon… :sunny:

What kind of exercises are you usually doing?

Fiona mcK Thu, Oct-23-03 03:26

Hello! Can I join you. I have fallen off the wagon and not only need to lose the last 10 pounds, but need to start in a two week induction again. This is just the inspiration I need.

hellraiser: 149
CalicoCat: 149
funnyface: 143
Fiona Mck: 145

CalicoCat Thu, Oct-23-03 07:50

Welcome aboard Fiona!

Here’s a little about myself.

I do my share of working out every day(well, almost everyday). I have problems with both my knees and my elbows so the first 20 minutes workout is design to help my knees. The second 20 minutes is a melting pot of many Pilate videotapes. I took every exercise that I could do (not involving knees or elbows) on each tape, and it gave me a 20 minutes workout. I used to walk at least 3 km each evening but my knees kept going worst so I stopped. I only walk every week now. The knees seem to get a little better, I am hoping for the best! I took on a lot of that weight not being able to move from my chair. Even with an extremely low fat diet, I was getting bigger and my self-esteem was getting lower.

Even when I was able to do a lot of sport, I was never loosing weight with the low fat thing. At best, my weight was staying stable. People were often saying to me: ”You only have to do a little sport and you will loose those extra pounds”. A little sport! I was already at the gym 3 times a week. On every of the other days I was doing other sports like swimming or skating and I was walking every night! Because I was overweight, everyone was assuming I was a lazy potato couch. It was hurting me so much! :cry:
I was constantly refusing myself food, was exercising every day and all that everyone could see was a lazy women who eats lots of junk food. How could that be possible!

The low fat diets are quite acid and my stomach and guts were constantly hurting. Pepto Bismol was my best friend! I am so glad I found the low carbs WOE! :yay:

hellraiser Thu, Oct-23-03 12:55

CalicoCat: I sail almost every day, but now that is over as here in Toronto the boats are coming out of the water this weekend.

I also do 45 minutes of heavy weight every other day.

Same here Calico, I was a very active person and exercised a lot and was always chubby, but could practice sports that skinny people could not do!

Fiona mcK: welcome!


CalicoCat Fri, Oct-24-03 08:13

Yesterday, I used for the first time.
Wow! I was impressed! Maybe I will get a clue at what I am doing wrong when I know more about those percentages. How much calories should I eat? For now, I only know what a normal person should eat. What are the percentages of carbs, fat and protein for a Low Carber? And even there, I suppose those ratios are not the same for someone on Atkins and someone on SB11. I am not even sure on what I am right now. Hopefully, something healthy, that works and have lot less carbs that a regular diet.

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